[Python]在Anaconda中配置多版本Python(Multi-version Python Configuration)



本文默認是採用Anaconda進行Python的安裝和配置,畢竟當前Anaconda比PIP要便捷的多,也更加普遍。關於如何使用Anaconda安裝Python本文不再贅述。可以去其官網上下載並配置,上面有很詳細的教程。https://www.anaconda.com/download/  當然百度Google也都可以,過程便捷迅速相當無腦。

在安裝好後,可以在cmd(Windows)/command(Linux/Unix/Macintosh)中輸入python --version查看當前默認python版本。假設當前默認python版本爲2.7,而我們想要python3.6,該如何便捷的配置環境呢?



conda config --add channels https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free/

conda config --set show_channel_urls yes

conda config --remove channels defaults

1. 下載

conda create --name python36 python=3.6



activate python36 (Windows)

source activate python36 (Linux/Unix/Mac)


之後想用什麼python版本時直接activate就好。卸載某版本命令爲 conda remove --name python36 --all, 同理python36是你之前起的環境名。



conda install tensorflow

conda install numpy




conda install jupyter notebook

conda install spyder



Python has two big version: python2 and python3 and both have great practical scenerios.

This article talks about how to download and configure Python version.

I suppose that your initial configuration is based on Anaconda, as it is much more convenient and widespread than customed PIP. How to install Python with Anaconda will not be mentioned in this article. If you want to know, go to Anaconda website(https://www.anaconda.com/download/), which contains all the sources and tutorials you need. The process is very easy.

With installed Python and Anaconda, we can use "python --version" on cmd(Windows)/command(Linux/Unix/Macintosh) to see the default python version in the computer.

Supposing that the default version is 2.7, while we want Python3.6, how can we solve this problem?

Notice that if you are on Mainland, China, using Tsinghua Mirror Sever would speed up much. Just input these in your cmd/command:

conda config --add channels https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free/

conda config --set show_channel_urls yes

conda config --remove channels defaults


conda create --name python36 python=3.6

[Notice that the "python36" is the enviroment name, you can change it to any name you like. "3.6"stands for the python version you want. If you desire for Python2.7, just change it to "2.7"]


activate python36 (Windows)

source activate python36 (Linux/Unix/Mac)

Done. Very easy.

That's all. And any time you want to use a certain version , just activate it. If you want to uninstall a version, use "conda remove --name python36 --all", of course the "python36" is corresponding to the name you set before.

Don't forget those packages,like numpy and tensorflow(which must be used in Python3)

(in your activated Python version)

conda install tensorflow

conda install numpy


And those IDEs if you want:

(in your activated Python version)

conda install jupyter notebook

conda install spyder


That's all.

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