第01-02單元:Happy高興 Sad難過



1. I'm happy today.

2. I'm grinning from ear to ear. 我笑的合不攏嘴。(表示極度開心)

3. I'm in a good mood. 我心情很好。 (mood表示心情,情緒)

4. There are tears of happiness. 這是開心的淚水。(喜極而泣)

5. I can't help smiling. 我忍不住笑了。(can't help doing sth 忍不住做sth)

6. I couldn't be happier. 我非常高興。(高興得不得了;不能再高興了)

7.  I'm ecstatic. 我欣喜若狂。 (ecstatic 是狂喜,心花怒放;feeling great rapture or deligth)

8. I let out a real belly laugh. 我捧腹大笑。 (belly laugh捧腹大笑;let out放出,露出,泄露等;Each time she moved her leg, she let out a moan. 她每動一下腿就發出一下呻吟。 He let out a loud oath. 他大罵起來。)


1) glad 高興: I'd be glad to help you. 我很樂意幫助你。

2) cheer 愉快: She's always full of cheer in her class. 她在上班總是高高興興的。

3) pleasing 令人愉快的: The picture was more pleasing to look at in daytime. 這畫白天看着更悅目。

4) pleasant 愉快的: It was a pleasant surprise to know your pregnancy. 得知你懷孕真是件驚喜的事兒。

5) delighted 高興的: I shall be delighted to have dinner with you. 很高興和你一起共進晚餐。

6) pleasure 愉快,樂趣: He took no pleasure in math. 他對數學沒興趣。

7) merry 愉快的: There's always a merry smile on her face. 她臉上經常掛着愉快的微笑。

8) joy 樂趣,歡喜: We discovered the joy of learning English. 我們找到了學習英語的樂趣。

9) fun 樂趣: On the trip to Hawaii, we had a lot of fun. 在夏威夷的旅行,我們都很開心。



1. I'm sad today.

2. I'm not in the mood. 我心情不好。

3. I have a bad hair day. 我今天很不順。(bad hair day 不順利的一天)

4. I'm upset. 我很心煩。(upset 心煩,苦惱的)

5. My heart is heavy. 我心情很沉重。

6. I'm heartbroken. 我心碎了。

7. I'm downhearted. 我悶悶不樂。(downhearted 悶悶不樂)

8. I'm so depressed. 我很沮喪。(depressed 沮喪的,消沉的,不景氣蕭條的)


1) grieve 悲傷,傷心【動】: It grieves me to hear about your hardship. 聽到你的困難我很難過。

2) sadness 悲傷: A great sadness filled their lives after the earthquake happened. 地震後,巨大的悲傷籠罩了他們的生活。

3) heartbroken 悲傷的,心碎的: The death of my grandpa was heartbroken. 祖父的去世讓我心碎。

4) lament 悲傷,哀悼,惋惜【動】: She lament her son's death all night. 她整夜都爲兒子的死悲傷不以。

5) grief 悲痛【名】: His failure in business was a great grief to him. 他生意上的失敗曾讓他很悲痛。

6) sorrowfully 悲傷地: He was weeping sorrowfully when leaving his hometown. 他離家時,傷心的落淚。

7) misery 悲慘,不幸【名】: After retiring, he led a life of misery. 退休後,他過着悲慘的生活。

8) misfortune 不幸【名】: Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends. 患難見真情。(sincerity 【名】真誠,真摯,誠意)

9) distress 悲痛【名】: His betrayal was a great distress to his girlfriend. 他的背叛使他女友極爲悲痛。(betrayal 背叛,暴露)

10)  lament 痛惜,悼詞 【名】: Short pleasure, long lament. 痛快一時,痛苦一世。

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