
  Zdenek Kalal是英國薩里大學的一個捷克學生。他演示的是他的神奇的精確定位系統,這個系統幾乎可以跟蹤鏡頭裏的任何物體,只要你能看見它,並把它選中。它能 做很多神情的事情。在這個視頻中,他演示了通過攝像機拍攝他的手指、把他的手指選做目標。系統於是就能精確的跟蹤他的手指的動作。更令人驚奇的是,這個系 統能夠通過分析物體的運動來完善跟蹤算法。你能在很短的時間裏教會它跟蹤你的手指、面孔或在高速公路上狂顛的轎車。有了這套系統,我們幾乎真的可以實 現”Minority Report“那樣的人機界面。就像微軟Xbox的Kinect那樣,而這個效果更好。 

Kalal有12個視頻來演示 他的這套算法都能做什麼。只要你有一個好的攝像頭,把這個軟件裝到計算機上、平板電腦上或手機裏,它就能精確的定位跟蹤你的前額上的一個點、你的指尖、或 你的眼睛。你把攝像頭放到門外,它就能自動識別是你認識的人來了,或警告你這是個陌生人。人們不用通過手就能簡單的操控計算機。這項技術應用前景廣泛。

你可以從薩里大學的網站找到這個程序的代碼,它是免費的。Kalal被授予了“Technology Everywhere”獎學金作爲嘉獎。來自: 外刊IT評論


TLD has been developed by Zdenek Kalal during his PhD thesis supervised by Dr. Krystian Mikolajczyk and Prof. Jiri Matas. The main contributions of TLD have been presented at international computer-vision conferences where TLD tracker significantly outperformed state-of-the-art approaches. For his work on TLD, Zdenek Kalal has been awarded the the UK ICT Pioneers 2011 prize.

Key Features
Single object tracking
No offline training stage
Real-time performance on QVGA images
Implementation: Matlab + C, single thread, no GPU
Dependence on OpenCV library (single function)
Ported to Windows, Mac and Linux
Illumination invariant features
More Information

Poster, Papers: ICCV’09 (w)CVPR’10ICIP’10ICPR’10

The publications listed on that page are:

[5] Z. Kalal, K. Mikolajczyk, and J. Matas, “Face-TLD: Tracking-Learning-Detection Applied to Faces,” International Conference on Image Processing, 2010.
[4] Z. Kalal, K. Mikolajczyk, and J. Matas, “Forward-Backward Error: Automatic Detection of Tracking Failures,” International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2010, pp. 23-26.
[3] Z. Kalal, J. Matas, and K. Mikolajczyk, “P-N Learning: Bootstrapping Binary Classifiers by Structural Constraints,” Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010.
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[2] Z. Kalal, J. Matas, and K. Mikolajczyk, “Online learning of robust object detectors during unstable tracking,” On-line Learning for Computer Vision Workshop, 2009.
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Free Version

TLD can be downloaded for testing in a chosen application. We provide a precompiled demo (Windows) and a that is released under GPL version 3.0. In short, it means that any distributed project that includes or links any portion of TLD source code has to be released with the source code under the GPL version 3.0 license or later.

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