
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Thread::Queue;
use Thread::Semaphore;
use Bloom::Filter;
use URI;
use URI::URL;
use Web::Scraper;
use LWP::Simple;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
#use HTTP::Cookies::Guess;
use String::Diff;
use String::Diff qw(diff_fully diff diff_merge diff_regexp);
use URI::Split qw(uri_split uri_join);
my $fid : shared;#下載的頁面以遞增的數字命名
share($fid);    #多線程共享該變量
#crawling with signed cookie
my $cookie_jar = '.mozilla/firefox/bg146ia6.default/cookies.sqlite';
my $tmp_ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;    #UserAgent用來發送網頁訪問請求
$tmp_ua->timeout(15);                ##連接超時時間設爲15秒
$tmp_ua->protocols_allowed( [ 'http', 'https' ] ); ##只允許http和https協議
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727;.NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)"
  ; ##用來在header中告訴服務器你用的是什麼"瀏覽器",設置文件頭的User-Agent
# 設置cookie,在運行過程中必須執行兩個方法,extract_cookies($request) 和 add_cookie_header($response)。在運行的過程中實際用到了HTTP::Cookies模塊。如:
# $ua->cookie_jar({ file => "$ENV{HOME}/.cookies.txt" });
# 等價於
# require HTTP::Cookies;
# $ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "$ENV{HOME}/.cookies.txt"));
push @{$tmp_ua->requests_redirectable}, 'POST';#告訴LWP在POST請求發送後如果發生重新定向就自動跟隨
my $max_threads = 5;
my $base_url = $ARGV[0] || '';
my $host = URI::URL->new($base_url)->host;
print "Host Name: $host.\n";
my $queue = Thread::Queue->new( );       #線程隊列,每個線程負責去處理一個url
my $semaphore = Thread::Semaphore->new( $max_threads );
my $mutex = Thread::Semaphore->new( 1 );
#my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
#my $logfile = "crawler".($year+1900).($mon+1).$mday.$hour.$min.$sec.".log";
#open(BANLOG,">>$logfile") or die("can't open logfile:$!\n");
# Bloom::Filter使用更少的內存採用一種基於概率的算法來進行存在性測試。
my $filter = shared_clone( Bloom::Filter->new(capacity => 1000000, error_rate => 0.001) );
$queue->enqueue( $base_url );        #放入線程隊列的URL就要被線程所處理
$filter->add( $base_url );           #放入filter中好判斷該URL是否已經存在
my @tmp_url = ();                   #@tmp_url存在處理過的url
while( 1 )
    # join所有可以被join的線程
    #my $joined = 0;
    foreach ( threads->list(threads::joinable) )
        #$joined ++;
        $_->join( );
    #print $joined, " joinedn";
    # if there are no url need process.
    my $item = $queue->pending();#返回隊列中url的個數
    # 線程隊列爲空
    if( $item == 0 )
        my $active = threads->list(threads::running);
        # 已經沒有active線程了,結束所有的工作
        if( $active == 0 )
            print "All done!\n";
        # 如果還有活動線程,那麼主線程sleep,等待處理URL的子線程結束
            #print "[MAIN] 0 URL, but $active active threadn";
            sleep 1;
    # 線程隊列不爲空,信號量減1,佔用一個線程來處理url
    #print "[MAIN] $item URLn";
    #print "[MAIN]Create thread.n";
    threads->create( \&ProcessUrl );
# join all threads which can be joined
foreach ( threads->list() )
    $_->join( );
sub ProcessUrl
    my $scraper = scraper
            process '//a', 'links[]' => '@href';#根據XPath表達式尋找所有的標籤a,把href屬性存到散列的value中
    my $res;
    my $link;
    while( my $url = $queue->dequeue_nb() )
        eval#eval BLOCK,BLOCK只會被解析一次,並且在編譯時進行代碼語法檢查。
            print "開始下載",URI->new($url)->as_string,"\t\$fid=$fid\n";
            LWP::Simple::getstore(URI->new($url)->as_string,"$ENV{'HOME'}/master/cnblog/cn$fid") or print "Can't download the web page.";
            $res = $scraper->scrape( URI->new($url) )->{'links'};#把URI傳給scrape函數。scrape函數返回一個數組引用,因爲links是數組
        if( $@ )# 當BLOCK中有語法錯誤、運行時錯誤遇到 die 語句, eval 將返回 undef 。錯誤碼被保存在 $@ 中。
            warn "$@\n";
        next if (! defined $res );#如果HTML文檔中沒有發現a標籤
        #print "there are ".scalar(threads->list(threads::running))." threads, ", $queue->pending(), " urls need process.n";
        foreach( @{$res} )
            # $_ => URI->new("")     所以要調用sa_string來獲取""
            $link = $_->as_string;
            $link = URI::URL->new($link, $url);
            #$u1 = URI::URL->new($str, $base);
            #$u2 = $u1->abs;
            # not http and not https?
            next if( $link->scheme ne 'http' && $link->scheme ne 'https' );
            #The three forms of URI reference syntax are summarized as follows:
            # another domain?
            # next if( $link->host ne $host );
            #search for the sub domain
            next if(!($link->host =~ /$host/));
            $link = $link->abs->as_string;#獲得絕對路徑
            if( $link =~ /(.*?)#(.*)/ )#去除書籤錨點,即#以後的內容
                $link = $1;
            next if( $link =~ /rss|.(jpg|png|bmp|mp3|wma|wmv|gz|zip|rar|iso|pdf)$/i );#這些文件格式我們不抓取
            #print "test:$link\n";
            #EscapeUrl,skip query form values
            my $tmp_link = &EscapeUrl($link);#$tmp_link中已經把查詢參數的值去掉了
            #print "Escape:".$tmp_link."\n";
            $mutex->down(); #互質體減1,進入線程臨界資源區
            my $tmp_mark = 0;
            #print "test start:$link\n";
            if( ! $filter->check($tmp_link) )    #如果$tmp_link不在$filter中
                #print "Test filter ok:$tmp_link\n";
                #DiffUrl,diff $link from queue with number
                    #print "Test Queue:".$tmpurl."\n";
                    #print "test-1:$_\ntest-2:$tmp_link\n";
                        $tmp_mark = 2;
                if( $tmp_mark != 2 )
                    $queue->enqueue($link);      #把頁面上的鏈接$link交給線程進行處理
                    #print "add queue:$link\n";
                    #print "add filter:$tmp_link\n";
                    #print BANLOG $filter->key_count(), " ", $link, "\n";
                    #print $filter->key_count(), " ", $link, "\n";
                    #print "pass:$link\n";#$link被忽略
            #print "pass:$link\n";
            undef $link;
        undef $res;#清除創建的一些object,否則在while循環中這些object越積越多
    undef $scraper;
    $semaphore->up( );##普通信號量加1
print "ALL DONE.\n";
sub EscapeUrl
    my $urlold = shift;
    my ($scheme,$auth,$path,$query,$frag) = uri_split($urlold);#把一個url的各部分分離出來
    my $urlnew = uri_join($scheme,$auth,$path);
    my $u = URI->new($urlold);
    my @tmp_array = $u->query_form();
    my $tmp = '';
    my $i = 0;
        $tmp .=$tmp_array[$i]."=&";
    if(@tmp_array != 0)
        $tmp =~ s/&$//;
        $urlnew .= "?".$tmp;
    undef $u;#清除子例程中創建的object
    #print $urlnew."\n";
    return $urlnew;
sub DiffUrl
    my $urlold = shift;
    my $urlnew = shift;
    my $urloldx = &EscapeUrl($urlold);
    my $urlnewx = &EscapeUrl($urlnew);
    my($old,$new) = String::Diff::diff($urloldx,$urlnewx);
    #my($old,$new) = String::Diff::diff($urlold,$urlnew);
    if (($old =~ m/(\[\d+\])/i) && ($new =~ m/{\d+}/i))         #如果兩個url僅是在某些數字上不同
    #if ($new =~ m/{\d+}/i)
        #print "test num success.\n";
        return 1;
        #print "test num failed.\n";
        return 0;

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