ArduCopter——ArduPilot——航點導航WPNav(二)——Spline Navigation




本篇博客從博客名也可以瞭解,講解Spline Navigation,即曲線導航,這種導航方式可能更有利於航拍



/// update_spline_solution - recalculates hermite_spline_solution grid
///		relies on _spline_origin_vel, _spline_destination_vel and _origin and _destination
void AC_WPNav::update_spline_solution(const Vector3f& origin, const Vector3f& dest, const Vector3f& origin_vel, const Vector3f& dest_vel)
    _hermite_spline_solution[0] = origin;
    _hermite_spline_solution[1] = origin_vel;
    _hermite_spline_solution[2] = -origin*3.0f -origin_vel*2.0f + dest*3.0f - dest_vel;
    _hermite_spline_solution[3] = origin*2.0f + origin_vel -dest*2.0f + dest_vel;


// calc_spline_pos_vel_accel - calculates target position, velocity and acceleration for the given "spline_time"
/// 	relies on update_spline_solution being called when the segment's origin and destination were set
void AC_WPNav::calc_spline_pos_vel(float spline_time, Vector3f& position, Vector3f& velocity)
    float spline_time_sqrd = spline_time * spline_time;
    float spline_time_cubed = spline_time_sqrd * spline_time;

    position = _hermite_spline_solution[0] + \
               _hermite_spline_solution[1] * spline_time + \
               _hermite_spline_solution[2] * spline_time_sqrd + \
               _hermite_spline_solution[3] * spline_time_cubed;

    velocity = _hermite_spline_solution[1] + \
               _hermite_spline_solution[2] * 2.0f * spline_time + \
               _hermite_spline_solution[3] * 3.0f * spline_time_sqrd;

看到這裏,數學一般或者較差的同學可能很是懵比,和博主一樣。可能 數學學到比較好的同學瞭解hermite這個人,瞭解hermite矩陣。我查閱了很多網上的資料,也沒有找到比較直接的對應的資料供學習。

後來在Google的時候發現了,這裏的spline navigation 其實就是運用的三次多項式曲線(cubic polynomial curve),這就讓我聯想到之前搜索到的三次埃爾米特樣條(cubic hermite spline),這下就找到了它的數學依託——就是hermite差值。


可以這樣理解:   p0——origin,p1—destination,m0—origin_vel, m1—destination_vel

那麼 p(t) 其實就是 ②中position,不信的話,拿出筆和紙,把圖片中p(t)寫成  p(t) = ...+...*t+...*t.^2+...*t.^3 格式。                                           



③接下來,就是具體的代碼調用與實現了,spline navigation 核心函數  advance_spline_target_along_track()

/// advance_spline_target_along_track - move target location along track from origin to destination
bool AC_WPNav::advance_spline_target_along_track(float dt)
    if (!_flags.reached_destination) {
        Vector3f target_pos, target_vel;

        // update target position and velocity from spline calculator
        calc_spline_pos_vel(_spline_time, target_pos, target_vel);

        // if target velocity is zero the origin and destination must be the same
        // so flag reached destination (and protect against divide by zero)
        float target_vel_length = target_vel.length();
        if (is_zero(target_vel_length)) {
            _flags.reached_destination = true;
            return true;

        _pos_delta_unit = target_vel / target_vel_length;

        // get current location
        Vector3f curr_pos = _inav.get_position();

        // get terrain altitude offset for origin and current position (i.e. change in terrain altitude from a position vs ekf origin)
        float terr_offset = 0.0f;
        if (_terrain_alt && !get_terrain_offset(terr_offset)) {
            return false;

        // calculate position error
        Vector3f track_error = curr_pos - target_pos;
        track_error.z -= terr_offset;

        // calculate the horizontal error
        _track_error_xy = norm(track_error.x, track_error.y);

        // calculate the vertical error
        float track_error_z = fabsf(track_error.z);

        // get position control leash lengths
        float leash_xy = _pos_control.get_leash_xy();
        float leash_z;
        if (track_error.z >= 0) {
            leash_z = _pos_control.get_leash_up_z();
            leash_z = _pos_control.get_leash_down_z();

        // calculate how far along the track we could move the intermediate target before reaching the end of the leash
        float track_leash_slack = MIN(_track_leash_length*(leash_z-track_error_z)/leash_z, _track_leash_length*(leash_xy-_track_error_xy)/leash_xy);
        if (track_leash_slack < 0.0f) {
            track_leash_slack = 0.0f;

        // update velocity
        float spline_dist_to_wp = (_destination - target_pos).length();
        float vel_limit = _wp_speed_cms;
        if (!is_zero(dt)) {
            vel_limit = MIN(vel_limit, track_leash_slack/dt);

        // if within the stopping distance from destination, set target velocity to sqrt of distance * 2 * acceleration
        if (!_flags.fast_waypoint && spline_dist_to_wp < _slow_down_dist) {
            _spline_vel_scaler = safe_sqrt(spline_dist_to_wp * 2.0f * _wp_accel_cmss);
        }else if(_spline_vel_scaler < vel_limit) {
            // increase velocity using acceleration
            _spline_vel_scaler += _wp_accel_cmss * dt;

        // constrain target velocity
        _spline_vel_scaler = constrain_float(_spline_vel_scaler, 0.0f, vel_limit);

        // scale the spline_time by the velocity we've calculated vs the velocity that came out of the spline calculator
        _spline_time_scale = _spline_vel_scaler / target_vel_length;

        // update target position
        target_pos.z += terr_offset;

        // update the target yaw if origin and destination are at least 2m apart horizontally
        if (_track_length_xy >= WPNAV_YAW_DIST_MIN) {
            if (_pos_control.get_leash_xy() < WPNAV_YAW_DIST_MIN) {
                // if the leash is very short (i.e. flying at low speed) use the target point's velocity along the track
                if (!is_zero(target_vel.x) && !is_zero(target_vel.y)) {
            } else {
                // point vehicle along the leash (i.e. point vehicle towards target point on the segment from origin to destination)
                float track_error_xy_length = safe_sqrt(sq(track_error.x)+sq(track_error.y));
                if (track_error_xy_length > MIN(WPNAV_YAW_DIST_MIN, _pos_control.get_leash_xy()*WPNAV_YAW_LEASH_PCT_MIN)) {
                    // To-Do: why is track_error sign reversed?

        // advance spline time to next step
        _spline_time += _spline_time_scale*dt;

        // we will reach the next waypoint in the next step so set reached_destination flag
        // To-Do: is this one step too early?
        if (_spline_time >= 1.0f) {
            _flags.reached_destination = true;
    return true;

/// update_spline - update spline controller
bool AC_WPNav::update_spline()
    // exit immediately if this is not a spline segment
    if (_flags.segment_type != SEGMENT_SPLINE) {
        return false;

    bool ret = true;

    // calculate dt
    float dt = _pos_control.time_since_last_xy_update();
    if (dt >= 0.2f) {
        dt = 0.0f;

    // advance the target if necessary
    if (!advance_spline_target_along_track(dt)) {
        // To-Do: handle failure to advance along track (due to missing terrain data)
        ret = false;

    // freeze feedforwards during known discontinuities
    if (_flags.new_wp_destination) {
        _flags.new_wp_destination = false;

    // run horizontal position controller

    _wp_last_update = AP_HAL::millis();

    return ret;

// auto_spline_run - runs the auto spline controller
//      called by auto_run at 100hz or more
void Copter::ModeAuto::spline_run()
    // if not auto armed or motor interlock not enabled set throttle to zero and exit immediately
    if (!motors->armed() || !ap.auto_armed || !motors->get_interlock()) {
        // To-Do: reset waypoint origin to current location because copter is probably on the ground so we don't want it lurching left or right on take-off
        //    (of course it would be better if people just used take-off)
        // clear i term when we're taking off

    // process pilot's yaw input
    float target_yaw_rate = 0;
    if (! {
        // get pilot's desired yaw rat
        target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(channel_yaw->get_control_in());
        if (!is_zero(target_yaw_rate)) {

    // set motors to full range

    // run waypoint controller

    // call z-axis position controller (wpnav should have already updated it's alt target)

    // call attitude controller
    if (auto_yaw.mode() == AUTO_YAW_HOLD) {
        // roll & pitch from waypoint controller, yaw rate from pilot
        attitude_control->input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(wp_nav->get_roll(), wp_nav->get_pitch(), target_yaw_rate);
    } else {
        // roll, pitch from waypoint controller, yaw heading from auto_heading()
        attitude_control->input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(wp_nav->get_roll(), wp_nav->get_pitch(), auto_yaw.yaw(), true);


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