JOJ-2033-Towers of Hanoi

Tomorrow is Kate's birthday,  Kate is a lovely girl aged 20. This Contest  is held for her birthday and I want everyone will be happy today. My name is sea .I'm not so good at English and Programming. But when I know that it is possible to have a personal contest on JOJ. I want to have a try. Just for her.

Kate : Wish you beauty and healthy forever

happy birthday!

Do you know the game "Towers of Hanoi"?  It is a very famous game. But people stopped moving discs from peg to peg after they know the number of steps needed to complete the entire task !  Kate loves the game. She want to know how many times she has to  move the disks at least to complete the game?

As we all know , for n disks the game takes 2^n-1 moves at least. But kate want to know the exact numble. Sea want to tell her ,but he is poor at math. So he want to write a program to help her.

Input Specification

Each line contains a numbe 'N' (0 <= N <= 500). N stand for the number of the disks.

Output Specification

Just output the least time that kate has to move the disks to complete the game. one per line.

Sample Input


Sample Output


#include<iostream> using namespace std; const int MAX=501; const int D=1000000000; const int width=9; void main() { int fact[MAX][17]={0};//151/9==16.777 int len[MAX]={0}; fact[0][0]=1; len[0]=1; for(int i=1;i<MAX;++i) { int c=0; int idx=0; for(idx=0;idx<len[i-1];++idx) { int t=fact[i-1][idx]*2+c; fact[i][idx]=t%D; c=t/D; } if(c>0) { len[i]=len[i-1]+1; fact[i][idx]=c; } else len[i]=len[i-1]; } int n; while(cin>>n) { if(len[n]==1) { cout<<fact[n][len[n]-1]-1<<endl; continue; } cout<<fact[n][len[n]-1]; for(int i=len[n]-2;i>0;--i) { cout.width(width); cout.fill('0'); cout<<fact[n][i]; } cout.width(width); cout.fill('0'); cout<<fact[n][0]-1; cout<<endl; } }


说简单点就是用数组计算2的乘幂 两点教训:第一,要计算2^0。在这道题里可能很自然考虑到,然而在一道计算N!的程
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