numberField Adding a thousand separator

* Copyright(c) 2011
* Licensed under the terms of the Open Source LGPL 3.0
* @author Greivin Britton, [email protected]
* @changes
* No currency symbol by default
* No decimalPrecision in config
* Supporting any character as thousand separator
* Improved getFormattedValue
* Removed unnecessary code to create format template, now using float.toFixed(this.decimalPrecission)

Ext.ux.NumericField = function(config){
var defaultConfig =
style: 'text-align:right;'
};, Ext.apply(defaultConfig, config));

//Only if thousandSeparator doesn't exists is assigned when using decimalSeparator as the same as thousandSeparator
if(this.useThousandSeparator && this.decimalSeparator == ',' && Ext.isEmpty(config.thousandSeparator))
this.thousandSeparator = '.';
if(this.allowDecimals && this.thousandSeparator == '.' && Ext.isEmpty(config.decimalSeparator))
this.decimalSeparator = ',';

this.onFocus = this.onFocus.createSequence(this.onFocus);

Ext.extend(Ext.ux.NumericField, Ext.form.NumberField,
currencySymbol: null,
useThousandSeparator: true,
thousandSeparator: ',',
alwaysDisplayDecimals: false,
setValue: function(v){, v);

* No more using Ext.util.Format.number, Ext.util.Format.number in ExtJS versions
* less thant 4.0 doesn't allow to use a different thousand separator than "," or "."
* @param {Number} v
getFormattedValue: function(v){

if (Ext.isEmpty(v) || !this.hasFormat())
return v;
var neg = null;

v = (neg = v < 0) ? v * -1 : v;
v = this.allowDecimals && this.alwaysDisplayDecimals ? v.toFixed(this.decimalPrecision) : v;

if(this.useThousandSeparator && Ext.isEmpty(this.thousandSeparator))
throw ('NumberFormatException: invalid thousandSeparator, property must has a valid character.');

if(this.thousandSeparator == this.decimalSeparator)
throw ('NumberFormatException: invalid thousandSeparator, thousand separator must be different from decimalSeparator.');

var v = String(v);

var ps = v.split('.');
ps[1] = ps[1] ? ps[1] : null;

var whole = ps[0];

var r = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;

var ts = this.thousandSeparator;

while (r.test(whole))
whole = whole.replace(r, '$1' + ts + '$2');

v = whole + (ps[1] ? this.decimalSeparator + ps[1] : '');

return String.format('{0}{1}{2}', (neg ? '-' : ''), (Ext.isEmpty(this.currencySymbol) ? '' : this.currencySymbol + ' '), v);
* overrides parseValue to remove the format applied by this class
parseValue: function(v){
//Replace the currency symbol and thousand separator
return, this.removeFormat(v));
* Remove only the format added by this class to let the superclass validate with it's rules.
* @param {Object} v
removeFormat: function(v){
if (Ext.isEmpty(v) || !this.hasFormat())
return v;
v = v.replace(this.currencySymbol + ' ', '');

v = this.useThousandSeparator ? v.replace(new RegExp('[' + this.thousandSeparator + ']', 'g'), '') : v;
//v = this.allowDecimals && this.decimalPrecision > 0 ? v.replace(this.decimalSeparator, '.') : v;

return v;
* Remove the format before validating the the value.
* @param {Number} v
getErrors: function(v){
return, this.removeFormat(v));
hasFormat: function()
return this.decimalSeparator != '.' || this.useThousandSeparator == true || !Ext.isEmpty(this.currencySymbol) || this.alwaysDisplayDecimals;
* Display the numeric value with the fixed decimal precision and without the format using the setRawValue, don't need to do a setValue because we don't want a double
* formatting and process of the value because beforeBlur perform a getRawValue and then a setValue.
onFocus: function(){

Ext.reg('numericfield', Ext.ux.NumericField);

You can read the post in this blog and download the source there:


Visit this thread in the extjs forum

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