



' Files(文件列表)屬性

Public Property Get Files(Index As Integer) As XMLFile

    Set Files = List(Index)

End Property








'{ 添加一個文件到文件列表。Cable Fan 2009-08-18 }

Public Sub AddFile(AName As String, ATarget As String, AVersion As String, ADate As Date, AMain As Boolean)

    Dim j As Integer

    j = UBound(List)

    ReDim Preserve List(j + 1)

    Set List(j) = New XMLFile

    List(j).FileName = AName

    List(j).Target = ATarget

    List(j).FileVersion = AVersion

    List(j).FileDate = ADate

    List(j).FileMain = AMain

End Sub


'{ 清空文件列表。Cable Fan 2009-08-17 }

Public Sub ClearFiles()

    If UBound(List) <= 0 Then Exit Sub


    Dim i As Integer

    For i = UBound(List) - 1 To 0 Step -1

        Set List(i) = Nothing


    ReDim List(0)

End Sub































'{ XML配置保存到文件。Cable Fan 2009-08-17 }

Public Function Save(ConfigFile As String) As Boolean

    On Error GoTo CATCH


    ' 回寫配置值。

    Dim i As Integer

    Dim Root As IXMLDOMNode

    Dim Node As IXMLDOMNode

    Dim ItemNode As IXMLDOMNode


    Set Root = XmlDoc.documentElement

    If Root Is Nothing Then

        ' 創建僅有根結點的空白XML框架。

        XmlDoc.loadXML "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""gb2312""?><update/>"

        Set Root = XmlDoc.documentElement

    End If


    ' 更新版本信息。

    Set Node = GetChildNode(Root, "publish")

    ' Force

    Set ItemNode = GetChildNode(Node, "force")

    ItemNode.Text = IIf(m_Force, "1", "0")

    ' PublishDate

    Set ItemNode = GetChildNode(Node, "publishDate")

    ItemNode.Text = Format(m_PublishDate, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")

    ' Version

    Set ItemNode = GetChildNode(Node, "version")

    ItemNode.Text = m_Version

    ' Remark

    Set ItemNode = GetChildNode(Node, "remark")

    ItemNode.Text = m_Remark

    ' Run

    Set ItemNode = GetChildNode(Node, "run")

    ItemNode.Text = m_RunCmd


    ' 更新路徑配置。

    Set Node = GetChildNode(Root, "paths")

     ' ConfigUrl

    Set ItemNode = GetChildNode(Node, "configUrl")

    SetNodeAttr ItemNode, "url", m_ConfigUrl

     ' ConfigPath

    Set ItemNode = GetChildNode(Node, "configPath")

    SetNodeAttr ItemNode, "path", m_ConfigPath

     ' BaseUrl

    Set ItemNode = GetChildNode(Node, "baseUrl")

    SetNodeAttr ItemNode, "url", m_BaseUrl

     ' LocalPath

    Set ItemNode = GetChildNode(Node, "localPath")

    SetNodeAttr ItemNode, "url", m_LocalPath

     ' RemotePath

    Set ItemNode = GetChildNode(Node, "remotePath")

    SetNodeAttr ItemNode, "url", m_RemotePath


    '{ 更新文件列表。}

    Set Node = GetChildNode(Root, "files")


    ' 清空所有文件項。

    For i = Node.childNodes.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1

        Node.removeChild Node.childNodes(i)



    ' 依據列表添加文件項。

    For i = 0 To UBound(List) - 1

        Dim AXmlFile As XMLFile

        Set AXmlFile = List(i)

        Set ItemNode = XmlDoc.createElement("file")

        Set ItemNode = Node.appendChild(ItemNode)


        SetNodeAttr ItemNode, "name", AXmlFile.FileName

        If AXmlFile.Target <> "" And AXmlFile.FileName <> AXmlFile.Target Then

            SetNodeAttr ItemNode, "target", AXmlFile.Target

        End If

        If AXmlFile.FileMain Then SetNodeAttr ItemNode, "main", "1"

        If AXmlFile.FileVersion <> "" Then

            SetNodeAttr ItemNode, "version", AXmlFile.FileVersion


            SetNodeAttr ItemNode, "date", AXmlFile.FileDate

        End If



    XmlDoc.Save (ConfigFile)

    Save = True


    Exit Function


    MsgBox "無法保存XML配置。" & vbCrLf & Err.Description

    Save = False

End Function


'{ 查找並創建(如果不存在)指定結點指定名稱的屬性,並更新屬性爲指定值。Cable Fan 2009-08-17 }

Private Sub SetNodeAttr(Node As IXMLDOMNode, AttrName As String, AttrValue As String)

    Dim Attr As IXMLDOMNode

    Set Attr = Node.Attributes.getNamedItem(AttrName)

    If Attr Is Nothing Then

        Set Attr = XmlDoc.createAttribute(AttrName)

        Set Attr = Node.Attributes.setNamedItem(Attr)

    End If

    Attr.nodeValue = AttrValue

End Sub


'{ 查找並創建(如果不存在)指定結點中指定名稱的子結點。Cable Fan 2009-08-17 }

Private Function GetChildNode(PNode As IXMLDOMNode, S As String) As IXMLDOMNode

    Dim i As Integer

    Dim Node As IXMLDOMNode


    For i = 0 To PNode.childNodes.Length - 1

        Set Node = PNode.childNodes(i)

        If Node.nodeName = S Then

            Set GetChildNode = Node

            Exit Function

        End If



    Set Node = XmlDoc.createElement(S)

    Set Node = PNode.appendChild(Node)

    Set GetChildNode = Node

End Function

















































































































'{ 開始執行下載更新。Cable Fan 2009-08-13 }

Private Sub StartUpdate()

    ' 處理更新配置文件。

    Dim AppPath As String ' 程序安裝目錄

    Dim SourceFile As String ' 源文件(不含路徑)

    Dim DestFile As String ' 目標文件(含路徑)

    Dim UpdateNeeded As Boolean ' 是否需要更新。


    AppPath = ExtractFilePath(AppFile)

    Print #FileLog, "更新下載地址“" & XmlConfig.BaseUrl & "”。"

    Print #FileLog, "程序安裝路徑“" & AppPath & "”。"


    Print #FileLog, "待下載更新文件數:" & XmlConfig.FileCount

    ' 獲取下載文件列表

    Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To XmlConfig.FileCount 1

    If Canceled Then Exit For 取消時退出循環。


        SourceFile = XmlConfig.Files(i).FileName

        Print #FileLog, "正在準備更新文件(" & i + 1 & "/" & XmlConfig.FileCount & "):“" & SourceFile & "”。"


        If XmlConfig.Files(i).FileMain Then

            DestFile = AppFile

            Print #FileLog, "下載更新主程序:“" & DestFile & "”。"


            DestFile = AppPath & XmlConfig.Files(i).Target

            Print #FileLog, "下載更新一般文件:“" & DestFile & "”。"

        End If


        ' 檢查文件版本。

        lblStatus.Caption = "正在檢查文件版本..."

        lblFile.Caption = "當前文件:" & SourceFile

        UpdateNeeded = False

        If XmlConfig.Files(i).FileVersion = "" Then ' 無版本號的文件比較文件修改時間。

            UpdateNeeded = (XmlConfig.Files(i).FileDate > GetFileModifiedDate(DestFile))

            Print #FileLog, "比較文件修改時間。"


            UpdateNeeded = (CompareVersion(XmlConfig.Files(i).FileVersion, GetFileVersion(DestFile)) > 0)

            Print #FileLog, "比較文件版本號。"

        End If


        ' 按需要下載文件。

        If UpdateNeeded Then

            lblStatus.Caption = "正在下載文件..."

            lblFile.Caption = "當前文件:" & SourceFile

            If URLDownloadToFile(Me, XmlConfig.BaseUrl & SourceFile & "?time=" & _

                Format(Now, "yyyyMMddhhmmss"), DestFile, 0, Me) = 0 Then

                Print #FileLog, "下載成功。"


                Print #FileLog, "下載失敗。"

            End If


            Print #FileLog, "無需更新。"

            lblStatus.Caption = "文件無需更新..."

            lblFile.Caption = "當前文件:" & SourceFile

        End If





    ' 下載後運行命令。

    RunCmdLine XmlConfig.RunCmd


    ' 啓動主程序。

    Print #FileLog, "啓動更新後的主程序:“" & AppFile & "”。"

    lblStatus.Caption = "正在啓動程序..."

    If FileExists(AppFile) Then Shell AppFile, vbNormalFocus


    ' 結束更新程序。

    Finished = True

    lblStatus.Caption = "正在結束更新程序..."

    Timer1.Interval = 2000 ' 延遲2000毫秒結束程序。

    Timer1.Enabled = True

End Sub


'{ 執行命令行。Cable Fan 2009-08-15 }

Private Sub RunCmdLine(CmdLine As String)

    On Error GoTo CATCH

    Print #FileLog, "下載後執行命令行:“" & CmdLine & "”。"

    If CmdLine <> "" Then WinExec CmdLine, 1

    Print #FileLog, "執行命令行:“" & CmdLine & "”成功。"

    Exit Sub


    Print #FileLog, "執行命令行:“" & CmdLine & "”時失敗:" & Err.Description

End Sub
























































































Implements olelib.IBindStatusCallback



'{ 更新顯示下載進度狀態。Cable Fan 2009-08-13 }

Private Sub IBindStatusCallback_OnProgress(ByVal ulProgress As Long, ByVal ulProgressMax As Long, ByVal ulStatusCode As olelib.BINDSTATUS, ByVal szStatusText As Long)

    If ulProgressMax > 0 Then

        If InProgress Then

            InProgress = False

            lblStatus.Caption = "正在下載文件(" & Format(ulProgress / ulProgressMax, "0%") & ")..."


        End If

        ProgressBar1.Min = 0: ProgressBar1.Max = ulProgressMax: ProgressBar1.Value = ulProgress

    End If


End Sub
















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