推薦工具: PowerShell Analyzer

開發代號爲Monad的Windows PowerShell, 是Microsoft基於.NET平臺爲Windows環境所開發的一種腳本語言, 類似於*nix環境的Shell Script, 原是用以替代Windows環境中的command prompt, 從PowerShell這個名字也可以猜出來, 致力於成爲Windows的Shell環境, 但是後來說它只是技術上的擴充. 其目標是: 讓管理員可以通過Windows PowerShell做任何在圖形界面下所能做的事情. 現Windows PowerShell已經推出了面向Windows XP, Windows Server 2003和Windows Vista的1.0版本.

PowerShell Analyzer的目標, 據其官方說法:

PowerShell Analyzer is a rich interactive environment for Windows PowerShell. Its goal is to be the PowerShell host of choice for IT professionals and system administrators. It has all the typical editor and IDE functionality that you would expect when working on a modern language, but it focuses on the real time interactive experience as if you were at the console, helping you compose the commands you want to use, and also giving you rich graphical visualization of the results. PowerShell may seem to just return text like the average Unix shell, but in reality, it is returning rich self describing Dotnet objects. PowerShell Analyzer not only helps you with the INPUT, but also with the output. It shows you the properties of the rich objects that the commands return, as well as specific visualizers to help you interact with output such as XML, HTML, charts, tables, and hierarchical data structures.

從Shell環境, 又返回到IDE環境, 這是否背離了Windows PowerShell設計的初衷還真是見仁見智的事情. 現在PowerShell Analyzer的版本是beta 4, 截圖如下:



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