
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -h -u root -p
show databases;
create database 庫名;
drop database 庫名;
show engines\G
show variables like 'have%'\G
show variables like 'storage_engine'; --查詢默認存儲引擎
show create table jay1\G--查詢表的默認存儲引擎
create database jay;
use jay;
create table jay0(id int,name varchar(10),sex boolean);
create table jay1(stu_id int primary key,stu_name varchar(20),stu_sex boolean);
create table jay2 (stu_id int , course_id int, grade float,primary key(stu_id,course_id));
create table jay3 (id int primary key, stu_id int,course_id int,constraint c_fk foreign key(stu_id,course_id)references jay2(stu_id, course_id));
create table jay4(id int not null primary key,name varchar(50) not null,stu_id int,constraint d_fk foreign key (stu_id)references jay1(stu_id));
create table jay5(id int primary key, stu_id int unique,name varchar(40) not null);
create table jay6(id int primary key auto_increment,stu_id int unique,name varchar(20) not null);
create table jay7(id int primary key auto_increment,stu_id int unique,name varchar(10) not null,English varchar(20) default 'zero',math float default 0,computer float default 0);
describe jay1;
desc jay1;
show create table jay1\G
show table status like 'jay1'\G
alter table jay0 rename user;
alter table user modify name varchar(50);
alter table user modify id int(10) primary key;
alter table jay1 change stu_name name varchar(10);
alter table jay1 change stu_sex sex int(2);
alter table user add phone varchar(20);
alter table user add age int(4) not null;
alter table user add num int(10) primary key first;
alter table user add address varchar(50) not null after phone;
alter table user drop primary key;--刪除主鍵
alter table user drop id;
alter table user modify sex tinyint(1) after age;--一定要加上字段屬性
alter table user engine=myisam;
show create table user\G
alter table jay3 drop foreign key c_fk;--刪除後原來的外鍵會變爲普通鍵。
drop table jay1;--刪除時需確認沒有外鍵依賴,否則刪除失敗
alter table jay4 drop foreign key d_fk;
show tables;--查詢庫中的所有表
--primary 主鍵,就是唯一且不能爲空。
--unique 唯一索引。 不允許有重複。
unique --唯一索引
fulltext --全文索引
spatial --空間索引
index/key --指定字段爲索引
create table orcs1(id int,name varchar(20),sex boolean,index(id));
explain select * from orcs1 where id=1\G
create table orcs2(id int unique,name varchar(30),unique index orcs2_id(id asc));--orcs_id爲別名
create table orcs3(id int,info varchar(30),fulltext index orcs3_info(info))engine=myisam;
create table orcs4(id int,subject varchar(30),index orcs4_st(subject(10)));--對於字符型的數據,爲了查詢速度不錯全部數據的查詢,只查詢其前面若干字符信息,
create table orcs5(id varchar(30),sex char(4),index orcs5_ns(name,sex)) ;--查詢條件中需使用索引中第一個字段時,該索引纔可以生效。
create table orcs6(in int,space geometry not null, spatial index orcs6_sp(space))engine=myisam;
create index index_num on user(num);--首先該user表必須存在。
alter table user add index index_num(num);
create unique index index1_id on jay2(stu_id);
alter table jay2 add unique index index_id(stu_id);
alter table jay4 engine=myisam;--修改該表存儲引擎爲myisam。
create fulltext index index2_name on jay4(name);
alter table jay4 engine=myisam ,add fulltext index index2_name(name);--該相當修改存儲引擎並創建索引。
create index index3_name on jay7(name(5));
alter table jay7 add index index3_name(name(5));
create index index4_ph on user(phone,address);
alter table user add index index4_ph(phone,address);
create spatial index index5_sp on orcs6(space);
alter table orcs6 add spatial index index5_sp(space);
drop index index_num on user;
use mysql;select * from user where user='root'\G --查詢root權限
create view user_view as select * from user;
desc user_view;--查看視圖基本信息
create view user_view1(name,age,sex,ph,addr)as select name,age,sex,phone,address from user;
--with local check option:表示更新視圖時要保證在該視圖的權限範圍之內。
create algorithm=merge view score_view2(name,age,sex,English,Math,Computer) as select,age,sex,English,math,computer from user,jay7 where with local check option;
show table status like 'score_view2'\G
show create view score_view2\G
select *from information_schema.views\G--查詢所有的視圖信息
use jay;create or replace algorithm=merge view user_view1(name,sex,ph,addr) as select name,sex,phone,address from user;
use jay;alter view user_view1(name,sex,ph,addr,English,Math) as select,sex,phone,address,English,math from user,jay7 where with local check option;
insert into user values(1002,'jay','1234567asda89','haksdfssjdhakjasdas',56);
insert into jay7 values(1002,2002,'jay','90',77,68);
update score_view2 set name='jaywang',age=23,sex=0,English=‘70’,Math=85.5,Computer=88.6 where name='wang';
--刪除視圖:if exists 判斷視圖是否存在
drop view if exists user_view;
show create view user_view\G
create trigger user_tring1 before insert on user for each row insert into trigger_time values(now());
create trigger user_tring2 after insert on user for each row insert into trigger_time values(now());
delimiter &&--'delimiter &&'可以講默認的結束符';'變爲'&&'.
create trigger user_tring3 after delete on user for each row\
insert into trigger_time values('21:01:01');\
insert into trigger_time values('21:01:01');\
delimiter ;--'delimiter ;'可以將當前的結束符'&&'變爲';'.
show triggers\G
select * from information_schema.triggers where trigger_name='user_tring3'\G
--觸發器中不能包含start transaction、commit或rollback等關鍵詞,也不能包含call語句。
drop trigger user_tring3;
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