原创 英語日更第187天。奶奶

My grandma has 76 years old. I only can saw her in the  holidays,when I back to my hometown. Yesterday I get a message,

原创 英語日更第186天. 女兒做冰激凌

My daughter is three years old. She is very lovely. And this story happened yesterday.我女兒三歲了.她非常可愛.這個故事發生在昨天。 Yesterday

原创 英語日更第185天。人生路

Everyone has his life. You don't know what  he has been through, So you can't say anything about his life.每個人都有自己的生活.不知

原创 英語日更第184天。恢復正常

Everything will be okay.Everything will gone. The time is magic.一切都會變好,一切都會過去.世間又有魔力 From last Saturday,  This all week,

原创 英語日更第183天,禍不單行

As the old saying goes, Troubles never come singly.This week,  We have a lot of trouble in my family. First is my daugh

原创 英語日更第182天。上班,假期過得如何

How is your holiday? Today we will go to work, The holiday always so quick. I went to my hometown, It's the time of  wh

原创 英語日更第181天。溝通從今天開始,先了解別人,才能更認識自己

Seek first to understand, Then to be understood.這句話什麼意思? We all want to share ourselves, When you want to talk with oth

原创 英語日更第180天。雙贏思維

The mode of thinking ,  win-win. Our social environment  always tell us,You should be alone, You should do things by yo

原创 英語日更第179天。以始爲終

Begin with the end  In mind.What's the meaning?以始爲終.什麼意思呢?You know,Before we do everything , We will do it in our mind.

原创 英語日更第178天。要事第一

We do something in the life, Always because it is very urgent,  But maybe not important. Are you the same?生活中做某件事,往往不是因

原创 英語日更第177天。積極主動

To be proactive.Everyone should be.Live is not long.If you want to give your life to others,you can tangping(躺平).If you

原创 英語日更第176天。失眠的連鎖反應

I lost my sleep at last Sunday night. When I went to bed, I think about something. Then I can't sleep.Until  3:00 in th

原创 英語日更第175天。爲什麼要買保險

Have you ever bought insurance? Which type of it? Do you know why you bought it?你買過保險嗎?你買過什麼品種?你知道你爲什麼買保險嗎?In China, 

原创 英語日更第174天。什麼是學生思維

What is the student thinking.I think, The most important performance, Is this two  Points.什麼是學生思維。我認爲學生思維,主要有兩點表現。The f

原创 英語日更第173天。茶

Do you like drink tea?你想喝茶嗎? I like the  red tea. Because  I have a bad stomach .If I drink green tea,  My stomach will