網易雲課堂 商務英語


what are your greatest strengths?

work well under pressure.(抗壓能力)

-tell us about your three greatest strengths.

-well,I work well under pressure and I am self-motivated.

-I can manager myself quite well. I am a very efficient person. 

公關,與人打交道   Interpersonal skill(人際交往能力)

-work well with multicultural workforce(和五湖四海的人打交道)

-for this position, communication is key.

-so what can you offer us for this role?

-I have very strong interpersonal skills.

-I can also work well with multicultural and diverse workforces.

OK, Good, It's a good answer, and when can you

-willing to assume responsibilities.(承擔責任)

leadership skills(領導家才能)

-this is a position of leadership (這是一個領導崗位)

-So I wondering what qualities could you offer us?

-well, I have a lot of leadership experience.

-So I am willing to assume these responsibilities.


Simplicity, Efficitncy.



-I ‘m sorry, John is in a meeting at the moment.

-May I  take a message?

-I 'll just see if she's available.

-hold the line,please.

4 小短語

I almost agree(根本不同意)

Yeah, that sounds good, which one?


would you mind if I say goodbye to a few people?(你介意我跟幾個朋友說聲再見嗎?)

why don't you join us?

that 's very kind of you.(感謝你的好意)


focus on something.

I think we should focus our attention on the overseas market first, what do you think ?

you have a point , we can start discussing that.(你說的很有道理)

keep in mind == remember someting.

But the quality levels have to be qualified as well.


In the interest of (符合....的利益)

International practice(國際慣例)

well, all good things must come to an end, but I'm sure well meet again.(天下沒有不散的宴席,但我相信我們還會再見的。)

Have I give you my card ?(我給你我的名片了嗎?)

have a  good flight home,bon voyage.(一路順風,一路平安)

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