
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>

#define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 50

typedef char elemType;
typedef struct BiTNode
  elemType data;                         //值域
  struct BiTNode *lchild;     //指向左孩子的指針
  struct BiTNode *rchild;    //指向右孩子的指針

void InitBinaryTree(ptr_BiTNode *ptr_bitree)

void CreateBinaryTree(ptr_BiTNode *ptr_bitree)
{     //按先序次序輸入二叉樹中結點的值(一個字符),空格字符表示空樹,
  elemType value;
  if(value==' ')
    if(!((*ptr_bitree)=(BiTNode *)malloc(sizeof(BiTNode))))
      printf("allocation failure.\n");
      (*ptr_bitree)->data=value;                                            //生成根結點
      CreateBinaryTree(&((*ptr_bitree)->lchild));        //構造左子樹
      CreateBinaryTree(&((*ptr_bitree)->rchild));     //構造右子樹

void DestroyBinaryTree(ptr_BiTNode *ptr_bitree)

#define ClearBinaryTree DestroyBinaryTree

bool IsBinaryTreeEmpty(ptr_BiTNode ptr_bitree)
    return false;
    return true;

int BinaryTreeDepth(ptr_BiTNode ptr_bitree)
  int l_depth,r_depth;
    return 0;
    return (l_depth>r_depth ? l_depth+1 : r_depth+1);

elemType BinaryTreeRoot(ptr_BiTNode ptr_bitree)
    return ptr_bitree->data;
    printf("The binary_tree is empty.\n");

elemType Value(ptr_BiTNode ptr_bitree,ptr_BiTNode ptr_node)
      return ptr_node->data;
      printf("The node is not in the binary_tree.\n");
    printf("The binary_tree is empty.\n");

ptr_BiTNode Ptr_value(ptr_BiTNode ptr_bitree,elemType value)
  ptr_BiTNode ptr_node;
      return ptr_bitree;
        return ptr_node;
        return ptr_node;
    return NULL;//樹中不存在值爲value的結點
    return NULL;

void Assign(ptr_BiTNode ptr_bitree,elemType elem,elemType value)
  ptr_BiTNode ptr_node;
    printf("The node doesn't in the binary_tree.\n");

elemType Parent(ptr_BiTNode ptr_bitree,elemType elem)
  ptr_BiTNode ptr_node;
  ptr_BiTNode queue[MAX_QUEUE_SIZE];
  int front=0;
  int rear=0;
      printf("The root doesn't have a parent.\n");
      return NULL;
    if(ptr_node->lchild && ptr_node->lchild->data==elem || ptr_node->rchild && ptr_node->rchild->data==elem)
      return ptr_node->data;

elemType LeftChild(ptr_BiTNode ptr_bitree,elemType elem)
  ptr_BiTNode ptr_node;
    if(ptr_node && ptr_node->lchild)
      return ptr_node->lchild->data;
      return NULL;

elemType RightChild(ptr_BiTNode ptr_bitree,elemType elem)
  ptr_BiTNode ptr_node;
    if(ptr_node && ptr_node->rchild)
      return ptr_node->rchild->data;
      return NULL;

elemType LeftSibling(ptr_BiTNode ptr_bitree,elemType elem)
  elemType parent_value;
  ptr_BiTNode ptr_node;
    if(ptr_node->lchild && ptr_node->rchild && ptr_node->rchild->data==elem)
      return ptr_node->lchild->data;
      return NULL;

elemType RightSibling(ptr_BiTNode ptr_bitree,elemType elem)
  elemType parent_value;
  ptr_BiTNode ptr_node;
    if(ptr_node->lchild && ptr_node->rchild && ptr_node->lchild->data==elem)
      return ptr_node->rchild->data;
      return NULL;

bool InsertChild(ptr_BiTNode p,int LR,ptr_BiTNode c)
    return true;
  return false;

bool DeleteChild(ptr_BiTNode p,int LR)
    return true;
  return false;

bool print(elemType elem)
  return true;

bool PreOrderTraverse(ptr_BiTNode bitree,bool (* visit)(elemType elem))
          return true;
    return false;
    return true;

bool InOrderTraverse(ptr_BiTNode bitree,bool (* visit)(elemType elem))
          return true;
    return false;
    return true;

bool PostOrderTraverse(ptr_BiTNode bitree,bool (* visit)(elemType elem))
          return true;
    return false;
    return true;

bool LevelOrderTraverse(ptr_BiTNode bitree,bool (* visit)(elemType elem))
  ptr_BiTNode ptr_node;
  ptr_BiTNode queue[MAX_QUEUE_SIZE];
  int front=0;
  int rear=0;
    return true;
    return false;
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "binary_tree.h"
#include <conio.h>

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
  elemType root;
  elemType parent;
  elemType l_child;
  elemType r_child;
  elemType value1;
  elemType value2;
  elemType l_sibling;
  elemType r_sibling;
  int depth;
  ptr_BiTNode ptr_node;
  ptr_BiTNode p;
  ptr_BiTNode c;
  ptr_BiTNode ptr_bitree;
    printf("The binary_tree is empty.\n");
    printf("The binary_tree is not empty.\n");

  printf("Let's create a new binary_tree.\nPlease enter the value of the binary_tree by pre_order.\n");

    printf("The binary_tree is empty.\n");
    printf("The binary_tree is not empty.\n");

    printf("We have created a new binary_tree.\n");

  printf("the PreOrderTraverse of the binary_tree:\n");

  printf("the InOrderTraverse of the binary_tree:\n");

  printf("the PostOrderTraverse of the binary_tree:\n");

  printf("The root of the binary_tree is:%c\n",root);

  printf("The depth of the binary_tree is:%d\n",depth);

  printf("%c after assign is %c\n",value1,value2);

  printf("the PostOrderTraverse of the binary_tree:\n");

    printf("The left_child of B is:%c\n",l_child);
    printf("B doesn't have a left_child.\n");

    printf("The right_child of E is:%c\n",r_child);
    printf("E doesn't have a right_child.\n");

    printf("The parent of G is:%c\n",parent);

    printf("The parent of A is:%c\n",parent);
    printf("The left_sibling of C is:%c\n",l_sibling);
    printf("C doesn't have a left_sibling.\n");

    printf("The right_sibling of C is:%c\n",r_sibling);
    printf("C doesn't have a right_sibling.\n");

  printf("Please enter the value of the binary_tree.\n");
    printf("We have created a inserted tree without right_child.\n");

  printf("The depth of the binary_tree c is:%d\n",depth);

    printf("Insert successfully.\n");
  printf("the PostOrderTraverse of the binary_tree:\n");

    printf("Delete_Child successfully.\n");
  printf("the InOrderTraverse of the binary_tree:\n");

  printf("the LevelOrderTraverse of the binary_tree:\n");
  return 0;
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