怎么在elementary OS中使用中文输入法

能找到官网或官网论坛的帖子,那么就是解决问题的一半了。刚好我也搜到了这个帖子, http://elementary.io/answers/how-to-type-in-chinese

Q: How to type in Chinese ?

I tried the conventional way of adding Chinese from language settings and then adding keyboard layout. The floating panel also showed Chinese and English but can’t switch. Zh for Chinese appears but can’t type in Chinese . I found an answer here about typing Chinese with FCITX but that also did’t work . Please suggest an easy, tried and tested method.


谢谢zletpm . For some time I moved to other OS but kept looking for solution and I found one. Somebody had reported it on launchpad as a bug that input editor does not exist in GUI. So to type in Chinese 1. go to System Setting - Language - 2. Select IBus input 3 Click Add languages - select Chinese (Simplified) or Traditional or both , according to your need. 4 install it . 5 open Terminal 6 type ibus-setup 7 the GUI input editor opens ( if the Computer flashes a warning that Ibus is not started then click ok to start) 8 Add Chinese Input checking in Customized input 9 log out and log in 10 . You can’t change input method by clicking on floating panel . 11. Use Ctrl + Space to change ( Though you can change this shortcut)

I worked for me , so I guess will work for others too . Enjoy elementry os .

比较重要的两点就是,在系统设置->语言,添加中文支持,选择ibus等输入法和启动输入法。在终端中输入ibus-setup,如果没有这个命令,就执行下sudo apt-get install ibus安装,根据提示启动ibus,默认也是使用Ctrl + Space切换输入法的(或切换到默认键盘)。

我想elementary OS可以这么配置,那么ubuntu也是可以这么配置的。 #安利#elementary OS真的很elegant,大家都用起来吧。

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