


Master clock:每一個音頻子系統都需要一個主時鐘,通常被稱作MCLK或者SYSCLK,主時鐘可以來自外部晶振,鎖相環或者CPU系統時鐘.某些時鐘源是

DAI(digital audio interface) Clocks:通常由BCLK驅動(bit clock),主要用來驅動CPU和codec之間的數據鏈路.
同時 DAI 在每個audio封包的開始也有一個幀時鐘.這個時鐘也常被成爲 LRCLK(左右聲道時鐘).這個時鐘的頻率和採樣率頻率相同.

BCLK = MCLK / x 或者 BCLK = LRC * x 或者 BCLK = LRC * Channels * Word Size


如果IC支持:常常可以看到我們用codec來驅動 audio clock,因爲它的採樣率通常都會被CPU準很多

ASoC Platform Driver:
1.一個ASoC平臺驅動可以分爲 音頻DMA 和DAI 的配置和控制.它只針對CPU進行實現,絕不包含任何單板相關內容.

a.Audio DMA
一般 可支持ALSA(advanced linux sound arch)操作:

/* SoC audio ops */
struct snd_soc_ops {
    int (*startup)(struct snd_pcm_substream *);
    void (*shutdown)(struct snd_pcm_substream *);
    int (*hw_params)(struct snd_pcm_substream *, struct snd_pcm_hw_params *);
    int (*hw_free)(struct snd_pcm_substream *);
    int (*prepare)(struct snd_pcm_substream *);
    int (*trigger)(struct snd_pcm_substream *, int);


struct snd_soc_platform_driver {
    char *name;

    int (*probe)(struct platform_device *pdev);
    int (*remove)(struct platform_device *pdev);
    int (*suspend)(struct platform_device *pdev, struct snd_soc_cpu_dai *cpu_dai);
    int (*resume)(struct platform_device *pdev, struct snd_soc_cpu_dai *cpu_dai);

    /* pcm creation and destruction */
    int (*pcm_new)(struct snd_card *, struct snd_soc_codec_dai *, struct snd_pcm *);
    void (*pcm_free)(struct snd_pcm *);

     * For platform caused delay reporting.
     * Optional.
    snd_pcm_sframes_t (*delay)(struct snd_pcm_substream *,
        struct snd_soc_dai *);

    /* platform stream ops */
    struct snd_pcm_ops *pcm_ops;

b.SoC DAI Drivers
每個DAI 必須提供以下描述信息:
1) 數字音頻接口的描述信息
2) 數字音頻接口的配置信息
3) PCM的相關描述說明
4) SYSCLK 的配置
5) Suspend(掛起) and resume(恢復) (可選)

ASoC 的DAI目前支持三種接口:AC97,I2S,PCM
1.AC97(Audio Codec97)


1997年後,市場上出現的PCI聲卡大多數已經開始符合AC97規範,把模擬部分的電路從聲卡芯片中獨立出來,成爲一塊稱之爲“Audio Codec”(多媒體數字信號編解碼器)
的小型芯片,而聲卡的主芯片即數字部分則成爲一塊稱之爲“Digital Control”(數字信號控制器)的大芯片。

I2S協議比較靈活,控制器或者CODEC均可驅動 BCLK和 LRCLK(和採樣率相同)
很少有設備擁有獨立的DAC和ADC LRCLK。這樣可以允許捕獲和播放時採用不同的頻率.



四線接口,和I2S類似.當tx rx傳送/接受數據,BCLK和SYNC線用來同步



ASoC Design

Dynamic Audio Power Management (DAPM)

ASoC 基本上將嵌入式音頻系統劃爲三個部分:
2.Platform driver: 平臺驅動程序包含音頻DMA引擎和音頻接口驅動程序(如I2S,AC97,PCM)
3.Machine driver:控制任何與機器相關的特殊操作和音頻事件(在播放開始前打開一個放大器)

power domains within DAPM
1. Codec domain - VREF, VMID (core codec and audio power)
2. Platform/Machine domain
3. Path domain
4. Stream domain

DAPM Widgets
o Mixer - Mixes several analog signals into a single analog signal.
o Mux - An analog switch that outputs only one of many inputs.
o PGA - A programmable gain amplifier or attenuation widget.
o ADC - Analog to Digital Converter
o DAC - Digital to Analog Converter
o Switch - An analog switch
o Input - A codec input pin
o Output - A codec output pin
o Headphone - Headphone (and optional Jack)
o Mic - Mic (and optional Jack)
o Line - Line Input/Output (and optional Jack)
o Speaker - Speaker
o Supply - Power or clock supply widget used by other widgets.
o Pre - Special PRE widget (exec before all others)
o Post - Special POST widget (exec after all others)

Stream Domain Widgets

Stream Widgets relate to the stream power domain and only consist of ADCs
(analog to digital converters) and DACs (digital to analog converters).
SND_SOC_DAPM_DAC(name, stream name, reg, shift, invert),

Path Domain Widgets

SND_SOC_DAPM_PGA(name, reg, shift, invert, controls, num_controls)

/* Output Mixer */
static const snd_kcontrol_new_t wm8731_output_mixer_controls[] = {
SOC_DAPM_SINGLE("Line Bypass Switch", WM8731_APANA, 3, 1, 0),
SOC_DAPM_SINGLE("Mic Sidetone Switch", WM8731_APANA, 5, 1, 0),
SOC_DAPM_SINGLE("HiFi Playback Switch", WM8731_APANA, 4, 1, 0),

SND_SOC_DAPM_MIXER("Output Mixer", WM8731_PWR, 4, 1, wm8731_output_mixer_controls,

Platform/Machine domain Widgets
o Speaker Amp
o Microphone Bias
o Jack connectors
A machine widget is assigned to each
machine audio component (non codec) that can be independently powered.

static int spitz_mic_bias(struct snd_soc_dapm_widget* w, int event)
    gpio_set_value(SPITZ_GPIO_MIC_BIAS, SND_SOC_DAPM_EVENT_ON(event));
    return 0;

SND_SOC_DAPM_MIC("Mic Jack", spitz_mic_bias),

Codec Domain
Virtual Widgets

Sink, Path, Source
snd_soc_dapm_connect_input(codec, sink, path, source);

Machine Widget Interconnections

/* ext speaker connected to codec pins LOUT2, ROUT2  */
{"Ext Spk", NULL , "ROUT2"},
{"Ext Spk", NULL , "LOUT2"},

Endpoint Widgets:

An endpoint is a start or end point (widget) of an audio signal within the
machine and includes the codec. e.g.

o Headphone Jack
o Internal Speaker
o Internal Mic
o Mic Jack
o Codec Pins

snd_soc_dapm_set_endpoint(codec, “Widget Name”, 0);

DAPM Widget Events

/* turn speaker amplifier on/off depending on use */
static int corgi_amp_event(struct snd_soc_dapm_widget *w, int event)
    gpio_set_value(CORGI_GPIO_APM_ON, SND_SOC_DAPM_EVENT_ON(event));
    return 0;

/* corgi machine dapm widgets */
static const struct snd_soc_dapm_widget wm8731_dapm_widgets =
    SND_SOC_DAPM_SPK("Ext Spk", corgi_amp_event);

Event types

The following event types are supported by event widgets.

/* dapm event types */
#define SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE_PMU    0x1     /* before widget power up */
#define SND_SOC_DAPM_POST_PMU   0x2     /* after widget power up */
#define SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE_PMD    0x4     /* before widget power down */
#define SND_SOC_DAPM_POST_PMD   0x8     /* after widget power down */
#define SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE_REG    0x10    /* before audio path setup */
#define SND_SOC_DAPM_POST_REG   0x20    /* after audio path setup */

ASoC Codec Driver:
Each codec driver must provide the following features:-

1) Codec DAI and PCM configuration
2) Codec control IO - using I2C, 3 Wire(SPI) or both APIs
3) Mixers and audio controls
4) Codec audio operations

Optionally, codec drivers can also provide:-

5) DAPM description.
6) DAPM event handler.
7) DAC Digital mute control.

Each codec driver must have a struct snd_soc_dai_driver to define its DAI and
PCM capabilities and operations. This struct is exported so that it can be
registered with the core by your machine driver.

static struct snd_soc_dai_ops wm8731_dai_ops = {
    .prepare    = wm8731_pcm_prepare,
    .hw_params  = wm8731_hw_params,
    .shutdown   = wm8731_shutdown,
    .digital_mute   = wm8731_mute,
    .set_sysclk = wm8731_set_dai_sysclk,
    .set_fmt    = wm8731_set_dai_fmt,

struct snd_soc_dai_driver wm8731_dai = {
    .name = "wm8731-hifi",
    .playback = {
        .stream_name = "Playback",
        .channels_min = 1,
        .channels_max = 2,
        .rates = WM8731_RATES,
        .formats = WM8731_FORMATS,},
    .capture = {
        .stream_name = "Capture",
        .channels_min = 1,
        .channels_max = 2,
        .rates = WM8731_RATES,
        .formats = WM8731_FORMATS,},
    .ops = &wm8731_dai_ops,
    .symmetric_rates = 1,

Codec control IO:

The codec can usually be controlled via an I2C or SPI style interface
(AC97 combines control with data in the DAI). The codec drivers provide
functions to read and write the codec registers along with supplying a
register cache:-

/* IO control data and register cache */
    void *control_data; /* codec control (i2c/3wire) data */
    void *reg_cache;
    unsigned int (*read)(struct snd_soc_codec *, unsigned int);
    int (*write)(struct snd_soc_codec *, unsigned int, unsigned int);

Codec hardware IO functions - usually points to either the I2C, SPI or AC97

hw_write_t hw_write;
hw_read_t hw_read;

Mixers and audio controls:

All the codec mixers and audio controls can be defined using the convenience
macros defined in soc.h.

#define SOC_SINGLE(xname, reg, shift, mask, invert)

Defines a single control as follows:-

xname = Control name e.g. “Playback Volume”
reg = codec register
shift = control bit(s) offset in register
mask = control bit size(s) e.g. mask of 7 = 3 bits
invert = the control is inverted

Codec Audio Operations

The codec driver also supports the following ALSA operations:-

/* SoC audio ops */
struct snd_soc_ops {
    int (*startup)(struct snd_pcm_substream *);
    void (*shutdown)(struct snd_pcm_substream *);
    int (*hw_params)(struct snd_pcm_substream *, struct snd_pcm_hw_params *);
    int (*hw_free)(struct snd_pcm_substream *);
    int (*prepare)(struct snd_pcm_substream *);

DAPM description.

The Dynamic Audio Power Management description describes the codec power
components and their relationships and registers to the ASoC core.
Please read dapm.txt for details of building the description.

DAPM event handler

This function is a callback that handles codec domain PM calls and system
domain PM calls (e.g. suspend and resume). It is used to put the codec
to sleep when not in use.

Power states:-

SNDRV_CTL_POWER_D0: /* full On */
/* vref/mid, clk and osc on, active */

SNDRV_CTL_POWER_D1: /* partial On */
SNDRV_CTL_POWER_D2: /* partial On */

SNDRV_CTL_POWER_D3hot: /* Off, with power */
/* everything off except vref/vmid, inactive */

SNDRV_CTL_POWER_D3cold: /* Everything Off, without power */

Codec DAC digital mute control

Most codecs have a digital mute before the DACs that can be used to
minimise any system noise. The mute stops any digital data from
entering the DAC.

A callback can be created that is called by the core for each codec DAI
when the mute is applied or freed.


static int wm8974_mute(struct snd_soc_dai *dai, int mute)
    struct snd_soc_codec *codec = dai->codec;
    u16 mute_reg = snd_soc_read(codec, WM8974_DAC) & 0xffbf;

    if (mute)
        snd_soc_write(codec, WM8974_DAC, mute_reg | 0x40);
        snd_soc_write(codec, WM8974_DAC, mute_reg);
    return 0;

ASoC Machine Driver

The ASoC machine (or board) driver is the code that glues together the platform
and codec drivers.

/* SoC machine */
struct snd_soc_card {
    char *name;


    int (*probe)(struct platform_device *pdev);
    int (*remove)(struct platform_device *pdev);

    /* the pre and post PM functions are used to do any PM work before and
     * after the codec and DAIs do any PM work. */
    int (*suspend_pre)(struct platform_device *pdev, pm_message_t state);
    int (*suspend_post)(struct platform_device *pdev, pm_message_t state);
    int (*resume_pre)(struct platform_device *pdev);
    int (*resume_post)(struct platform_device *pdev);


    /* CPU <--> Codec DAI links  */
    struct snd_soc_dai_link *dai_link;
    int num_links;


Machine DAI Configuration

The machine DAI configuration glues all the codec and CPU DAIs together. It can
also be used to set up the DAI system clock and for any machine related DAI
initialisation e.g. the machine audio map can be connected to the codec audio
map, unconnected codec pins can be set as such.

struct snd_soc_dai_link is used to set up each DAI in your machine. e.g.

/* corgi digital audio interface glue - connects codec <--> CPU */
static struct snd_soc_dai_link corgi_dai = {
    .name = "WM8731",
    .stream_name = "WM8731",
    .cpu_dai_name = "pxa-is2-dai",
    .codec_dai_name = "wm8731-hifi",
    .platform_name = "pxa-pcm-audio",
    .codec_name = "wm8713-codec.0-001a",
    .init = corgi_wm8731_init,
    .ops = &corgi_ops,

struct snd_soc_card then sets up the machine with its DAIs. e.g.

/* corgi audio machine driver */
static struct snd_soc_card snd_soc_corgi = {
    .name = "Corgi",
    .dai_link = &corgi_dai,
    .num_links = 1,
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