Advantages of Exceptions

Advantages of Exceptions

Now that you know what exceptions are and how to use them, it’s time to learn the advantages of using exceptions in your programs.


Advantage 1: Separating Error-Handling Code from “Regular” Code

Exceptions provide the means to separate the details of what to do when something out of the ordinary happens from the main logic of a program. In traditional programming, error detection, reporting, and handling often lead to confusing spaghetti code. For example, consider the pseudocode method here that reads an entire file into memory.


readFile {
    open the file;
    determine its size;
    allocate that much memory;
    read the file into memory;
    close the file;

At first glance, this function seems simple enough, but it ignores all the following potential errors.

  • What happens if the file can’t be opened?
  • What happens if the length of the file can’t be determined?
  • What happens if enough memory can’t be allocated?
  • What happens if the read fails?
  • What happens if the file can’t be closed?


  • 如果文件不能被打開,會發生什麼?
  • 如果文件的長度不能被確定,會發生什麼?
  • 如果不能分配足夠的內存,會發生什麼?
  • 如果讀取文件失敗,會發生什麼?
  • 如果文件不能被關閉,會發生什麼?

To handle such cases, the readFile function must have more code to do error detection, reporting, and handling. Here is an example of what the function might look like.


errorCodeType readFile {
    initialize errorCode = 0;

    open the file;
    if (theFileIsOpen) {
        determine the length of the file;
        if (gotTheFileLength) {
            allocate that much memory;
            if (gotEnoughMemory) {
                read the file into memory;
                if (readFailed) {
                    errorCode = -1;
            } else {
                errorCode = -2;
        } else {
            errorCode = -3;
        close the file;
        if (theFileDidntClose && errorCode == 0) {
            errorCode = -4;
        } else {
            errorCode = errorCode and -4;
    } else {
        errorCode = -5;
    return errorCode;

There’s so much error detection, reporting, and returning here that the original seven lines of code are lost in the clutter. Worse yet, the logical flow of the code has also been lost, thus making it difficult to tell whether the code is doing the right thing: Is the file really being closed if the function fails to allocate enough memory? It’s even more difficult to ensure that the code continues to do the right thing when you modify the method three months after writing it. Many programmers solve this problem by simply ignoring it — errors are reported when their programs crash.

這裏有如此多的錯誤檢測、報告、返回,原來的7行代碼已經丟失在雜亂中。更糟的是,代碼的邏輯流程已經丟失了,因此使它很困難的去分辨代碼是否正在做正確的事情:如果分配足夠內存的函數失敗了,文件真的會被關閉嗎?更加困難的是,當你在寫完它的三個月後去修改這個方法,還要確保代碼將繼續去做正確的事情。一些程序員解決這個問題靠簡單的忽略它 - 當他們的程序崩潰時錯誤將會被報告。

Exceptions enable you to write the main flow of your code and to deal with the exceptional cases elsewhere. If the readFile function used exceptions instead of traditional error-management techniques, it would look more like the following.


readFile {
    try {
        open the file;
        determine its size;
        allocate that much memory;
        read the file into memory;
        close the file;
    } catch (fileOpenFailed) {
    } catch (sizeDeterminationFailed) {
    } catch (memoryAllocationFailed) {
    } catch (readFailed) {
    } catch (fileCloseFailed) {

Note that exceptions don’t spare you the effort of doing the work of detecting, reporting, and handling errors, but they do help you organize the work more effectively.


Advantage 2: Propagating Errors Up the Call Stack

A second advantage of exceptions is the ability to propagate error reporting up the call stack of methods. Suppose that the readFile method is the fourth method in a series of nested method calls made by the main program: method1 calls method2, which calls method3, which finally calls readFile.


method1 {
    call method2;

method2 {
    call method3;

method3 {
    call readFile;

Suppose also that method1 is the only method interested in the errors that might occur within readFile. Traditional error-notification techniques force method2 and method3 to propagate the error codes returned by readFile up the call stack until the error codes finally reach method1—the only method that is interested in them.

同樣假設method1是唯一對可能發生在readFile中的錯誤有興趣的方法。傳統的錯誤通知技術強制method2method3沿着調用棧去傳播從readFile中返回的錯誤碼,直到錯誤碼最終到達method1 - 唯一對錯誤碼感興趣的方法。

method1 {
    errorCodeType error;
    error = call method2;
    if (error)

errorCodeType method2 {
    errorCodeType error;
    error = call method3;
    if (error)
        return error;

errorCodeType method3 {
    errorCodeType error;
    error = call readFile;
    if (error)
        return error;

Recall that the Java runtime environment searches backward through the call stack to find any methods that are interested in handling a particular exception. A method can duck any exceptions thrown within it, thereby allowing a method farther up the call stack to catch it. Hence, only the methods that care about errors have to worry about detecting errors.


method1 {
    try {
        call method2;
    } catch (exception e) {

method2 throws exception {
    call method3;

method3 throws exception {
    call readFile;

However, as the pseudocode shows, ducking an exception requires some effort on the part of the middleman methods. Any checked exceptions that can be thrown within a method must be specified in its throws clause.


Advantage 3: Grouping and Differentiating Error Types

Because all exceptions thrown within a program are objects, the grouping or categorizing of exceptions is a natural outcome of the class hierarchy. An example of a group of related exception classes in the Java platform are those defined in — IOException and its descendants. IOException is the most general and represents any type of error that can occur when performing I/O. Its descendants represent more specific errors. For example, FileNotFoundException means that a file could not be located on disk.

因爲在程序中被拋出的所有異常都是對象,異常的分組或分類是類層次結構的一個自然結果。一個例子是,在Java平臺中一組相關的異常類被定義在java.io中 - IOException和它的子孫。IOException是最普遍的,表示在執行I/O時可能發生的一些錯誤類型。它的子孫表示了更加具體的錯誤。舉個例子,FileNotFoundException意味着一個文件不能在磁盤上被定位到。

A method can write specific handlers that can handle a very specific exception. The FileNotFoundException class has no descendants, so the following handler can handle only one type of exception.


catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

A method can catch an exception based on its group or general type by specifying any of the exception’s superclasses in the catch statement. For example, to catch all I/O exceptions, regardless of their specific type, an exception handler specifies an IOException argument.


catch (IOException e) {

This handler will be able to catch all I/O exceptions, including FileNotFoundException, EOFException, and so on. You can find details about what occurred by querying the argument passed to the exception handler. For example, use the following to print the stack trace.


catch (IOException e) {
    // Output goes to System.err.
    // Send trace to stdout.

You could even set up an exception handler that handles any Exception with the handler here.


// A (too) general exception handler
catch (Exception e) {

The Exception class is close to the top of the Throwable class hierarchy. Therefore, this handler will catch many other exceptions in addition to those that the handler is intended to catch. You may want to handle exceptions this way if all you want your program to do, for example, is print out an error message for the user and then exit.


In most situations, however, you want exception handlers to be as specific as possible. The reason is that the first thing a handler must do is determine what type of exception occurred before it can decide on the best recovery strategy. In effect, by not catching specific errors, the handler must accommodate any possibility. Exception handlers that are too general can make code more error-prone by catching and handling exceptions that weren’t anticipated by the programmer and for which the handler was not intended.


As noted, you can create groups of exceptions and handle exceptions in a general fashion, or you can use the specific exception type to differentiate exceptions and handle exceptions in an exact fashion.


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