
  1. 由於單鏈表中無法獲取當前節點的前一節點,因此在刪除時必須要能獲取其前驅節點。
  2. 檢查單鏈表是否存在環:設定一快一慢兩個節點指針,快指針一次進兩步,慢指針一次進一步。如果單鏈表存在環,那麼快指針必定會追上慢指針。否則,快指針先到鏈表末尾。如果進一步需要判斷環入口,則繼續將慢指針重置到鏈表頭,然後和慢指針一樣,每次前進一步,再次重合的點即爲環的入口。注意該方法的結果對快慢指針的起始位置相當敏感,必須統一設定爲單鏈表的頭結點,否則會出錯。
  3. 獲取單鏈表倒數第K個節點有兩種算法:常規算法是按照倒數第K個節點等於順序第N-K+1個節點(其中N代表單鏈表的長度),所以先求出單鏈表的總長度N然後順序遍歷找出第N-K+1個節點即可;第二種算法是由於單鏈表尾節點與倒數第K節點的距離是確定的,因此當兩個相距爲K的節點中的一個移動到單鏈表的結尾時,另一節點必定指向倒數第K個節點,因此算法設計是首先從鏈表頭開始順序找出第K個節點A,然後定義另一節點B,二者同時移動,當A到達單鏈表的結尾時,B同時到達倒數第K個節點。注意K值是從1開始的。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h> //提供bool類型的變量定義 

typedef struct _node node;
typedef node* mList;
struct _node{
    node* next;
    int data;   

mList CreateList()
    mList header = (mList)malloc(sizeof(node));
    header->next = NULL;
    header->data = 0;
    return header;

Find the node whose next node->data is data. We don't handle the header node here.
node* FindNode(mList list,int data)
    node* index_node = list;

    if (index_node->data == data)
        return NULL;

    while(index_node->next->next != NULL){
        if (index_node->next->data == data)
            return index_node;
            index_node = index_node->next;
    return index_node;

Insert data at the position specified by position. insert-back
mList InsertNode(mList list,int pos, int data){

    node* position = FindNode(list,pos);
    node* new_node = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));

    if (new_node == NULL){
        printf ("Out of Resources !!!\n");

    // the data is going to be inserted at the header of the list. 
    if (position == NULL){
        new_node->next = NULL;
        list->next = new_node;
        new_node->data = data; 
        new_node->data = data;
        new_node->next = position->next->next;
        position->next->next = new_node;
    return list;
Delete the node behind the node specified by pos
mList DeleteNode(mList list, int pos)
    node* position=FindNode(list,pos);
    // if the header is about to be deleted.
    if (position == NULL)
        return list->next;
        position->next = position->next->next;
        return list;

//Check if the list has a loop, if it has then get the entry of the loop.
node* FindLoop(mList list)
    node* fast_node = list;
    node* slow_node = list;
    while ((fast_node->next != NULL) && (fast_node->next->next != NULL)){
        printf("fast_node: %d, slow_node: %d\n",fast_node->data,slow_node->data);
        fast_node = fast_node->next->next;
        slow_node = slow_node->next;
        if  (fast_node == slow_node){
            // find the loop, continue to find the entrance.
            fast_node = list;
            while(fast_node != slow_node){
                fast_node = fast_node->next;
                slow_node = slow_node->next;
            return fast_node;
    return NULL;

//Check if the two lists has interface. assume that the list has a loop and not and
//then handle these two situationa relatively.

// get the Kth node from the back of the list.
node* GetKth(mList list, unsigned int k)
    unsigned int index = 1;
    node* node_index = list;
    node* result_node = list;
    while(index++ < k)
        node_index = node_index->next;
    while(node_index->next != NULL){
        result_node = result_node->next;
        node_index = node_index->next;
    return result_node;    

// reverse the list.( do not use the head-insert) 
mList Reverse(mList list)


void PrintList(mList list)
    mList index_list = list;
    while(index_list->next != NULL){
        printf ("%d -> ",index_list->data);
        index_list = index_list->next;
    printf ("%d end \n",index_list->data);
// find the last node form the list
node* FindLastNode(mList list)
    mList temp_list = list;
    while (temp_list->next != NULL)
        temp_list = temp_list->next;
    return temp_list;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int a[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
    int loop[]={100,101,102,103};
    char i=0;
    node* loop_entrance = NULL;
    unsigned int k=1;
    node* kth_node = NULL;// the Kth node from the back of the list.
    // create a loop list.
    mList loop_list = CreateList();
    mList header = loop_list;
    loop_list->data = loop[0];
    for (i=1; i<(sizeof(loop)/sizeof(loop[0])); i++)
        node* temp_node = (node*) malloc(sizeof(node));
        temp_node->data = loop[i];
        loop_list->next = temp_node;
        loop_list = loop_list->next;
    loop_list->next = header;

    mList list = CreateList();
    list->data = a[0];
    for (i=0; i<(sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))-1; i++)
        list = InsertNode(list,a[i],a[i+1]);
    node* last_node = FindLastNode(list);
    //last_node->next = header;

    // handle the list.
    list = DeleteNode(list,a[8]);

    if ((loop_entrance = FindLoop(list)) == NULL)
        printf("there is no loop in this list \n");
        printf("find a loop in this list, its entrance is %d \n",loop_entrance->data);

    kth_node = GetKth(list,k);
    printf("the %dth node from the back of the list is:%d \n",k,kth_node->data);
    return 0;
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