How to Install Studio 3T(原文翻譯)

How to Install Studio 3T

如何安裝Studio 3T

If you’re looking for a MongoDB GUI, client, or IDE, we’re happy you’ve found Studio 3T.
如果你在尋找MongoDB圖形用戶界面,客戶端或者集成開發環境,我們很高興你找到了Studio 3T。

Studio 3T is a MongoDB IDE with a full-featured GUI, client capabilities, and a wealth of convenient, time-saving features, available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Studio 3T是一個MongoDB集成開發環境,擁有全面的功能界面和客戶端功能,以及便捷、快速的特點,適用於Windows, Mac, 和Linux操作系統。


MongoDB for Windows

Install the latest MongoDB community edition on your Windows machine following these steps.

MongoDB for Mac

Follow MongoDB’s tutorial to install MongoDB on OSX through either the MongoDB Download Center or Homebrew.

In case you get a Permission denied error after trying to run mkdir -p /data/db, run the following command to make sure the /data/db directory has the right permissions:
一旦你嘗試運行mkdir -p /data/db出現Permission denied錯誤,運行以下命令,確保/data/db目錄擁有正確的許可權限:   

sudo chown -R `id -un` /data/db
# Enter your password

MongoDB for Linux

MongoDB provides various packages for popular Linux distributions. View the full list here.

  • Alternatively, you can sign up for a MongoDB instance through third-party DBaaS providers. Check our our guides on how to connect to Compose, mLab, and ObjectRocket.  
  • 此外,你可以通過第三方的DBaaS提供商簽約獲取MongoDB實例。我們的指導手冊會告訴你如何與Compose, mLab, 和ObjectRocket連接。

Install Studio 3T
安裝Studio 3T

Studio 3T for Windows
Windows下安裝Studio 3T

Studio 3T is available for Windows 64- and 32-bit systems, with or without a bundled shell.
Studio 3T適用於64位和32位Windows系統,系統帶不帶命令行均可。

An .msi installer for 64-bit systems is also available for Studio 3T Enterprise users, also with or without the bundled shell.
Studio 3T企業級用戶可以使用64位.msi安裝包,用不用命令行都可以安裝。

  1. Download the latest Studio 3T version.下載最新版Studio 3T
  2. Start the installer by opening the file. 打開文件開始安裝
  3. Follow the directions on the screen.按屏幕上的指示操作

Click on More download options to find the appropriate installer for your machine. 

Studio 3T for Mac
Mac下安裝Studio 3T

OS X users can download Studio 3T with or without the bundled shell.
OS X用戶可以下載Studio 3T,用不用命令行均可

  1. Download the latest Studio 3T .dmg file.下載最新的Studio 3T .dmg文件
  2. Open the .dmg file on your machine.打開機器上的.dmg文件
  3. Drag and drop the Studio 3T .app file into your Applications folder when prompted.出現提示時把Studio 3T .app文件拖拽到應用程序包

 Studio 3T for Linux (e.g. Ubuntu, Debian)
Linux下安裝Studio 3T(例如Ubuntu, Debian)

Studio 3T is available for 64- and 32-bit Linux systems.
Studio 3T適用於64位和32位Linux系統。

It is distributed as a gzipped tarball (.tar.gz), which can be unpacked at the command line or using system utilities such as Archive Manager.

The tarball contains a runnable .sh file that launches the installer for Studio 3T. Using this, you can install Studio 3T to your desired location and create a desktop shortcut to launch Studio 3T.
tar包包括一個可執行的.sh文件,用於運行Studio 3T安裝包。可以用這個包把Studio 3T安裝到指定位置,並創建一個快捷方式。

We test against the latest Ubuntu LTS version. Customers have also reported success with other Linux distributions, which you can feel free to evaluate during the free 30-day trial.
我們用最新版的Ubuntu LTS版本進行測試。用戶在其他的Linux版本下也測試成功,你可以在30天內免費使用評估版。

For example, to install from the command line:

  1. Open your shell.打開命令行
  2. cd to the directory where the gzipped tarball (.tar.gz) was downloaded.使用cd命令進入壓縮包所在文件夾
  3. Unpack and run the Studio 3T installer.解壓運行Studio 3T安裝包

For the 64-bit version of Studio 3T:
64位版本的Studio 3T:

  $ tar -xvzf studio-3t-linux-x64.tar.gz  
  $ sh ./

For the 32-bit version of Studio 3T:  
32位版本的Studio 3T:

  $ tar -xvzf studio-3t-linux-x86.tar.gz  
  $ sh ./

 Make sure to have the following libraries installed:


You don’t need the sh command if the file has sh extension.

Simply run the following command (and adjust accordingly for 64-bit):

  $ tar -xvzf studio-3t-linux-x86.tar.gz  
  $ ./

Now that you’ve successfully installed Studio 3T, read our Getting Started guide and navigate Studio 3T like a pro in no time.
現在你已經成功安裝了Studio 3T,馬上閱讀我們的入門手冊,像專家一樣進入Studio 3T吧。

Other tutorials you might find useful:

Learn how to set up MongoDB on Windows via PowerShell
Get comfortable with the Collections Tab, the starting point of all Studio 3T data exploration
適應Collections Tab,這是所有Studio 3T數據探索的起點

Updated on February 4, 2019

About The Author

Kathryn Vargas

Kathryn wants to let the world know that Studio 3T is the best MongoDB IDE out there. When she's not gushing over Studio 3T's useful features, she spends her free time exploring Berlin's food scene, playing the drums, learning languages (current mission: German), and writing.
>Kathryn希望讓世界知道Studio 3T是最棒的MongoDB開發環境。當她工作之餘,會去發掘柏林的美食,敲敲鼓,學習語言(當前的工作:德語),以及寫作。

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