
Binary Search

BinarySearch(v, a, lo, hi)
	input value v
		array a[lo...hi] of values
	output true if v in a[lo...hi]
		false otherwise
	mid = (lo + hi)/2
	if lo > hi return false
	if a[mid] = v return true
	else if a[mid] < v
		return BinarySearch(v, a, mid + 1, hi)
		return BinarySearch(v, a, lo, mid - 1)

Computing ploynomial

The ploynomial can be recursively computed as
p0=an p_{0} = a_{n}
pi+1=pix+ai p_{i+1} = p_{i}x+a_{i}

Algorithm computingPloynomial(x, n , A[])
	p = A[n]
	for(i = 1; i < n+1; i++){
		p = p*x + A[n -1]
	return p;


Preorder Traversal
Algorithm preOrder(v){
	for each child w of v
Postordert Traversal
Algorithm postOrder(v):
	for each child w of v
Inordert Traversal

only for Binary tree

Algorithm inOrder(v)
	if v has a left child
	if v has a right child

An inorder traversal of a binary search trees visits the keys in non-decreasing order

Evaluate Arithmetic Expressions

Specialization of a postororder traversal

Algorithm evalExpr(v)
	if v is a left node
		return v.element
		x = evalExpr(v.left);
		y = evalExpr(v.right);
		operator = operator stored at v,
		return x <operator> y;



Time complexity O(n) , 最壞情況:鏈表(極度不平衡)

TreeSearch(v, k)
	Input v(node), k(key)
	output the node
	if v is null or v.key = k
		return v;
	if k<v.key
		return TreeSeach(v.left, k);
		return TreeSearch(v.right, k);

be careful: insert equal keys in the left subtree

Time complexity: O(n), 最壞情況:鏈表(極度不平衡)

TreeInsert(v, k)
	input v(node), k(key)
	output none
	if root = null	//empty tree
		root = CreateNode(k)	//create a root to store k
	else if k < v.key	//insert the duplicate keys in the left subtree
		if v.left = null
			v.left = CreateNode(k);	//insert a new node as left child of v
			TreeInsert(v.left, k);
	else if k > v.key
		if k > v.key
			if v.right = null
				v.left = CreateNode(k);
				TreeInsert(v..right, k);


AVL tree is a binary search tree
AVL trees are balanced

height of an AVL tree storing n keys is O(log(n))

  • a single restructure is O(1)
  • find is O(log(n))
  • Insert is O(log(n))
  • delete is O(log(n))

Splay Tree

  • is binary tree
  • node is splayed after it is accessed
  • splay cost O(h)
    • O(h) worst-case is still O(n)

(2, 4)Tree

A (2, 4) tree storing n items has height O(log(n))

Overflow and Split
Algorithm insert(k, o)
	search for key k to locate the insertion node vi	//lO(og(n))
	add the new entry (k, o) at node vi  	//lO(1)

	while (overflow(v)){		//lO(og(n))
		if (isRoot(v))
			create a new empty root above vi
		v = split(v);
  • visit O(log(n)) nodes
  • each fusion and transfer takes O(1) time
  • handle an underflow with a series of O(log(n))

deleting an item from a (2, 4)tree takes O(log(n)) time

underflow and Fusion

the adjacent sibling of v are 2-nodes

Fusion operation: merge adjacent sibing and move an entry from parent to the merged node

after a fusion, the under flow may propagate to the parent node


underflow and Transfer

an adjacent sibling is a 3-node or a 4-node
Transfer operation
1. move an item from u to v
2. move an item from w to u
after a transfer, no underfolw occurs

Priority Queue Sorting

Algorithm PQ-Sort(S)
	Input sequence S
	Output sequence S sorted in non-decreasing order
		Create an empty priority queue P
		while(! IsEmpty(S)){
			e = RemoveFirst(S);
			Insert(P, e);
		while (! IsEmpty(P)){
			e = RemoveMin(P);
			InsertLast(S, e);


Brute-Force Pattern Matching

time complexity is O(nm)

Algorithm BruteForceMatch(T, P)
	Input text T of size n and pattern
		P of size m
	Output starting index of a substring of T equal to P
		or -1 if no such substring exists
	for(i = 0; i < n-m+1; i++){
		j = 0;
		while(j<m && T[i+j] = p[j])
			j = j+1
		if(j = m)
			return i;	//match at i
	return -1;	//no match anywhere 

Boyer-Moore Heuristics

Last-Occurrence Function
define as

  • the largest index i such that P[i] = c or
  • -1 if no such index exists

The last-occurence function can be computed in time O(m+s), where m is the size of P and s is the size of alphabeta

//Boyer-Moore Algorithm
Algorithm BoyerMooreMatch(T, P, D){
	L = lastOccurenceFunction(P, D)	//O(m+n)
	i = m-1;
	j = m -1
		if T[i] = P[i]		//run m-1 times in worst case, before character-jump
			if j = 0
				return i;	//match at i
				i = i - 1;
				j = j -1;
		else	//character-jump, run 1 times every m times in worst case
			l = L[T[i]];
			i = i + m - min(j, 1 + l);
			j = m - 1;
	until i > n - 1	//run n times in worst case
	return -1 //no match


Boyer-Moore’s algorithm runs in time O(nm + s)
The worst case

KMP Algorithm

Preprocessing Pattern

KMP failure Function

preprocesses the pattern to find matches of prefixes of the pattern.

The failure function can be represented by an array and can be computed in O(m) time

Algorithm failure Function(P)
	F[0] = 0;
	i = 1;
	j = 0;
	while i < m
		if P[i] = P[j]	//matched j + 1 char
			F[i] = j + 1;
			i = i + 1;
			j = j + 1;
		else if j >0	//use failure function to shift P
			j = F[j - 1];
		else	//no match
			F[i] = 0;
			i = i + 1;
The KMP algorithm

The KMP’s algorithm runs in optimal time O(m+n)

Algorithm KMPMatch(T, P)
	F = failureFuncion(P);
	i = 0;
	j = 0;
	while i < n
		if T[i] = P[j]	//char match
			if j = m - 1	//match
				return i - j;
				i = i + 1;
				j = j + 1;
		else		//failure to match
			if j > 0
				j = F[j - 1]
				i = i + 1
		return -1; 	//no match

Preprocessing Text

If the text is large, immutable and searched for often, proprocessing the text instead of the pattern

Standard Tries

  • O(n) space and support searches
  • O(dm) insertion
  • O(dm) deletion

n is total size of the string in S
m size of the string parameter of the operation
d size of the alphabet

Compressed Tries


A graph is a pair (V, E) where

  • V is a set of nodes, called vertices
  • E is a collection of pairs of vertices, called edges
  • Vertices and edges are positions and store elements
Edge type:
  1. Directed edge(ordered pair of vertices)
  2. Undiected edge(unordered pair of vertices)
  1. v=2m\sum\nolimits_{v} = 2m
  2. In an undirected graph with no self-loops and no multiple edges mn(n1)/2m \leq n(n - 1)/2

Graph Representations

Adjacency matrix


  • easily implemented as 2-dimensional asrray
  • can represent graph, digraphs and weighted graphs


  • if few edges(sparse) => memory-inefficient

Space complexity is O(n2)O(n^{2})

Graph Initialization


	input number of nodes n
	Output new empty graph
		g.nV = n;
		g.nE =0;
		allocate memory to g.edges[][]
		for all i, j = 0 ... n-1 do
			g.edges[i][j] = 0;
		return g;
Edge Insertion


insertEdge(g,  (v, w))
	input : graph g, edge(v, w)
	if (g.edges[v][w] = 0)
		g.edges[v][w] = 1;
		g.edges[v][w] = 1;
		g.nE = g.nE + 1;
Edge Removal


RemoveEdge(g, (v, w))
	Input graph g, edge(v, w)
	if g.edges[v][w]  = 0
		g.edge[v][w] = 0;
		g.edge[w][v] = 0;
		g.nE = g.nE - 1;
Adjacency lists


  • relatively easy to implement
  • memory efficient if E:V relatively small


  • one graph has many possible representations unless lists are ordered by same criterion.

space complexity is O(n+m)O(n + m)

Graph Initialization


	Input number of nodes n
	Output new empty graph
	g.nV = n;
	g.nE = 0;
	allocate memory for g.edges[]
	for all i = 0...n-1 do
		g.edges[i] = NULL
	return g
Edge Insertion

O(1)O(1) if don’t check for duplicates

insertEdge(g, (v, w))
	Input: graph g, edge (v, w)
	if inLL(g.edges[v], w)
		insertLL(g.edges[v], w)
		insertLL(g.edges[w], v)
		g.nE = g.nE + 1;
Edge Removal


removeEdge(g, (v, w))
	Input graph g, edge (v, w)
	if inLL(g.edges[v], w)
		delete(g.edges[v], w);
		delete(g.edges[w], v);
		g.nE = g.nE - 1;
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