cocos cc.find和getChildByName getChildByUuid三個接口的剖析比較

cc.find 和getChildByName 都可以獲取子節點

# 今天我們來探究一下這三個方法的效率


在官方文檔中給出的find API描述是這樣的。

Finds a node by hierarchy path, the path is case-sensitive. It will traverse the hierarchy by splitting the path using ‘/’ character. This function will still returns the node even if it is inactive. It is recommended to not use this function every frame instead cache the result at startup.

在官方文檔中給出的getChildByName 、getChildByUuid API描述就不貼了 很簡單。
在位於cocos-creator/engine/cocos2d/core/utils/find.js 中:

// cc.find
@method find
 * @static
 * @param {String} path
 * @param {Node} [referenceNode]
 * @return {Node|null} the node or null if not found
cc.find = module.exports = function (path, referenceNode) {
    if (path == null) {//判斷路徑是否爲空
        return null;
    if (!referenceNode) {//判斷參考節點是否爲空
        var scene = cc.director.getScene();//獲取當前場景
        if (!scene) {
            if (CC_DEV) {
            return null;
        else if (CC_DEV && !scene.isValid) {//判斷該場景是否未被destory
            return null;
        referenceNode = scene;
    else if (CC_DEV && !referenceNode.isValid) {
        return null;

    var match = referenceNode;
    var startIndex = (path[0] !== '/') ? 0 : 1; // skip first '/'
    var nameList = path.split('/');

    // parse path //循環嵌套
    for (var n = startIndex; n < nameList.length; n++) {
        var name = nameList[n];
        var children = match._children;
        match = null;
        for (var t = 0, len = children.length; t < len; ++t) {
            var subChild = children[t];
            if ( === name) {
                match = subChild;
        if (!match) {
            return null;

    return match;

在位於cocos-creator/engine/cocos2d/core/utils/base-node.js 中:

     * !#en Returns a child from the container given its name.
     * !#zh 通過名稱獲取節點的子節點。
     * @method getChildByName
     * @param {String} name - A name to find the child node.
     * @return {Node} a CCNode object whose name equals to the input parameter
     * @example
     * var child = node.getChildByName("Test Node");
    getChildByName (name) {
        if (!name) {
            cc.log("Invalid name");
            return null;

        var locChildren = this._children;
        for (var i = 0, len = locChildren.length; i < len; i++) {
            if (locChildren[i]._name === name)
                return locChildren[i];
        return null;
     * !#en Returns a child from the container given its uuid.
     * !#zh 通過 uuid 獲取節點的子節點。
     * @method getChildByUuid
     * @param {String} uuid - The uuid to find the child node.
     * @return {Node} a Node whose uuid equals to the input parameter
     * @example
     * var child = node.getChildByUuid(uuid);
    getChildByUuid (uuid) {
        if (!uuid) {
            cc.log("Invalid uuid");
            return null;

        var locChildren = this._children;
        for (var i = 0, len = locChildren.length; i < len; i++) {
            if (locChildren[i]._id === uuid)
                return locChildren[i];
        return null;

其實總的來看 ,cc.find 儘量不要用在查找路徑比較深的節點,不然會增加它的時間複雜度,這裏我們可以採取存儲中間節點的辦法 來縮短它的路徑,用內存換性能。
當然如果一個節點下方的子節點太多,也會影響這些方法的使用性能。所以 我們在構建節點樹時,也要合理佈局。

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