
最近纔看過了“愛微微”的雕塑展, 原本不知道他是何人,後經過政府的大力宣傳,纔開始關注他的作品。他的作品12生肖還是挺生動的,我比較認同他創作的初衷。完全沒有必有以舉國之力來買回那些被搶走的東西,圓明園的12生肖本不是中國人的原創。首先中國的自信不必通過財大氣粗來體現,其次買來的面子再大,也不如去發展邊遠地區的教育。






中國思想裏的天人合一,早已被征服自然的雄心所替代。試想北京周圍垃圾圍城 ,可是又多少人在保護環境?http://movie.douban.com/subject/5353353/discussion/39996402/




The win makes Mo Yan the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel in its 111-year history: although Gao Xingjian won in 2000, and was born inChina, he is now a French citizen; and although Pearl Buck took the prize in 1938, for "her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces", she is an American author.

這次獲獎使得莫言成爲111年以來首位獲得諾貝爾獎的中國公民:雖然 “高行健” 在2000年獲得諾貝爾獎,並且他出生在中國,不過他現在是法國公民;雖然賽珍珠由於“對中國農民生活史詩般的描述,這描述是真切而取材豐富的,以及她傳記方面的傑作”, 而榮獲1938年諾貝爾文學獎,可是她是美國作家。

Born in 1955 to parents who were farmers, Mo Yan - a pseudonym for Guan Moye; the pen name means "don't speak" - grew up in Gaomi in Shandong province in north-eastern China. The cultural revolution forced him to leave school at 12, and he went to work in the fields, completing his education in the army. He published his first book in 1981, but found literary success in 1987 with Hong gaoliang jiazu (Red Sorghum), a novel thatan internationally successful movie by director Zhang Yimou, set against the horrific events that unfolded as Japan invaded China in the 1930s.

1955年,管謨業生於一個農民家庭,莫言是他的化名;這個筆名的意思是“沉默不言”-他在中國北方的山東省高密縣長大。 文化大革命迫使他在12歲就離開學校,參加農業勞動,(後來)在軍隊完成了學業。他在1981年發就表了第一本書,但直到1987年才通過《紅高粱》獲得文學上的成功,該小說被張藝謀拍成了一部在國際上獲得成功的電影,展現了基於日本在19世紀三十年代侵華期間恐怖事件(而改編的故事)。

"He writes about the peasantry, about life in the countryside, about people struggling to survive, struggling for their dignity, sometimes winning but most of the time losing," said permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy Peter Englund, announcing the win.

在宣佈這個獎項的時候,瑞典學院終身主席,Peter Englund說, “他寫作的內容是農民,關於在農村的生活,關於人們爲了生存而奮鬥,爲了尊嚴而奮鬥,有時候勝利了但是大多時候失敗了。”

Washington Post(華盛頓郵報):

This massive novel, which runs well over 500 pages and spans almost the entire 20th century, appears to be Mo Yan’s grab for the brass ring, i.e., the Nobel Prize for Literature. The author of innumerable short stories and three previous novels -- most notably Red Sorghum, which was made into a well-regarded and popular film -- turns 50 next year, and even at that relatively early age has long been an important voice in China, where he has spoken out courageously for freedom and individualism, and in the world, where he is properly regarded as representing his country’s hopes for unconstrained literary and artistic expression. The Swedish Academy, which leaps at any chance to mix literature with politics, might well find in Mo Yan just the right writer through whom to send a message to the Chinese Communist leadership.

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