剛裝Fedora 13,得小技巧兩則

Fedora 13帶的Eclipse已經是3.5.2版了。在Windows下看慣了英文版的Eclipse,一到Fedora下,Eclipse變得中英參雜,甚是不爽。在Eclipse的配置對話框裏翻了個遍也沒找到相關的選項,網上一搜,發現只要用“eclipse -nl en_US”這樣的命令行來運行Eclipse,界面就是全英文了。


Space               commit inputted string.
Shift_L             when no key inputted: shift the input mode between
                        English and Table mode.
                    during input: commit the first candidate into
                        preedit string.
Shift_R             shift between PinYin mode and Normal mode under
                        Table mode.

Shift_L/Shift_R + 1 input tunes under PinYin mode. the tunes display in
                  2     aux string area as ↑1, ↑2, ↑3, ↑4, ↑5.
                  3     1 is YinPin, 2 is YangPin, 3 is ShangSheng,
                  4     4 is QuSheng, 5 is QingSheng

Arrow_Left          move cursor one character left in preedit string.
Arrow_Right         move cursor one character right in preedit string.
Backspace           remove the last input key or last character in
                        preeidt string.
Delete              remove one character after the cursor in preedit
Ctrl + Arrow_Lelf   move the cursor to the front of preedit string.
Ctrl + Arrow_Right  move the cursor to the end of preedit string.
Ctrl + Backspace    delete from cursor to the front of preedit string.
Ctrl + Delete       delete from cursor to the end of preedit string.
Arrow_Down          mext candidate.
Arrow_Up            previous candidate.
Esc                 reset the input method.
Num1 ~ Num9         select the correspondent candidate and commit
                        inputted string
Ctrl + [Num1~Num9]  select the correspondent candidate and commit it
                        into preedit string
Alt + [Num1~Num9]   remove the correspondent user-defined phrase.
Page_Up/Page_Down   page up/down the lookup table of candidates.
-/+                 when not been used as valid input keys, the same as
                        Page_Up and Page_Down.
Ctrl + ,            open/close Single Character Mode, only show single
                        character not phrases.
Ctrl + .            shift between full/half punctuation.
Ctrl + /            shift between direct/normal commit mode.
Ctrl + ;            shift between different SubCharset in Chinese
Ctrl + '            show/hide speedmeter


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