Spring Data Redis

1. redisConnectionFactory: 集中管理連接
2. redisTemplate:
    2.1 原文:The template offers a high-level abstraction for Redis interactions. While RedisConnection offers low level methods that accept and return binary values (byte arrays), the template takes care of serialization and connection management, freeing the user from dealing with such details.
    2.2 說明:從2.1我們可以看出redisTemplate提供了一個更高抽象級別做交互。
3. redisCacheManager:
    當我們把Redis作爲緩存使用時,可以結合Spring Cache相關。此時用到了redisCacheManager。
4. jedis
    jedis客戶端,像操作數據庫一樣, 使用redis的原生命令執行操作。
    疑問:爲什麼使用redisTemplate:官網上的回答:Once configured, the template is thread-safe and can be reused across multiple instances.




4.1   Redis高可用RedisSentinelConfiguration
4.2   As with the other Spring templates, RedisTemplate and StringRedisTemplate allow the developer to talk directly to Redis through the RedisCallback interface. This gives complete control to the developer as it talks directly to the RedisConnection. Note that the callback receives an instance of StringRedisConnection when a StringRedisTemplate is used.
4.3  序列化相關

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