RFC6455-The WebSocket protocol 之十:10. Security Considerations

10. Security Considerations

10 安全性考慮

This section describes some security considerations applicable to the
WebSocket Protocol. Specific security considerations are described
in subsections of this section.
10.1. Non-Browser Clients
The WebSocket Protocol protects against malicious JavaScript running
inside a trusted application such as a web browser, for example, by
checking of the |Origin| header field (see below). See Section 1.6
for additional details. Such assumptions don’t hold true in the case
of a more-capable client.
10.1 非瀏覽器客戶端

While this protocol is intended to be used by scripts in web pages,
it can also be used directly by hosts. Such hosts are acting on
their own behalf and can therefore send fake |Origin| header fields,
misleading the server. Servers should therefore be careful about
assuming that they are talking directly to scripts from known origins
and must consider that they might be accessed in unexpected ways. In
particular, a server should not trust that any input is valid.
EXAMPLE: If the server uses input as part of SQL queries, all input
text should be escaped before being passed to the SQL server, lest
the server be susceptible to SQL injection.
這個協議傾向於在web頁面的腳本中使用,但是也可以直接被主機使用。這些主機代表它們自身的利益,因此可以發送模擬的|Origin| 頭字段,從而使服務端誤入歧途。服務端應該小心這種假設:它們正在直接與已知的域中的腳本交互,它們必須認識到它們有可能被非正常方式訪問。特別是服務端不能假設所有的輸入都是合法的。例如:服務端使用輸入的內容作爲SQL查詢的一部分,所有的輸入文本在傳送給SQL server之前都必須處理,避免服務端遭受SQL注入。
10.2. Origin Considerations
Servers that are not intended to process input from any web page but
only for certain sites SHOULD verify the |Origin| field is an origin
they expect. If the origin indicated is unacceptable to the server,
then it SHOULD respond to the WebSocket handshake with a reply
containing HTTP 403 Forbidden status code.
10.2 域注意事項
那些不處理頁面輸入僅面向個別站點的服務端需要驗證 |Origin| 字段是它們期望的域。假如是服務端不接收的域,那麼它應該用包含"HTTP 403 拒絕訪問的編碼"的應答WebSocket握手。
The |Origin| header field protects from the attack cases when the
untrusted party is typically the author of a JavaScript application
that is executing in the context of the trusted client. The client
itself can contact the server and, via the mechanism of the |Origin|
header field, determine whether to extend those communication
privileges to the JavaScript application. The intent is not to
prevent non-browsers from establishing connections but rather to
ensure that trusted browsers under the control of potentially
malicious JavaScript cannot fake a WebSocket handshake.
10.3. Attacks On Infrastructure (Masking)
In addition to endpoints being the target of attacks via WebSockets,
other parts of web infrastructure, such as proxies, may be the
subject of an attack.
10.3 基礎實施攻擊(掩碼)

As this protocol was being developed, an experiment was conducted to
demonstrate a class of attacks on proxies that led to the poisoning
of caching proxies deployed in the wild [TALKING]. The general form
of the attack was to establish a connection to a server under the
"attacker’s" control, perform an UPGRADE on the HTTP connection
similar to what the WebSocket Protocol does to establish a
connection, and subsequently send data over that UPGRADEd connection
that looked like a GET request for a specific known resource (which
in an attack would likely be something like a widely deployed script
for tracking hits or a resource on an ad-serving network). The
remote server would respond with something that looked like a
response to the fake GET request, and this response would be cached
by a nonzero percentage of deployed intermediaries, thus poisoning
the cache. The net effect of this attack would be that if a user
could be convinced to visit a website the attacker controlled, the
attacker could potentially poison the cache for that user and other
users behind the same cache and run malicious script on other
origins, compromising the web security model.
隨着協議變得成熟,一個實驗證明一類針對代理的攻擊能引起部署在野外(in the wild)的緩存代理中毒。攻擊的形式是與服務端建立一個攻擊者控制的連接,是在HTTP連接上執行UPGRADE 操作就如同WebSocket建立連接時做的一樣,隨後在UPGRADE 連接上發送數據,就如同爲已知資源發送的一個GET請求(在攻擊中可能是廣爲流傳的跟蹤點擊腳本或廣告服務的資源)。遠程服務會響應一些數據,看上去像對模擬GET請求的響應,這個響應會被中介按百分比進行緩存,從而使緩存代理中毒。這個攻擊的網絡效果是如果一個用戶訪問了被攻擊者控制的站點,攻擊者可能會感染該用戶的緩存以及使用同樣緩存的用戶,然後在其它域上運行惡意腳本,影響站點的安全模型。
To avoid such attacks on deployed intermediaries, it is not
sufficient to prefix application-supplied data with framing that is
not compliant with HTTP, as it is not possible to exhaustively
discover and test that each nonconformant intermediary does not skip
such non-HTTP framing and act incorrectly on the frame payload.
Thus, the defense adopted is to mask all data from the client to the
server, so that the remote script (attacker) does not have control
over how the data being sent appears on the wire and thus cannot
construct a message that could be misinterpreted by an intermediary
as an HTTP request.

Clients MUST choose a new masking key for each frame, using an
algorithm that cannot be predicted by end applications that provide
data. For example, each masking could be drawn from a
cryptographically strong random number generator. If the same key is
used or a decipherable pattern exists for how the next key is chosen,
the attacker can send a message that, when masked, could appear to be
an HTTP request (by taking the message the attacker wishes to see on
the wire and masking it with the next masking key to be used, the
masking key will effectively unmask the data when the client applies it).
It is also necessary that once the transmission of a frame from a
client has begun, the payload (application-supplied data) of that
frame must not be capable of being modified by the application.
Otherwise, an attacker could send a long frame where the initial data
was a known value (such as all zeros), compute the masking key being
used upon receipt of the first part of the data, and then modify the
data that is yet to be sent in the frame to appear as an HTTP request
when masked. (This is essentially the same problem described in the
previous paragraph with using a known or predictable masking key.)
If additional data is to be sent or data to be sent is somehow
changed, that new or changed data must be sent in a new frame and
thus with a new masking key. In short, once transmission of a frame
begins, the contents must not be modifiable by the remote script
The threat model being protected against is one in which the client
sends data that appears to be an HTTP request. As such, the channel
that needs to be masked is the data from the client to the server.
The data from the server to the client can be made to look like a
response, but to accomplish this request, the client must also be
able to forge a request. As such, it was not deemed necessary to
mask data in both directions (the data from the server to the client
is not masked).0
Despite the protection provided by masking, non-compliant HTTP
proxies will still be vulnerable to poisoning attacks of this type by
clients and servers that do not apply masking.
10.4. Implementation-Specific Limits
Implementations that have implementation- and/or platform-specific
limitations regarding the frame size or total message size after
reassembly from multiple frames MUST protect themselves against
exceeding those limits. (For example, a malicious endpoint can try
to exhaust its peer’s memory or mount a denial-of-service attack by
sending either a single big frame (e.g., of size 2**60) or by sending
a long stream of small frames that are a part of a fragmented
message.) Such an implementation SHOULD impose a limit on frame
sizes and the total message size after reassembly from multiple

10.4 特定實現的限制
10.5. WebSocket Client Authentication
This protocol doesn’t prescribe any particular way that servers can
authenticate clients during the WebSocket handshake. The WebSocket
server can use any client authentication mechanism available to a
generic HTTP server, such as cookies, HTTP authentication, or TLS
10.5 WebSocket客戶端驗證

10.6. Connection Confidentiality and Integrity
Connection confidentiality and integrity is provided by running the
WebSocket Protocol over TLS (wss URIs). WebSocket implementations
MUST support TLS and SHOULD employ it when communicating with their

10.6 連接加密和完整

For connections using TLS, the amount of benefit provided by TLS
depends greatly on the strength of the algorithms negotiated during
the TLS handshake. For example, some TLS cipher mechanisms don’t
provide connection confidentiality. To achieve reasonable levels of
protection, clients should use only Strong TLS algorithms. "Web
Security Context: User Interface Guidelines"
[W3C.REC-wsc-ui-20100812] discusses what constitutes Strong TLS
algorithms. [RFC5246] provides additional guidance in Appendix A.5
and Appendix D.3.
10.7. Handling of Invalid Data
Incoming data MUST always be validated by both clients and servers.
If, at any time, an endpoint is faced with data that it does not
understand or that violates some criteria by which the endpoint
determines safety of input, or when the endpoint sees an opening
handshake that does not correspond to the values it is expecting
(e.g., incorrect path or origin in the client request), the endpoint
MAY drop the TCP connection. If the invalid data was received after
a successful WebSocket handshake, the endpoint SHOULD send a Close
frame with an appropriate status code (Section 7.4) before proceeding
to _Close the WebSocket Connection_. Use of a Close frame with an
appropriate status code can help in diagnosing the problem. If the
invalid data is sent during the WebSocket handshake, the server
SHOULD return an appropriate HTTP [RFC2616] status code.
A common class of security problems arises when sending text data
using the wrong encoding. This protocol specifies that messages with
a Text data type (as opposed to Binary or other types) contain UTF-8-
encoded data. Although the length is still indicated and
applications implementing this protocol should use the length to
determine where the frame actually ends, sending data in an improper
encoding may still break assumptions that applications built on top
of this protocol may make, leading to anything from misinterpretation
of data to loss of data or potential security bugs.

10.7 處理非法數據

10.8. Use of SHA-1 by the WebSocket Handshake
The WebSocket handshake described in this document doesn’t depend on
any security properties of SHA-1, such as collision resistance or
resistance to the second pre-image attack (as described in
10.8 WebSocket握手中SHA-1的使用

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