Yahtzee遊戲 By C++11規範

Yahtzee遊戲 By C++11規範



//standard namespace
using namespace std;
//Struct of Menu
struct MenuOptionNumberAndContent
    int  Item_Number;
    char Item_Content[100];
struct MenuOptionNumberAndContent Option[13] = {
    { 1, ". Aces" },
    { 2, ". Twos" },
    { 3, ". Threes" },
    { 4, ". Fours" },
    { 5, ". Fives" },
    { 6, ". Sixes" },
    { 7, ". 3 of a Kind" },
    { 8, ". 4 of a Kind" },
    { 9, ". Full Houses" },
    { 10,". Small Straight" },
    { 11,". Large Straight" },
    { 12,". Yahtzee" },
    { 13,". Chance" }
//declaration of function named SwapSortNumber
void SwapSortNumber        (int a, int b);
int CalculateDicesPlusOne  (int arrayIndex[6]);
int CalculateDicesPlusTwo  (int arrayIndex[6]);
int CalculateDicesPlusThree(int arrayIndex[6]);
int CalculateDicesPlusFour (int arrayIndex[6]);
int CalculateDicesPlusFive (int arrayIndex[6]);
int CalculateDicesPlusSix  (int arrayIndex[6]);
int BubbleSortInGame       (int arrayIndex[6]);
int CalculateScoreByDices  (int arrayIndex[6]);
int SameNumerOfThree       (int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f);
int SameNumerOfFive        (int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f);
//the variable
int array_dices[6];                 //array of dices
int random_seed = 0;             //random seed
int total_Score = 0;                /*the mark calculation*/
//calculator of number 
int numofOne_dices   = 0;
int numofTwo_dices   = 0;
int numofThree_dices = 0;
int numofFour_dices  = 0;
int numofFive_dices  = 0;
int numofSix_dices   = 0;
//Difference between two Number
int difference = 0;
int option_id;
char holdOrRoll[6];                 //h & r
int main()
    cout << "Please Enter the Random_seed_Number :";
    cin >> random_seed;
    for (int option_cycle_index = 0; option_cycle_index < 13; option_cycle_index++){
        cout << "Round " << (option_cycle_index + 1) << " is going..." << endl;
        cout << "Rolling the dices..." << endl;
        cout << "The dices were:";
        //initial first Six dices
        for (int array_dices_cycle_index = 0; array_dices_cycle_index < 5; array_dices_cycle_index++){
            //seed calculation
            array_dices[array_dices_cycle_index] = rand() % random_seed;
            cout << array_dices[array_dices_cycle_index];
        cout << endl << "What re-rolls? ";
        //input the array include    
        for (int hold_or_roll_cycle_index = 0; hold_or_roll_cycle_index < 5; hold_or_roll_cycle_index++){
            cin >> holdOrRoll[hold_or_roll_cycle_index];
                if (holdOrRoll[hold_or_roll_cycle_index] == 'r')
                    array_dices[hold_or_roll_cycle_index] = rand() % random_seed;
                else    ;
        cout << "You got:";
        //you got the new or keep the old num
        for (int new_array_dices_cycle_index = 0; new_array_dices_cycle_index < 5; new_array_dices_cycle_index++){
        //Calculate the account of the same numner among the six dices
            if (array_dices[new_array_dices_cycle_index] == 1)
                numofOne_dices += 1;
            else if (array_dices[new_array_dices_cycle_index] == 2)
                numofTwo_dices += 1;
            else if (array_dices[new_array_dices_cycle_index] == 3)
                numofThree_dices += 1;
            else if (array_dices[new_array_dices_cycle_index] == 4)
                numofFour_dices += 1;
            else if (array_dices[new_array_dices_cycle_index] == 5)
                numofFive_dices += 1;
            else if (array_dices[new_array_dices_cycle_index] == 6)
                numofSix_dices += 1;
            //output the dices
            cout << array_dices[new_array_dices_cycle_index] << " ";
        cout << endl;                           
        //Use an ReferenceArray which initial as 1 to 13 to imitate the step switch of the Menu Option
        int the_referenceArray[13] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 };
        //Output the MenuOptionContent and MenuOptionID
        for (int option_cycle_index = 0; option_cycle_index < 13; option_cycle_index++){
            if (Option[option_cycle_index].Item_Number != 0)
                cout << Option[option_cycle_index].Item_Number << Option[option_cycle_index].Item_Content << endl;
        //c in the optionID and if this id can not be accepted, you have to input it again until it can be accepted
        while (cin){
            cout << "Please choose an option:";
            cin >> option_id;
            //Because the range of the MenuOptioID id 1 to 13, but wo only can switch it by begin with 0,
            //so we can set an switchid which equal to the (optionid - 1)
            int switchid = option_id - 1;
            //if Option[switchid].Item_Number is valid
            if (Option[switchid].Item_Number){
                switch (switchid){
                  //if we choose the option 1
                  case 0:  {
                    total_Score += CalculateDicesPlusOne(array_dices);
                    //set the number and id to 0,that it can be out put in the next cycle;
                    the_referenceArray[0] = NULL;
                    Option[0].Item_Number = NULL;
                    //out put the totalscore
                    cout << "The score of first six categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    cout << "The score of all categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                  //if we choose the option 2
                  case 1:  {
                    total_Score += CalculateDicesPlusTwo(array_dices);
                    //set the number and id to 0,that it can be out put in the next cycle;
                    the_referenceArray[1] = NULL;
                    Option[1].Item_Number = NULL;
                    //out put the totalscore
                    cout << "The score of first six categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    cout << "The score of all categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                  //if we choose the option 3
                  case 2:  {
                    total_Score += CalculateDicesPlusThree(array_dices);
                    //set the number and id to 0,that it can be out put in the next cycle;
                    the_referenceArray[2] = NULL;
                    Option[2].Item_Number = NULL;
                    //out put the totalscore
                    cout << "The score of first six categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    cout << "The score of all categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                  //if we choose the option 4
                  case 3:  {
                    total_Score += CalculateDicesPlusFour(array_dices);
                    //set the number and id to 0,that it can be out put in the next cycle;
                    the_referenceArray[3] = NULL;
                    Option[3].Item_Number = NULL;
                    //out put the totalscore
                    cout << "The score of first six categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    cout << "The score of all categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                  //if we choose the option 5
                  case 4:  {
                    total_Score += CalculateDicesPlusFive(array_dices);
                    //set the number and id to 0,that it can be out put in the next cycle;
                    the_referenceArray[4] = NULL;
                    Option[4].Item_Number = NULL;
                    //out put the totalscore
                    cout << "The score of first six categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    cout << "The score of all categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                  //if we choose the option 6
                  case 5:  {
                    total_Score += CalculateDicesPlusSix(array_dices);
                    //set the number and id to 0,that it can be out put in the next cycle;
                    the_referenceArray[5] = NULL;
                    Option[5].Item_Number = NULL;
                    //out put the totalscore
                    cout << "The score of first six categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    cout << "The score of all categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                  //if we choose the option 7
                  case 6:  {
                    total_Score += CalculateScoreByDices(array_dices);
                    //set the number and id to 0,that it can be out put in the next cycle;
                    the_referenceArray[6] = NULL;
                    Option[6].Item_Number = NULL;
                    //out put the totalscore
                    cout << "The score of first six categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    cout << "The score of all categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                  //if we choose the option 8
                  case 7:  {
                    total_Score += CalculateScoreByDices(array_dices);
                    //set the number and id to 0,that it can be out put in the next cycle;
                    the_referenceArray[7] = NULL;
                    Option[7].Item_Number = NULL;
                    //out put the totalscore
                    cout << "The score of first six categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    cout << "The score of all categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                  //if we choose the option 9
                  case 8:  {
                    //if we have 3 same number and the remain number are the same as eachother
                    total_Score += SameNumerOfThree(numofOne_dices, numofTwo_dices, numofThree_dices,numofFour_dices, numofFive_dices, numofSix_dices);
                    //out put the totalscore
                    cout << "The score of first six categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    cout << "The score of all categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    //set the number and id to 0,that it can be out put in the next cycle;
                    the_referenceArray[8] = NULL;
                    Option[8].Item_Number = NULL;
                  //if we choose the option 10
                  case 9:  {
                    //begin the bubble sort to make the numbers which are sorted by  From small to large 
                    difference = BubbleSortInGame(array_dices);
                    //then calculate the account of the index with difference between two number                                
                    if (difference == 4)
                        total_Score += 30;
                    //out put the totalscore
                    cout << "The score of first six categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    cout << "The score of all categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    //set the number and id to 0,that it can be out put in the next cycle;
                    the_referenceArray[9] = NULL;
                    Option[9].Item_Number = NULL;
                  //if we choose the option 11
                  case 10: {
                    //begin the bubble sort to make the numbers which are sorted by  From small to large 
                    difference = BubbleSortInGame(array_dices);
                    //then calculate the account of the index with difference between two number                        
                    if (difference == 5)
                        total_Score += 40;
                    //out put the totalscore
                    cout << "The score of first six categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    cout << "The score of all categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    //set the number and id to 0,that it can be out put in the next cycle;
                    the_referenceArray[10] = NULL;
                    Option[10].Item_Number = NULL;
                  //if we choose the option 12
                  case 11: {
                    //if we have 5 same number 
                    total_Score += SameNumerOfFive(numofOne_dices, numofTwo_dices, numofThree_dices,numofFour_dices, numofFive_dices, numofSix_dices);
                    //out put the totalscore
                    cout << "The score of first six categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    cout << "The score of all categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    //set the number and id to 0,that it can be out put in the next cycle
                    the_referenceArray[11] = NULL;
                    Option[11].Item_Number = NULL;
                  //if we choose the option 13
                  case 12: {
                    total_Score += CalculateDicesPlusThree(array_dices);
                    //out put the totalscore
                    cout << "The score of first six categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    cout << "The score of all categories is " << total_Score << endl;
                    //set the number and id to 0,that it can be out put in the next cycle
                    the_referenceArray[12] = NULL;
                    Option[12].Item_Number = NULL;
                //input again
            //break the current Cycle
void SwapSortNumber(int a, int b){
    int c;
    c = a;
    a = b;
    b = c;
int BubbleSortInGame(int arrayIndex[6]){
    int temp = 0;
    void SwapSortNumber(int a, int b);
    for (int fisrstCycle_index = 0; fisrstCycle_index < 5; fisrstCycle_index++){
        for (int SecondCycle_index = fisrstCycle_index + 1; SecondCycle_index < 5; SecondCycle_index++){
            if (arrayIndex[fisrstCycle_index] > arrayIndex[SecondCycle_index])
                SwapSortNumber(arrayIndex[fisrstCycle_index], arrayIndex[SecondCycle_index]);
    //then calculate the difference between two number
    for (int fisrstCycle_index = 0; fisrstCycle_index < 5; fisrstCycle_index++){
        for (int SecondCycle_index = fisrstCycle_index + 1; SecondCycle_index < 5; SecondCycle_index++){
            if (arrayIndex[SecondCycle_index] - arrayIndex[fisrstCycle_index] == 1)
                temp += 1;
    return temp;
int CalculateScoreByDices(int arrayIndex[6])
    int temp = 0;
    for (int array_dices_index = 0; array_dices_index < 5; array_dices_index++){
        temp += arrayIndex[array_dices_index];
    return temp;
int CalculateDicesPlusOne(int arrayIndex[6])
    int temp = 0;
    for (int array_dices_index = 0; array_dices_index < 5; array_dices_index++){
        if (arrayIndex[array_dices_index] == 1)
            temp += 1;
    return temp;
int CalculateDicesPlusTwo(int arrayIndex[6]){
    int temp = 0;
    for (int array_dices_index = 0; array_dices_index < 5; array_dices_index++){
        if (arrayIndex[array_dices_index] == 2)
            temp += 2;
    return temp;
int CalculateDicesPlusThree (int arrayIndex[6]){
    int temp = 0;
    for (int array_dices_index = 0; array_dices_index < 5; array_dices_index++){
        if (arrayIndex[array_dices_index] == 3)
            temp += 3;
    return temp;
int CalculateDicesPlusFour(int arrayIndex[6])   {
    int temp = 0;
    for (int array_dices_index = 0; array_dices_index < 5; array_dices_index++){
        if (arrayIndex[array_dices_index] == 4)
            temp += 4;
    return temp;
int CalculateDicesPlusFive(int arrayIndex[6])       {
    int temp = 0;
    for (int array_dices_index = 0; array_dices_index < 5; array_dices_index++){
        if (arrayIndex[array_dices_index] == 5)
            temp += 5;
    return temp;
int CalculateDicesPlusSix(int arrayIndex[6])        {
    int temp = 0;
    for (int array_dices_index = 0; array_dices_index < 5; array_dices_index++){
        if (arrayIndex[array_dices_index] == 6)
            temp += 6;
    return temp;
int SameNumerOfThree(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f)
    int temp = 0;
    if ((a == 3 && (b == 2 || c == 2 || d == 2 || e == 2 || f == 2)) ||
        (b == 3 && (a == 2 || c == 2 || d == 2 || e == 2 || f == 2)) ||
        (c == 3 && (b == 2 || a == 2 || d == 2 || e == 2 || f == 2)) ||
        (d == 3 && (b == 2 || c == 2 || a == 2 || e == 2 || f == 2)) ||
        (e == 3 && (b == 2 || c == 2 || d == 2 || a == 2 || f == 2)) ||
        (f == 3 && (b == 2 || c == 2 || d == 2 || e == 2 || a == 2)))
            temp += 25;
            temp += 0;
    return temp;
int SameNumerOfFive (int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) {
    int temp = 0;
    if (a == 5 || b == 5 || c == 5 ||
        d == 5 || e == 5 || f == 5)
        temp += 50;
    return temp;
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