The Zen of CSS(翻譯)(3)


    Zen Garden的前五個設計已經證明了這個項目最初的成功,只有默認的設計方法能夠在長時期內保持較高的可用性。該項目的默認設計中往往儘可能少地包含Tranquille,#002設計中,Salmon Cream Cheese有考慮過更直接使用tranquille的效果,值得慶幸的是,這一設計由於Tranquille而增色不少。

         在默認的設計中,所有的圖像與文字,除了文本的字體外,都是通過photoshop以手繪的方式作出的。在最初的設計中,Shea花費了整整一個小時的時間,用筆刷和墨水的效果一筆一畫地來表現標題的字體,但是後來,他卻發現Calligraphic 421字體是一個更好的選擇。(如圖)


         由於漢字的錯綜複雜、美妙無比,很多設計者都非常欣賞用漢字來表現出額外的細節。Shea 在設計中,試圖避免僅僅利用漢字神祕性與複雜性來表現思想,而是花費了更多的時間,讓佈局在頁面左上角的漢字的意義能夠使設計更爲豐滿。雖然經過了諸多的苦心經營,這些漢字元素只是粗略地表達了幾個意思:開始、結束、或者完整、熟練。




Default DesignTranquille

Though the first five designs would prove important for the project's initial success, only the default design would retain a high visibility over the long term. The subtle and minimal Tranquille was always designed to be the default, though design #002, Salmon Cream Cheese, was considered for a while due to its more immediate impact; thankfully, the decision was made in favor of Tranquille.

All images and text within the default design, aside from the body type, were digitally hand-painted in Adobe Photoshop. The intended rendering of the title text was a series of hand-painted calligraphic brushstrokes, but after spending an hour with a brush and india ink, Shea decided that the Calligraphic 421 font from Bitstream was a much more desirable option (FIGURE 12).


Figure 12. Calligraphic 421 samples.


Because Chinese characters are intricate and beautiful, many designers appreciate the extra detail they can add to a piece. Trying to avoid the typical Westerner method of joining a bunch of random Chinese characters together for mystique and detail, Shea spent some time researching the characters to add some meaning to the scroll hanging down from the top-left corner of the design. Well intentioned as this approach was, the result still ended up largely nonsensical anyway: The symbols chosen roughly represent a beginning, complete or whole, and skill in English.

Remember the project in grade school where you dumped some india ink onto a sheet of white paper, then blew on it with a drinking straw to create a black treelike shape, and finally pasted on crumpled pieces of tissue paper as "blossoms"? The tree in the bottom-right corner of the design grew out of fond memories of that project. As you can see from the screen shot, it went through a few revisions (FIGURE 13). The process involved sketching a rough outline with simple colors and then building up layered detail over top of it.


Figure 13. Building the tree illustration.

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