Output Hive table XXX is bucketed but Spark currently does NOT populate bucketed output...

error spark分桶保存hive失敗
Output Hive table XXX is bucketed but Spark currently does NOT populate bucketed output which is compatible with Hive;
source code

table.bucketSpec match {
      case Some(bucketSpec) =>
        // Writes to bucketed hive tables are allowed only if user does not care about maintaining
        // table's bucketing ie. both "hive.enforce.bucketing" and "hive.enforce.sorting" are
        // set to false
        val enforceBucketingConfig = "hive.enforce.bucketing"
        val enforceSortingConfig = "hive.enforce.sorting"

        val message = s"Output Hive table ${table.identifier} is bucketed but Spark " +
          "currently does NOT populate bucketed output which is compatible with Hive."

        if (hadoopConf.get(enforceBucketingConfig, "true").toBoolean ||
          hadoopConf.get(enforceSortingConfig, "true").toBoolean) {
          throw new AnalysisException(message)
        } else {
          logWarning(message + s" Inserting data anyways since both $enforceBucketingConfig and " +
            s"$enforceSortingConfig are set to false.")
      case _ => // do nothing since table has no bucketing
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