JavaScript 学习,什么是JavaScript01

JavaScript 的功能

JavaScript is recognized as a full programming language, capable of complex calculations and interactions, including closures, anonymous (lambda) functions, and even metaprogramming.

JavaScript 的学习曲线

JavaScript is at once a very simple and very complicated language that takes minutes to learn but years to master.

JavaScript 的历史

As the Web gained popularity, a gradual demand for client-side scripting languages developed. At the time, most Internet users were connecting over a 28.8 kbps modem even though web pages were growing in size and complexity. Netscape,at that time on the cutting edge of technological innovation,begin seriously considering the development of a client-side scripting language to handle simple processing.

Brendan Eich, who worked for Netscape at the time, began developing a scripting language called Mocha, and later LiveScript, for the release of Netscape Navigator 2 in 1995, with the intention of using it both in the browser and on the server (where it was to be called LiveWire).

Netscape entered into a development alliance with Sun Microsystems to complete the implementation of LiveScript in time for release.Just before Netscape Navigator 2 was officially released, Netscape changed
LiveScript’s name to JavaScript to capitalize on the buzz(充分利用效应) that Java was receiving from the press(媒体).

Because JavaScript 1.0 was such a hit, Netscape released version 1.1 in Netscape Navigator 3. The popularity of the fledgling Web was reaching new heights, and Netscape had positioned itself to be the leading company in the market. At this time, Microsoft decided to put more resources into a competing browser named Internet Explorer. Shortly after Netscape Navigator 3 was released, Microsoft introduced Internet Explorer 3 with a JavaScript implementation called JScript (so called to avoid any possible licensing issues with Netscape). This major step for Microsoft into the realm of web browsers in August 1996 is now a date that lives in infamy for Netscape, but it also represented a major step forward in the development of JavaScript as a language.

Microsoft’s implementation of JavaScript meant that there were two different JavaScript versions floating around: JavaScript in Netscape Navigator and JScript in Internet Explorer. Unlike C and many other programming languages, JavaScript had no standards governing its syntax or features, and the three different versions only highlighted this problem. With industry fears mounting, it was decided that the language must be standardized。

In 1997, JavaScript 1.1 was submitted to the European Computer Manufacturers Association (Ecma) as a proposal. Technical Committee #39 was assigned to “standardize the syntax and semantics of a general purpose, cross-platform, vendor-neutral scripting language”,Made up of programmers from Netscape, Sun, Microsoft, Borland, NOMBAS, and other companies with interest in the future of scripting, TC39 met for months to hammer out ECMA-262, a standard defining a new scripting language named ECMAScript。

The following year, the International Organization for Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) also adopted ECMAScript as a standard (ISO/IEC-16262). Since that time, browsers have tried, with varying degrees of success, to use ECMAScript as a basis for their JavaScript implementations。

JavaScript 的实现

Though JavaScript and ECMAScript are often used synonymously, JavaScript is much more than just what is defined in ECMA-262.Indeed, a complete JavaScript implementation is made up of the following three distince parts:
1. The Core (ECMAScript)
2. The Cocument Object Model (DOM)
3. The Browser Object Model(BOM)


ECMAScript, the language defined in ECMA-262, isn’t tied to web browsers. (不受浏览器的约束).In fact, the language has no methods for input or output whatsoever. ECMA-262 defines this language as a base upon which more-robust scripting languages may be built.

Web browsers are just one host environment in which an ECMAScript implementation may exist.A host environment provides the base implementation of ECMAScript and implementation extensions designed to interface with the environment itself.Extensions, such as the Document Object Model (DOM), use ECMAScript’s core types and syntax to provide additional functionality that’s more specific to the environment.
Other host environments include NodeJS, a server-side JavaScript platform, and Adobe Flash.

What exactly does ECMA-262 specify if it doesn’t reference web browsers?On a very basic level, it describes the following parts of the language:

  1. Syntax
  2. Types
  3. Statements
  4. Keywords
  5. Reserved words
  6. Operators
  7. Objects
    ECMAScript is simply a description of a language implementing all of the facets described in the specification. JavaScript implements ECMAScript, but so does Adobe ActionScrip。

ECMAScript Editions

The different versions of ECMAScript are defined as editions (referring to the edition of ECMA-262 in which that particular implementation is described). The most recent edition of ECMA-262 is edition 5, released in 2009. The first edition of ECMA-262 was essentially the same as Netscape’s JavaScript 1.1 but with all references to browser-specific code removed and a
few minor changes: ECMA-262 required support for the Unicode standard (to support multiple languages) and that objects be platform-independent (Netscape JavaScript 1.1 actually had different implementations of objects, such as the Date object, depending on the platform). This was a major reason why JavaScript 1.1 and 1.2 did not conform to the first edition of ECMA-262.

The second edition of ECMA-262 was largely editorial. The standard was updated to get into strict agreement with ISO/IEC-16262 and didn’t feature any additions, changes, or omissions. ECMAScript implementations typically don’t use the second edition as a measure of conformance。

The third edition of ECMA-262 was the first real update to the standard. It provided updates to string handling, the definition of errors, and numeric outputs. It also added support for regular expressions, new control statements, try-catch exception handling, and small changes to better prepare the standard for internationalization. To many, this marked the arrival of ECMAScript as a
true programming language.

The fourth edition of ECMA-262 was a complete overhaul of the language. In response to the popularity of JavaScript on the Web, developers began revising ECMAScript to meet the growing demands of web development around the world. In response, Ecma TC39 reconvened to decide the future of the language. The resulting specification defined an almost completely new language based on the third edition. The fourth edition includes strongly typed variables, new statements and data structures, true classes and classical inheritance, and new ways to interact with data.

As an alternate proposal, a specification called “ECMAScript 3.1,” was developed as a smaller evolution of the language by a subcommittee of TC39, who believed that the fourth edition was too big of a jump for the language. The result was a smaller proposal with incremental changes to ECMAScript that could be implemented on top of existing JavaScript engines. Ultimately, the ES3.1 subcommittee won over support from TC39, and the fourth edition of ECMA-262 was abandoned before officially being published.

ECMAScript 3.1 became ECMA-262, fifth edition, and was officially published on December 3, 2009. The fifth edition sought to clarify perceived ambiguities of the third edition and introduce additional functionality. The new functionality includes a native JSON object for parsing and serializing JSON data, methods for inheritance and advanced property definition, and the inclusion of a new strict mode that slightly augments how ECMAScript engines interpret and execute code.

What Does ECMAScript Conformance Mean?

ECMA-262 lays out the definition of ECMAScript conformance. To be considered an implementation of ECMAScript, an implementation must do the following:
1. Support all “types, values, objects, properties, functions, and program syntax and semantics” (ECMA-262, p. 1) as they are described in ECMA-262.
2. Support the Unicode character standard.
Additionally, a conforming implementation may do the following:
3. Add “additional types, values, objects, properties, and functions” that are not specified in ECMA-262. ECMA-262 describes these additions as primarily new objects or new properties of objects not given in the specification.
4. Support “program and regular expression syntax” that is not defined in ECMA-262 (meaning that the built-in regular-expression support is allowed to be altered and extended).
These criteria(标准)give implementation developers a great amount of power and flexibility for developing new languages based on ECMAScript, which partly accounts for its popularity

ECMAScript Support in Web Browsers

Netscape Navigator 3 shipped with JavaScript 1.1 in 1996. That same JavaScript 1.1 specification was then submitted to Ecma as a proposal for the new standard, ECMA-262. With JavaScript’s explosive popularity, Netscape was very happy to start developing version 1.2. There was, however, one problem: Ecma hadn’t yet accepted Netscape’s proposal.

A little after Netscape Navigator 3 was released, Microsoft introduced Internet Explorer 3. This version of IE shipped with JScript 1.0, which was supposed to be equivalent to JavaScript 1.1. However, because of undocumented and improperly replicated features, JScript 1.0 fell far short of JavaScript 1.1.

Netscape Navigator 4 was shipped in 1997 with JavaScript 1.2 before the first edition of ECMA-262 was accepted and standardized later that year. As a result, JavaScript 1.2 is not compliant with the first edition of ECMAScript even though ECMAScript was supposed to be based on JavaScript 1.1.

The next update to JScript occurred in Internet Explorer 4 with JScript version 3.0 (version 2.0 was released in Microsoft Internet Information Server version 3.0 but was never included in a browser). Microsoft put out a press release touting(宣称) JScript 3.0 as the first truly Ecma-compliant scripting language in the world.At that time, ECMA-262 hadn’t yet been finalized, so JScript 3.0 suffered the same fate as JavaScript 1.2: it did not comply with the final ECMAScript standard.

Netscape opted to update its JavaScript implementation in Netscape Navigator 4.06 to JavaScript 1.3, which brought Netscape into full compliance(完全合规) with the first edition of ECMA-262. Netscape added support for the Unicode standard and made all objects platform-independent while keeping the features that were introduced in JavaScript 1.2.

When Netscape released its source code to the public as the Mozilla project, it was anticipated that JavaScript 1.4 would be shipped with Netscape Navigator 5. However, a radical decision to completely redesign the Netscape code from the bottom up derailed that effort. JavaScript 1.4 was released only as a server-side language for Netscape Enterprise Server and never made it into a web browser.

By 2008, the five major web browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera) all complied with the third edition of ECMA-262. Internet Explorer 8 was the first to start implementing the fifth edition of ECMA-262 specification and delivered complete support in Internet Explorer 9.Firefox 4 soon followed suit. The following table lists ECMAScript support in the most popular web browsers.

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