live555 源碼分析:RTSPServer 組件結構 頂 原

前面幾篇文章分析了 live555 中 RTSP 的處理邏輯,RTSP 處理有關組件的處理邏輯有點複雜,本文就再來梳理一下它們之間的關係。

live555 中 RTSP 處理有關組件關係如下圖:

事件和執行流程的源頭在 TaskSchedulerGenericMediaServer 對象在創建的時候,會向 TaskScheduler 註冊一個 server socket 及處理該 socket 上的事件的處理程序 GenericMediaServer::incomingConnectionHandler(void* instance, int /*mask*/)

當有客戶端連接服務器時,觸發 server socket 上的事件處理器執行。此時會基於客戶端 socket 創建 ClientConnection 對象,及 RTSPClientConnectionRTSPClientConnection 對象在創建過程中,會將該客戶端 socket 及 ClientConnection 中處理該 socket 上的事件的處理程序 GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection::incomingRequestHandler(void* instance, int /*mask*/) 註冊給 TaskScheduler

在客戶端發送的 RTSP 請求數據到達之後,GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection 會讀取這些數據,並交給 RTSPServer::RTSPClientConnection::handleRequestBytes(int newBytesRead) 處理。

RTSPServer::RTSPClientConnection 解析 RTSP 請求,並處理 OPTIONSDESCRIBE 和 ``SETUP 等無需流媒體會話建立即可處理的請求。

RTSPServer::RTSPClientConnection 在處理 SETUP 請求時,會創建流媒體會話的 RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession,具體的會話建立過程都會被委託給後者處理。

需要會話建立之後才能處理的請求,也會被交給 RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession 處理。

這裏來看一下 RTSPServer::RTSPClientConnection 的完整定義:

class RTSPServer: public GenericMediaServer {
. . . . . .
public: // should be protected, but some old compilers complain otherwise
  // The state of a TCP connection used by a RTSP client:
  class RTSPClientSession; // forward
  class RTSPClientConnection: public GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection {
    // A data structure that's used to implement the "REGISTER" command:
    class ParamsForREGISTER {
      ParamsForREGISTER(char const* cmd/*"REGISTER" or "DEREGISTER"*/,
			RTSPClientConnection* ourConnection, char const* url, char const* urlSuffix,
			Boolean reuseConnection, Boolean deliverViaTCP, char const* proxyURLSuffix);
      virtual ~ParamsForREGISTER();
      friend class RTSPClientConnection;
      char const* fCmd;
      RTSPClientConnection* fOurConnection;
      char* fURL;
      char* fURLSuffix;
      Boolean fReuseConnection, fDeliverViaTCP;
      char* fProxyURLSuffix;
  protected: // redefined virtual functions:
    virtual void handleRequestBytes(int newBytesRead);

    RTSPClientConnection(RTSPServer& ourServer, int clientSocket, struct sockaddr_in clientAddr);
    virtual ~RTSPClientConnection();

    friend class RTSPServer;
    friend class RTSPClientSession;

    // Make the handler functions for each command virtual, to allow subclasses to reimplement them, if necessary:
    virtual void handleCmd_OPTIONS();
        // You probably won't need to subclass/reimplement this function; reimplement "RTSPServer::allowedCommandNames()" instead.
    virtual void handleCmd_GET_PARAMETER(char const* fullRequestStr); // when operating on the entire server
    virtual void handleCmd_SET_PARAMETER(char const* fullRequestStr); // when operating on the entire server
    virtual void handleCmd_DESCRIBE(char const* urlPreSuffix, char const* urlSuffix, char const* fullRequestStr);
    virtual void handleCmd_REGISTER(char const* cmd/*"REGISTER" or "DEREGISTER"*/,
				    char const* url, char const* urlSuffix, char const* fullRequestStr,
				    Boolean reuseConnection, Boolean deliverViaTCP, char const* proxyURLSuffix);
        // You probably won't need to subclass/reimplement this function;
        //     reimplement "RTSPServer::weImplementREGISTER()" and "RTSPServer::implementCmd_REGISTER()" instead.
    virtual void handleCmd_bad();
    virtual void handleCmd_notSupported();
    virtual void handleCmd_notFound();
    virtual void handleCmd_sessionNotFound();
    virtual void handleCmd_unsupportedTransport();
    // Support for optional RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling:
    virtual Boolean parseHTTPRequestString(char* resultCmdName, unsigned resultCmdNameMaxSize,
					   char* urlSuffix, unsigned urlSuffixMaxSize,
					   char* sessionCookie, unsigned sessionCookieMaxSize,
					   char* acceptStr, unsigned acceptStrMaxSize);
    virtual void handleHTTPCmd_notSupported();
    virtual void handleHTTPCmd_notFound();
    virtual void handleHTTPCmd_OPTIONS();
    virtual void handleHTTPCmd_TunnelingGET(char const* sessionCookie);
    virtual Boolean handleHTTPCmd_TunnelingPOST(char const* sessionCookie, unsigned char const* extraData, unsigned extraDataSize);
    virtual void handleHTTPCmd_StreamingGET(char const* urlSuffix, char const* fullRequestStr);
    void resetRequestBuffer();
    void closeSocketsRTSP();
    static void handleAlternativeRequestByte(void*, u_int8_t requestByte);
    void handleAlternativeRequestByte1(u_int8_t requestByte);
    Boolean authenticationOK(char const* cmdName, char const* urlSuffix, char const* fullRequestStr);
    void changeClientInputSocket(int newSocketNum, unsigned char const* extraData, unsigned extraDataSize);
      // used to implement RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling
    static void continueHandlingREGISTER(ParamsForREGISTER* params);
    virtual void continueHandlingREGISTER1(ParamsForREGISTER* params);

    // Shortcuts for setting up a RTSP response (prior to sending it):
    void setRTSPResponse(char const* responseStr);
    void setRTSPResponse(char const* responseStr, u_int32_t sessionId);
    void setRTSPResponse(char const* responseStr, char const* contentStr);
    void setRTSPResponse(char const* responseStr, u_int32_t sessionId, char const* contentStr);

    RTSPServer& fOurRTSPServer; // same as ::fOurServer
    int& fClientInputSocket; // aliased to ::fOurSocket
    int fClientOutputSocket;
    Boolean fIsActive;
    unsigned char* fLastCRLF;
    unsigned fRecursionCount;
    char const* fCurrentCSeq;
    Authenticator fCurrentAuthenticator; // used if access control is needed
    char* fOurSessionCookie; // used for optional RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling
    unsigned fBase64RemainderCount; // used for optional RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling (possible values: 0,1,2,3)

RTSPServer::RTSPClientConnection 繼承自 GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection

class GenericMediaServer: public Medium {
. . . . . .
public: // should be protected, but some old compilers complain otherwise
  // The state of a TCP connection used by a client:
  class ClientConnection {
    ClientConnection(GenericMediaServer& ourServer, int clientSocket, struct sockaddr_in clientAddr);
    virtual ~ClientConnection();

    UsageEnvironment& envir() { return fOurServer.envir(); }
    void closeSockets();

    static void incomingRequestHandler(void*, int /*mask*/);
    void incomingRequestHandler();
    virtual void handleRequestBytes(int newBytesRead) = 0;
    void resetRequestBuffer();

    friend class GenericMediaServer;
    friend class ClientSession;
    friend class RTSPServer; // needed to make some broken Windows compilers work; remove this in the future when we end support for Windows
    GenericMediaServer& fOurServer;
    int fOurSocket;
    struct sockaddr_in fClientAddr;
    unsigned char fRequestBuffer[REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE];
    unsigned char fResponseBuffer[RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE];
    unsigned fRequestBytesAlreadySeen, fRequestBufferBytesLeft;

從它們的定義,不難理解它們的職責主要在於處理網絡 I/O,處理 RTSP 請求,並建立會話。

再來看 RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession 的定義:

class RTSPServer: public GenericMediaServer {
. . . . . .
  // The state of an individual client session (using one or more sequential TCP connections) handled by a RTSP server:
  class RTSPClientSession: public GenericMediaServer::ClientSession {
    RTSPClientSession(RTSPServer& ourServer, u_int32_t sessionId);
    virtual ~RTSPClientSession();

    friend class RTSPServer;
    friend class RTSPClientConnection;
    // Make the handler functions for each command virtual, to allow subclasses to redefine them:
    virtual void handleCmd_SETUP(RTSPClientConnection* ourClientConnection,
        char const* urlPreSuffix, char const* urlSuffix, char const* fullRequestStr);
    virtual void handleCmd_withinSession(RTSPClientConnection* ourClientConnection,
        char const* cmdName,
        char const* urlPreSuffix, char const* urlSuffix,
        char const* fullRequestStr);
    virtual void handleCmd_TEARDOWN(RTSPClientConnection* ourClientConnection,
        ServerMediaSubsession* subsession);
    virtual void handleCmd_PLAY(RTSPClientConnection* ourClientConnection,
        ServerMediaSubsession* subsession, char const* fullRequestStr);
    virtual void handleCmd_PAUSE(RTSPClientConnection* ourClientConnection,
        ServerMediaSubsession* subsession);
    virtual void handleCmd_GET_PARAMETER(RTSPClientConnection* ourClientConnection,
        ServerMediaSubsession* subsession, char const* fullRequestStr);
    virtual void handleCmd_SET_PARAMETER(RTSPClientConnection* ourClientConnection,
        ServerMediaSubsession* subsession, char const* fullRequestStr);
    void deleteStreamByTrack(unsigned trackNum);
    void reclaimStreamStates();
    Boolean isMulticast() const { return fIsMulticast; }

    // Shortcuts for setting up a RTSP response (prior to sending it):
    void setRTSPResponse(RTSPClientConnection* ourClientConnection, char const* responseStr) { ourClientConnection->setRTSPResponse(responseStr); }
    void setRTSPResponse(RTSPClientConnection* ourClientConnection, char const* responseStr, u_int32_t sessionId) { ourClientConnection->setRTSPResponse(responseStr, sessionId); }
    void setRTSPResponse(RTSPClientConnection* ourClientConnection, char const* responseStr, char const* contentStr) { ourClientConnection->setRTSPResponse(responseStr, contentStr); }
    void setRTSPResponse(RTSPClientConnection* ourClientConnection, char const* responseStr, u_int32_t sessionId, char const* contentStr) { ourClientConnection->setRTSPResponse(responseStr, sessionId, contentStr); }

    RTSPServer& fOurRTSPServer; // same as ::fOurServer
    Boolean fIsMulticast, fStreamAfterSETUP;
    unsigned char fTCPStreamIdCount; // used for (optional) RTP/TCP
    Boolean usesTCPTransport() const { return fTCPStreamIdCount > 0; }
    unsigned fNumStreamStates;
    struct streamState {
      ServerMediaSubsession* subsession;
      int tcpSocketNum;
      void* streamToken;
    } * fStreamStates;

RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession 繼承自 GenericMediaServer::ClientSession

  // The state of an individual client session (using one or more sequential TCP connections) handled by a server:
  class ClientSession {
    ClientSession(GenericMediaServer& ourServer, u_int32_t sessionId);
    virtual ~ClientSession();

    UsageEnvironment& envir() { return fOurServer.envir(); }
    void noteLiveness();
    static void noteClientLiveness(ClientSession* clientSession);
    static void livenessTimeoutTask(ClientSession* clientSession);

    friend class GenericMediaServer;
    friend class ClientConnection;
    GenericMediaServer& fOurServer;
    u_int32_t fOurSessionId;
    ServerMediaSession* fOurServerMediaSession;
    TaskToken fLivenessCheckTask;

不難理解 RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession 用於封裝整個流媒體會話,處理那些要求流媒體會話已經建立的 RTSP 請求,如 PLAY 等。

具體的流媒體數據的交互,如音視頻文件/數據的解析,RTP/RTCP 數據的打包及收發等,則依賴於 ServerMediaSessionServerMediaSubsession


live555 源碼分析系列文章

live555 源碼分析:簡介 live555 源碼分析:基礎設施 live555 源碼分析:MediaSever Wireshark 抓包分析 RTSP/RTP/RTCP 基本工作過程 live555 源碼分析:RTSPServer live555 源碼分析:DESCRIBE 的處理 live555 源碼分析:SETUP 的處理 live555 源碼分析:PLAY 的處理 live555 源碼分析:RTSPServer 組件結構

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