


Window10 CUDA7.0 GTX1060


Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.17134.345]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有權利。

========================= CODE Useage Instructions: =========================
"-mach" takes in 2 sift files, output a .mat binary matching
"-blat" takes in 2 sift files and automatically search for the .mat file, output final matchings in the first sift files's folder
"-sift" takes in a path to image or to a .txt file, output the sift features in the same folder as the pictures
"-pwis" takes in a path to a .txt file, computes all to all matches and output the final matchings in the same folder as the .txt file
"-full" takes in 2 paths to 2 .txt files, computes matches between lists, gist can be enabled
"-gist" enables gist mode, uses gist to pre-filter the candidate images
"-srdy" indicates you already have sift files for the images
"-grdy" indicates you already have gist files for the images
"-umst" indicates whehter you want to use minimum spanning tree
"-iter" the number of iterations for minimum spanning tree
"-nbor" the number of neighbors to match for minimum spanning tree
"-disp" displays the matchings visually
"-stpt" used in pwise mode, indicates which image to continue
"-pcom" computes sift and gist features for all images in the given list, output as two .dat files in the current folder (not recommanded)
"-indb" indicates the first input path
"-inqy" indicates the second input path
"-nmal" output normal matching coordinates
"-rept" turn on full timing report
Example usage: C:/CODE -sift -indb C:/image.txt

E:\yangninghua\paper-works\CODE-GMS\WideBaselineFeatureMatcher_PAMI-master\CODE>CODE.exe -sift -indb E:/yangninghua/paper-works/CODE-GMS/WideBaselineFeatureMatcher_PAMI-master/CODE/image_list.txt
Using best device : device 0 ...
CUDA device name: GeForce GTX 1060
Compute capability: 6.1
Global memory is: 6144MB

Warning: no settings for this device found, please contact the author ...
Engaging (CUDA_ASIFT) ...
Extracting Asift ...
GPU Asift time is: 87.5662 second(s)
75790 ASIFT keypoints are detected.
GPU Asift time is: 1.08463 second(s)
74174 ASIFT keypoints are detected.
GPU Asift time is: 1.08285 second(s)
75546 ASIFT keypoints are detected.
GPU Asift time is: 1.01161 second(s)
74103 ASIFT keypoints are detected.
GPU Asift time is: 1.03704 second(s)
77856 ASIFT keypoints are detected.
Time elapsed is: 94.502 s

E:\yangninghua\paper-works\CODE-GMS\WideBaselineFeatureMatcher_PAMI-master\CODE>CODE -mach -indb E:/yangninghua/paper-works/CODE-GMS/WideBaselineFeatureMatcher_PAMI-master/CODE/image/B21.sift -inqy E:/yangninghua/paper-works/CODE-GMS/WideBaselineFeatureMatcher_PAMI-master/CODE/image/B22.sift
Number of matches: 75790
Matching Time is: 2.204 s
Time elapsed is: 2.328 s

E:\yangninghua\paper-works\CODE-GMS\WideBaselineFeatureMatcher_PAMI-master\CODE>CODE -mach -blat -indb E:/yangninghua/paper-works/CODE-GMS/WideBaselineFeatureMatcher_PAMI-master/CODE/image/B21.sift -inqy E:/yangninghua/paper-works/CODE-GMS/WideBaselineFeatureMatcher_PAMI-master/CODE/image/B22.sift
Number of matches: 75790
Matching Time is: 2.265 s
Warning: validated number of matches : 15134
Time elapsed is: 4.584 s





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