Zen Cart 官方網站無法訪問!

最近需要到 zen cart 的官方網站查詢一些資料,卻發現無法訪問!在網上搜索一番以後,原來如此。

Zen Cart官網屏蔽中國用戶訪問的真正原因

作者:【鵬程萬里】 日期:2011-03-26

準備在Zen Cart官網(zen-cart.com)上找個插件,突然發現網站打不開了,但通過代理網站可以訪問。開始是懷疑是被Z.F的防火牆給屏蔽了,轉念一想又不對:Zen Cart只是技術網站,封他沒有必要。實在想不通原因,就到Zen Cart官網的論壇中詢問一下。


Does anyone know why users from China cannot visit www.zen-cart.com? pls help!

Zen Cart官方迴應:過去的兩個月中,“成百上千”來自中國地區的用戶,不停地在論壇中發垃圾信息(廣告和外鏈),所以沒辦法就把中國的IP段給屏蔽了。

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we have been getting slammed with spam originating in China and have had to block multiple IPs.
Spam is unwanted posting that contains advertisements and/or links to other sites that have nothing to do with Zen Cart.
Over the past month or two, we have been getting hundreds & hundreds of spam posts on the Zen Cart forum that have originated from IPs in China.
We understand that it is difficult for legitimate users to access the forum, but until the spamming stops, we have no choice.



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