
誤區一:We write papers and give talks mainly to impress others, gain recognition, and get promoted。寫paper的目標是: to infect the mind of your readers with your idea, like a virus.

一般人寫paper的流程是Idea->do research->write paper,這是錯誤的,應該是Idea->write paper->do research,這樣一來,我們的思路就會更清晰,更集中到一個idea中,而且可以很清楚的知道我們的不足之處,更重要的是,paper的發表爲我們提供了和別人交流與合作的機會。


寫paper的目的: To convey your idea. 所有的一切都是爲了這個簡單的目標服務的。需要注意的是,paper的目的不是爲了描述一個什麼系統。那麼怎麼才能很好的convey your idea呢?有以下幾步:

1. Here is a problem

2. It’s an interesting problem

3. It’s an unsolved problem

4. Here is my idea

5. My idea works (details, data)

6. Here’s how my idea compared to others’ approaches

Abstract (4 sentences)
Introduction( 1page)
The problem (1 page)
My idea( 2 pages)
The details (5 pages)
Related work ( 1-2 pages)
Conclusions and further work (0.5 pages)

Abstract: 通常最後寫,因爲abstract是給評委會看的,他們決定看哪些。Abstract中的四句分別是

1. State the problem

2. Say why it’s an iteresting problem

3. Say what your solution achieves

4. Say what follows from your solution

Introduction: 這裏主要講清楚兩件事情,一件是描述問題,另一件是State your contributions. 僅此而已。

在描述問題的過程中可以使用例子來說明,contributions的寫法很重要,因爲The list of contribution list drives the entire paper: the paper substantiates the claims you have made.讀者會想:天啊,如果這玩意兒真的搞出來了,那多有意思,我得接着看。。。

contributions should be refutable. 就像下面的對比,

(bad) We describe the WizWoz system. It’s really cool.

(good)  We give the syntax and semantics of a language that supports concurrent processes( Section 3). Its innovative features are…


(bad)  We study its properties.

(good) We prove that the type system is sound, and that type checking is decidable (Section 4)

(bad) We have used WizWoz in practice

(good) We have built a GUI toolkit in WizWoz, and used it to implement a text editor (Section 5). The result is half the length of the Java version.

The problem (1 page)

My idea (2 pages)

The details (5 pages)

對於這三部分,首先需要面臨的問題是,paper中至此還沒有對related work的介紹,這時容易犯兩種錯誤,一種是過多的描述使得讀者感到疲勞,另一種是直接描述你的idea導致讀者一頭霧水,完全不知道你在說什麼。按照以下的順序,每次只描述一個問題:






Related work

誤區三: 爲了使自己的工作看上去更好,要使別人的工作看上去一無是處。

事實上,應該給予別人的工作充分的肯定,像這樣“In his inspiring paper [Foo 98] Foogle shows… We develop his foundation in the following ways.. “

最後,注意少使用被動語態,多使用主動語態,如We, You;多使用短小的句式,少使用複雜的句式。

還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.