
使用 OpenLDAP Software to provide directory services
A directory is a specialized database specifically designed for searching and browsing, in additional to supporting basic lookup and update functions.
Directories tend to contain descriptive, attribute-based information and support sophisticated filtering capabilities.
Directories are generally tuned to give quick response to high-volume lookup or search operations.
There are many different ways to provide a directory service. Different methods allow different kinds of information to be stored in the directory, place different requirements on how that information can be referenced, queried and updated, how it is protected from unauthorized access, etc.
Some directory services are local, providing service to a restricted context (e.g., the finger service on a single machine). Other services are global.
LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.it is a lightweight protocol for accessing directory services, specifically X.500-based directory services.
What kind of information can be stored in the directory?
The LDAP information model is based on entries. An entry is a collection of attributes that has a globally-unique Distinguished Name (DN). The DN is used to refer to the entry unambiguously.
Each of the entry's attributes has a type and one or more values. The types are typically mnemonic strings, like "cn" for common name, or "mail" for email address. The syntax of values depend on the attribute type. For example, a cn attribute might contain the value Babs Jensen. A mail attribute might contain the value "[email protected]".
How is the information arranged?
In LDAP, directory entries are arranged in a hierarchical tree-like structure.
In addition, LDAP allows you to control which attributes are required and allowed in an entry through the use of a special attribute called objectClass. The values of the objectClass attribute determine the schema rules the entry must obey.
How is the information referenced?
An entry is referenced by its distinguished name, which is constructed by taking the name of the entry itself (called the Relative Distinguished Name or RDN) and concatenating the names of its ancestor entries.
How is the information accessed?
LDAP defines operations for interrogating and updating the directory. Operations are provided for adding and deleting an entry from the directory, changing an existing entry, and changing the name of an entry. Most of the time, though, LDAP is used to search for information in the directory. The LDAP search operation allows some portion of the directory to be searched for entries that match some criteria specified by a search filter. Information can be requested from each entry that matches the criteria.
How is the information protected from unauthorized access?
Some directory services provide no protection, allowing anyone to see the information. LDAP provides a mechanism for a client to authenticate, or prove its identity to a directory server.
How does LDAP work?
LDAP utilizes a client-server model. One or more LDAP servers contain the data making up the directory information tree (DIT). The client connects to servers and asks it a question. The server responds with an answer and/or with a pointer to where the client can get additional information (typically, another LDAP server). No matter which LDAP server a client connects to, it sees the same view of the directory; a name presented to one LDAP server references the same entry it would at another LDAP server. This is an important feature of a global directory service.
LDAP is a directory access protocol to an X.500 directory service, the OSI directory service.
When should I use LDAP?
you should use a Directory server when you require data to be centrally managed, stored and accessible via standards based methods.
Some common examples found throughout the industry are, but not limited to:
Machine Authentication
User Authentication
User/System Groups
Address book
Organization Representation
Asset Tracking
Telephony Information Store
User resource management
E-mail address lookups
Application Configuration store
PBX Configuration store
The default access control policy is allow read by all clients. Regardless of what access control policy is defined, the rootdn is always allowed full rights (i.e. auth, search, compare, read and write) on everything and anything.
關於後端存儲Berkeley DB
OpenLDAP使用Berkeley DB做後端存儲
OpenLDAP uses Berkeley DB concurrent / transactional database software. This is the same software used by leading commercial directory software.
[root@localhost ~]# rpm -qi db4
Berkeley 數據庫 (Berkeley DB) 是一個編程工具包。
它爲傳統的和客戶機/服務器程序提供嵌入的數據庫支持。Berkeley DB 包括 B+tree、擴展的線形散列、固定的和長短不同的記錄存取方法、事務、上鎖、記錄日誌、共享的內存緩存、以及數據庫恢復。Berkeley DB 支持 C、C++、Java、和 Perl API。它被許多程序使用,包括 Python 和 Perl,因此它應該在所有系統上安裝。
Berkeley DB是嵌入式數據庫系統,而不是常見的關係/對象型數據庫,對SQL語言不支持,也不提供數據庫常見的高級功能,如存儲過程,觸發器等。
Berkeley DB的體系結構
  Berkeley DB以擁有比Microsoft SQL Server和Oracle等數據庫系統而言更簡單的體系結構而著稱。例如,它不支持網絡訪問—程序通過進程內的API訪問數據庫。 他不支持SQL或者其他的數據庫查詢語言,不支持表結構和數據列。 訪問數據庫的程序自主決定數據如何儲存在記錄裏,Berkeley DB不對記錄裏的數據進行任何包裝,每個記錄有且只有兩部分:鍵、值,所以在Berkeley DB的背景下通常用key/data pair指代一個記錄。記錄和它的鍵都可以達到4G字節的長度。
  儘管架構很簡單,Berkeley DB卻支持很多高級的數據庫特性,比如ACID 數據庫事務處理,細粒度鎖,XA接口,熱備份以及同步複製。
  Berkeley DB包含有與某些經典Unix數據庫編程庫兼容的接口,包括:dbm,ndbm和hsearch。
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