



I use the great RBGui for my project, therefor I need to use the current Ogre CVS version, namely Shoggoth. I have fresh CVS and SVN versions of Ogre, OgreOde and ode on my computer. To compile OgreOde you need to copy your ode version to the OgreOde directory.

Open ogreode/scripts/OgreOde_Source.sln. Visual Studio complains that ode_Source.vcproj is missing. Remove it from the projects list in the Solution Explorer and add ogreode/ode/build/vs2005/ode.sln afterwards. Then rightclick OgreOde_Core, click Project Dependencies, mark ode and click OK.

Ogre_Ode Core

Open the Project Properties for OgreOde_Core. Go to Configuration Properties->C++ and edit the include directories. Replace ../../../OgreMain/include by your Ogre version. If you downloaded Ogre and all the addons to the same directory, that would be ../../../../ogrenew/OgreMain/include. In Configuration Properties->Linker replace the additional Library Directory for ogre by your path. In the case described above that would be ../../../../ogrenew/lib. In Configuration Properties->Build Events->Post-Build Event remove the command line. This is not necessary because the library will compile anyway, but maybe you want to know where that strange post build error comes from.

Do all this both for the debug and release configuration.

In my current OgreOde version are some errors, I hope they will be removed in time. To compile OgreOde anyway

in ogremovableobject.h change this line:

        virtual void visitRenderables(Renderable::Visitor* visitor, 
        			bool debugRenderables = false) = 0;


        void visitRenderables(Ogre::Renderable::Visitor* visitor, bool debugRenderables = false) = 0;

in OgreOdeGeometry.h in the constructor of TriangleMeshGeometry change this line

        dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple(_data,(const dReal*)_vertices, (int)vertex_count, (int*)_indices, (int)index_count); 


        dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple(_data,(const dReal*)_vertices, (int)vertex_count, (dTriIndex*)_indices, (int)index_count);

You should now be able to compile the project OgreOde_Core. Do so.

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