macOS 10.15 Beta 2

macOS Catalina 10.15 Beta 2 Release Notes

本文翻译自:macOS Catalina 10.15 Beta 2 Release Notes

beta 2 发布于 19 年 6 月 18 日
解决了 beta 1 的一些问题,也新增了一些特性。解决的问题主要可见 Resolved Issues

beta 1 发布于 19 年 6 月 4 日,翻译如下:


The macOS 10.15 SDK provides support for developing apps for Macs running macOS Catalina 10.15. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 11 beta available from Beta Software Downloads. For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 11, see Xcode 11 Beta 2 Release Notes.

macOS 10.15 SDK 支持开发运行在 10.15 上的应用。这些SDK包含在 Xcode 11 beta 中,你可以从 Beta Software Downloads: 下载。 Xcode 11的兼容信息可以查看Xcode 11 Beta 2 发布记录:


New Features

  • Installing third party kernel extensions now requires that you restart your Mac before they’re permitted to load. (50340461)


Known Issues

  • If you used Migration Assistant to migrate your data to a Mac running macOS Catalina beta, you might see only third-party applications when clicking the Applications shortcut in the Finder sidebar. (51651200)

    Workaround: In Finder > Preferences > Sidebar, select the Applications favorite, then remove the Applications shortcut from the sidebar that displays incorrect results.

    如果你使用迁移助手来将数据迁移到 macOS Catalina beta,在Finder 侧栏点击应用快捷方式的时候,你可能只能看到第三方应用。

    解决办法:访达—>偏好设置—>边栏,在个人收藏 中取消选中应用程序,这样就不会从这一的快捷方式看到错误的显示结果。


  • Warning

    Your Secure Token might be lost if FileVault is enabled on a non-APFS formatted volume while upgrading to macOS 10.15. You might be able to work around this by disabling FileVault before upgrading to macOS 10.15, then reenabling FileVault once the upgrade has completed. (51091312)

    如果在非 APFS 格式的宗卷在不使用文件保险箱,在升级到 10.15后 ,你的加密 token 可能会遗失。你可能需要在升级10.15 之前不开启 FileVault ,升级后再使用。

  • During installation of macOS 10.15 you might be prompted to enter your administrator password multiple times to allow installation to proceed. (51206649)

    安装 10.15 可能需要多次输入管理员密码。

  • Some apps might not automatically relaunch after installation or updating and must be manually relaunched. (51228752)


Resolved Issues

  • You can install macOS 10.15 onto an encrypted volume even if it’s not already formatted as APFS. (51127640)

    你可以安装 10.15 进入一个加密的宗卷,即使它不是 APFS格式。

  • The Install macOS 10.15 app runs as expected on macOS 10.9. (50868081)

    Install macOS 10.15 应用可以在 10.9 上运行了。

  • You don’t need to upgrade to macOS Mojave 10.14 before upgrading to macOS 10.15. (50181382)

    安装 10.15 不再需要先将系统升级到 10.14。

  • Migration Assistant correctly migrates data from a Mac running macOS 10.15 to another Mac running macOS 10.15. (50894629)

    迁移助理可以正确的在两台 10.15 之前迁移数据了。

  • During upgrades to macOS 10.15, files and folders stored at the root-level of a volume are no longer moved aside to /Library/SystemMigration/History/Migration-UUID/QuarantineRoot/. (45378791)

    安装 10.15 的过程中,卷宗中root 级别文件和文件夹不再迁移到 /Library/SystemMigration/History/Migration-UUID/QuarantineRoot/

  • On Macs with the Apple T2 Security Chip, if you’ve used Startup Security Utility to lower Secure Boot to Medium Security or No Security, you can modify Secure Boot settings after upgrading to macOS 10.15. (51043128)

    在带 有苹果 T2安全芯片的 Mac 上,如果你使用 启动加密工具 来降低加密引导到 中级加密状态或不加密状态,你可以调整 Secure Boot 设置。


  • macOS frameworks are now thinned for the x86-64 architecture. Apps that execute i386 code now fail with the EBADARCH error code. The remaining stub frameworks are nonfunctional and exist only for compatibility purposes. (51236070)

    (与beta1相同)macOS 框架精简为只支持 x86-64 。 使用 i386 的应用,会报错 EBADARCH


Known Issues

  • VoiceOver feedback sounds are currently unavailable while in macOS Recovery. (48218068)

    VoiceOver 反馈声音目前在恢复模式下不可用。

Resolved Issues

  • On Macs with the Apple T2 Security Chip, VoiceOver is available again while in macOS Recovery. (49870874)

    (与beta1相同)在使用 T2 Security Chip 的电脑上,macOS 恢复时,VoiceOver 无法使用。

App Store

Known Issues

  • Some apps, such as Final Cut Pro, Motion, Compressor, and iMovie can’t be found using Search. (51245576)

    Workaround: If you previously purchased the apps, you can download them again from Account > Purchased.

    一些应用可能无法通过搜索发现,如 Final Cut Pro, Motion, Compressor, 和 iMovie。

    解决方法:如果你之前购买过这些应用,可以从 账户—> 已购 中再次下载。

Apple CryptoKit

Known Issues

  • When using the SecureEnclave API with access control set on keys, users might not be prompted to authenticate. This might cause subsequent operations requiring authentication to fail. (51279188)

    (与beta1相同)当使用 SecureEnclave API 来设置访问控制,用户可能没法授权。这可能导致一些列授权失败的问题。

Apple File System (APFS)

Resolved Issues

  • You can use volume replication with Fusion volumes as a source or destination. (51114645)

    融合卷宗可以使用 卷复制功能了,无论是作为源还是目标。

Apple TV

Known Issues

  • Support for signing in with an account from a different country is currently unavailable. (51240948)


Resolved Issues

  • Support for Dolby Atmos content and downloads is now available. (51050344)

    支持 杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos )内容的下载。

  • Apple TV remembers the previously selected tab when you relaunch it. (50922604)

    Apple TV 重启后,可以记住你上次选中的 tab。

  • The option to show only offline downloads is now available. (50997542)

    目前可以 只展示离线下载的功能。

  • Navigating using the back button behaves as expected. (51207403)



New Features

  • To enhance security, AppleEvents and AppleScripts that target an app on a remote system must authenticate as the same user on the remote system. An AppleEvent that targets an app running as a different user receives a procNotFound error.

    To allow remote AppleEvents to target apps in any user session, run the following command in Terminal on the server:

    defaults write /Library/Preferences/ RestrictAccessToUserSession -bool false

    Then disable and reenable Remote Apple Events in System Preferences > Sharing. (5353592)

    为了增强安全性,AppleEvents 和 AppleScripts 在远程系统上定位一个app,需要有那个远程系统上用户的相同的授权。 如果不是相同用户, AppleEvent 在定位应用的时候,将会报 procNotFound 错误。

    允许远程 AppleEvents 在任何用户回话中使用应用,在服务端运行下述命令行 defaults write /Library/Preferences/ RestrictAccessToUserSession -bool false


New Features

  • You can now enable voice processing mode on AVAudioEngine. (50906329)

    你可以在 AVAudioEngine 上使用语音处理模式。

  • You can use new AVAudioNode types to wrap a user-defined block for sending or receiving data in real-time.

    你可以使用 AVAudioNode 类型来包装一个 用户定义的 block 来实时发送和接收数据。

  • A new method is available for an AVAudioEngine based app to retrieve a list of all nodes attached to an AVAudioEngine instance.

    基于AVAudioEngine 的应用,有一个新的方法来获取 AVAudioEngine 单例的所有节点。

  • A new rendering mode in AVAudioEnvironmentNode selects the best spatial audio rendering algorithm automatically based on the output device.

    AVAudioEnvironmentNode 中一个新的渲染模式,可以选择基于设备的最佳的空间音频渲染算法。

  • A new AVAudioSession property allows system sounds and haptics to play while the session is actively using audio input.


  • A new property, AVAudioSessionPromptStyle informs apps which style of voice prompt they should play based on other audio activity in the system.


  • The AVAudioSessionRouteSharingPolicy enumeration is extended to allow apps to specify route sharing policies so their audio and video is routed to the same location as AirPlay.

    AVAudioSessionRouteSharingPolicy 枚举被拓展,运用应用指定路由分享协议,这样他们的音视频可以路由到同一个地址。

  • Audio Unit Extensions now support user presets that are available across all host apps.

    Audio Unit 扩展现在支持用户预置,对主机上所有应用都有效。


  • The OpenAL framework is deprecated and remains present for compatibility purposes. Transition to AVAudioEngine for spatial audio functionality.

    OpenAL 框架过期了,但为了兼容而保留。VR音频的功能迁移到 AVAudioEngine 中。

  • AUGraph is deprecated in favor of AVAudioEngine.


  • Inter-App audio is deprecated. Use Audio Units for this functionality.


  • Carbon component-based Audio Units are deprecated and support will be removed in a future release.

    基于 Carbon 的音频单元过期,目前支持但后续会被移除。

  • Legacy Core Audio HAL audio hardware plug-ins are no longer supported. Use Audio Server plug-ins for audio drivers.

    遗留的 Core Audio HAL 音频硬件插件不再支持,使用 Audio Server 插件来开发音频驱动。


New Features

  • AVFoundation now supports encoding video with alpha channels using HEVC. Videos encoded in this manner are broadly supported in AVFoundation APIs and by Safari within web pages. Technical details of the format can be found in the Interoperability Profile specification. (8045917)

    AVFoundation 支持使用 HEVC 的 alpha 通道来视频编码。使用这种方式编码的视频将被 AVFoundation 的 API 和 网页中的Safari 广泛支持这种格式的技术细节可以操作规范说明中找到。


  • The previously deprecated 32-bit QuickTime framework is no longer available in macOS 10.15.

    从前 32 位的 QuickTime 框架在 10.15 中无效。

  • The symbols for QTKit, which relied on the QuickTime framework, are still present but the classes are non-functional.

    依赖 QuickTime 的 QTKit 符号将保留,但是类都会时区功能。


Known Issues

  • After migrating, audio books might not appear until you restart your Mac. (50823065)

    迁移后,音频书可能不会展示直到重启Mac。(重启Mac 后,音频书才会显示)

  • If the ‘Restrict books with explicit content’ setting is enabled, your purchased books might be unexpectedly hidden. (51602141)


  • Books stored in iCloud Drive might take several minutes to appear in your Library. (51435740, 50776390)

    保存在 iCloud 云盘中的书籍,可能需要花几分钟才会展示在你的资源库。

  • You might be unable to import books into your library until you restart your Mac. (50962112)

    你可能无法导入书籍到你的 资源库,直到重启Mac。

  • After upgrading to macOS Catalina beta, locally downloaded cloud items might move back to iCloud. (51306790)

    升级到 Catalina beta 后,本地下载的云项目可能会移回到 iCloud。

Resolved Issues

  • Books and PDFs imported into the Books app upload to iCloud Drive. (47124224)

    导入到 Books 应用的书籍和 pdf 将会上传到 iCloud 云盘。


Known Issues


Known Issues

  • Applying a filter to console messages might fail. (51524242)


Core Image

New Features

  • The filterWithImageURL:options: and filterWithImageData:options:initializers no longer support RAW decoder versions earlier than 6. Version 6 and later remain supported. (50911303)

    filterWithImageURL:options:filterWithImageData:options: 初始化方法,不再支持 6版本前的 RAW 解码器。6和之后的版本保持支持。

  • Added new APIs for instantiating and modifying the built-in Core Image filters.

    新增 实例化和 修改内置滤镜的 API。

  • The CICoreMLModel filter is enhanced to support models with an input or output of type MLFeatureTypeMultiArray.

    CICoreMLModel 滤镜被增强来支持 MLFeatureTypeMultiArray类型的输入输出模型。

  • Metal CIKernel instances now support arguments with arbitrarily structured data.

    Metal 的 CIKernel实例支持任意结构数据的参数。

  • Metal CIKernel instances now support returning a group of two by two pixels.

    Metal 的 CIKernel实例支持返回两个像素组成的组。

  • The integer values of CIFormat symbols, such as kCIFormatARGB8, have changed to a new set of values which are consistent across platforms. The former values remain supported for backward compatibility; however, you should avoid dependancies on specific numerical values.

    kCIFormatARGB8CIFormat 符号的整型数值,被改为一组跨平台的一致的新的数据。为了向后兼容,从前的数据保留。但是,你需要避免特殊数值的依赖。

Core Media

Known Issues

  • You might see unexpected results when creating 10-bit HEVC video content. (50322535)

    创建10位 HEVC 视频内容的时候,可能会得到意想不到的结果。

Device Management

Known Issues

  • Sending a Volume Purchase Program download request to a client from a Mobile Device Management server might cause an authorization dialog to appear on the client. (49376544)

    从移动设备管理服务器 向 客户端下发 批量采购计划下载 可能会在客户端展示授权弹窗。

Resolved Issues

  • You can now log in while creating a mobile account on a server with Mobile Device Management Bootstrap Token support. (50912641)


  • After installing a Device Profile with PrintMACAddress=true, the user’s MAC address prints as expected. (51003427)

    使用 PrintMACAddress=true 安装设备描述文件后,用户的mac 地址可以被正确打印。


Known Issues

  • The Filter Packet network extension type and NWEthernetChannel API don’t currently work with network interface drivers implemented using DriverKit. (48709552)

    Filter Packet 网络拓展类型,和 NWEthernetChannel API 目前不能与使用 DriverKit 实现的网络接口驱动程序一起工作.

Resolved Issues

  • You no longer need to unplug and reattach the accessory cable to enumerate a user space driver if that driver quits unexpectedly or you restart your Mac,. (50042397)

    如果用户控件的驱动意外退出,或者你重启电脑,你不再需要 卸载驱动 并重新加载附属接口来列举驱动。


Known Issues

  • The exec and open events are cached, however the cache entries aren’t invalidated when the file is manipulated. exec events are cached based on the executable and openevents are cached as a product of the executable and the target file being opened. (45497117)

    execopen 事件被缓存,然而文件操作时,缓存入口不可用。exec 事件基于可执行性而缓存, open事件缓存为一个可执行的或作为目标文件被打开的产品,

  • The cache flag for es_respond_auth_result and es_respond_flags_result is ignored. (49071387)

    es_respond_auth_result and es_respond_flags_result 的缓存标志(cache)被忽略。

  • EndpointSecurity system extensions don’t have access to early boot events. (49487645)


  • The original_ppid field of es_process_t isn’t currently set and always returns -1. (50746916)

    es_process_toriginal_ppid 目前没有设置,并总返回 -1.


  • The kauth API will be removed in a future release. (50419013)

    kauth API 未来将会被移除。


Known Issues

  • Password reset for FileVault volumes from macOS Recovery doesn’t function as expected. (50455695)

    Workaround: While in macOS Recovery, launch Terminal from the Utilities menu, then type resetpassword and press return. In the window which appears, select ‘My keyboard isn’t working when typing my password to log in’.

    FileVault 卷宗从macOS 恢复中重置密码无法如其运行。

    替代方案:在 macOS 恢复时,打开终端,输入 resetpassword 命令。在显示出的窗口中,选择 My keyboard isn’t working when typing my password to log in

Final Cut Pro

Known Issues

  • You might be unable to access content from your Photos library. (51600540)



Resolved Issues

  • Finder no longer quits unexpectedly when you try to restore using the Time Machine interface. (49398715)

    当使用 Time Machine 接口来存储时,Finder 不会再闪退。

  • Files can be copied from and deleted on an iOS device using the Files tab in Finder. (48649759)

    使用 Finder 的文件 tab ,可以复制或删除 iOS 设备上的文件。

  • You can now download folders from iCloud properly. (50855741)

    你可以从 iCloud 下载文件夹。

  • When iCloud Desktop is enabled, attempting to drag a volume mounted on the desktop no longer results in the volume being copied to the Desktop. (51187890)

    当 iCloud 桌面不能使用,将卷宗拖拽到桌面,不会再导致卷宗被拷贝到桌面。


Known Issues

  • You might see multiple empty Application libraries within iCloud Drive. You can safely remove the empty folders. (51635803)

    你会看在iCloud 云盘中到几个空的应用资源库。你可以安全的移除这些空文件夹。

  • The content of folders inside an iCloud Shared Folder might not be available to other users viewing your shared folder. (51591135)

    其他用户可能无法查看你分享的 iCloud 共享文件夹中的内容。

  • Turning off the Siri switch in iCloud settings doesn’t stop Significant Locations from syncing. To stop syncing, turn off the Significant Locations switch. (50908297)

    在 iCloud 中关闭 Siri 开关。,可能无法停止同步的 关键位置。为了停止同步,需要关闭 Significant Locations 开关。

  • The Cloud Files section in About This Mac > Storage > Manage might inaccurately represent the current state of files on your Mac. (50362095)

    关于本机 -->存储空间-->管理 中显示的云文件区展示的Mac 上当前文件状态可能不准确。

  • Even when Optimize Storage is switched off, iCloud Drive might fail to automatically download all files. (50667204)

    Workaround: Download files individually.

    即使关闭了优化存储,iCloud 云也可能无法自动下载所有文件。

  • Pages, Numbers, and Keynote documents in shared folders can only be opened on macOS and iOS. iWork documents in shared folders are currently inaccessible from (50738067)

    共享文件夹中的 Pages, Numbers, 和 Keynote 文件只能被 macOS 和 iOS 打开。共享文件夹中的 iWork 文件目前无法从 访问。

  • When creating a new Pages, Numbers, or Keynote document in a shared folder, you might see the message “Couldn’t connect to iCloud”. (50827963)

    Workaround: Close and reopen the document.

    创建新的 Pages, Numbers 或 Keynote 文稿时,你也许会看到提示消息Couldn’t connect to iCloud


Resolved Issues

  • Your desktop is no longer empty after upgrading to macOS 10.15 if you’re using iCloud Drive to sync Desktop & Documents folders. (50789836)

    如果你使用 iCloud 云盘来同步桌面和文稿文件夹,更新到 10.15 后,你桌面不会再变空。

iPad Apps on Mac

Known Issues

  • MPMediaPickerController might not display the contents of your library. (51785735)

    MPMediaPickerController 可能无法展示你资源中的内容。

  • macOS and iPad Apps on Mac are currently view-only clients of PencilKit. (51146823)

    Mac 上的 macOS 和 iPad 应用目前只是PencilKit 的视图客户端。(只能展示,不能书写?)

  • In order to show a share sheet from a toolbar item using the UIActivityViewController, create the NSToolbarItem using the initWithItemIdentifier:initializer and pass it a UIBarButtonItem configured as a UIBarButtonSystemItemAction. There is no need to set the barButtonItem property. (47292316)

    从 toolbar item 上展示共享的 sheet,使用UIActivityViewController。 使用 initWithItemIdentifier 初始化,并传递UIBarButtonItem 作为 UIBarButtonSystemItemAction , 来创建 NSToolbarItem

  • Currently, you’re unable to import AppKit and UIKit modules in the same compilation unit. If you want to import AppKit headers into an iPad App on Mac, you can import the individual AppKit header in Objective-C, or you can create a bridging header to import the individual AppKit header for Swift. (48094910)

    目前,你无法在同一个编译单元 引入 AppKit 和 UIKit 模块。如果你需要引入 AppKit 到 ipad app,你可以引入单独的 AppKit OC 头文件;或者你可以创建桥接头来引入单独的 AppKit Swift 头文件。

  • The UIScreen class’s captured API isn’t currently supported. (48360589)

    UIScreen 类的 captured 目前不支持。

  • When donating interactions using the INInteraction class on macOS, the completion handler is invoked with an error which can be safely ignored. (48371526)

    当在 macOS 上使用 INInteraction 类交互时,完成的处理将被 可以被安全忽略的错误 唤醒。

  • The currentDevice property on UIDevice and the OS Product Name is currently returned as iOS rather than macOS, which can affect diagnostic logs generated by your system. (49792004)

    UIDevicecurrentDevice 属性 和 OS Product Name 目前返回为 iOS,而非 macOS。将会影响系统产生的分析日志。

  • Event handling in extension contexts may produce unexpected results, including failure to deliver trackpad pinch and zoom gestures. (50145462)


  • When sending Mail attachments via MessageUI, each attachment might appear as two icons when viewed by the recipient. (50369995)

    当使用 MessageUI 发送邮件附件时,收件人预览时,每个附件会展示两个图标。

  • Controls drawn with accent color incorrectly maintain their active color when the window is inactive. There is no need to work around this in your app. (50563638)


  • The UIKit module currently doesn’t import the newly added NSToolbar and NSTouchBar headers, NSToolbar+UIKitAdditions.h and NSTouchBar+UIKitAdditions.h. You can import these headers directly in Objective-C, or you can create a bridging header to import them for Swift. Be sure to import Foundation before importing these headers. (50704322)

    UIKit 模块目前没有引入新添加的 NSToolbarNSTouchBar 头文件:NSToolbar+UIKitAdditions.h and NSTouchBar+UIKitAdditions.h。你可以在 OC 下直接引入,或者在 swift 下使用桥接头。在引入这些头文件之前,需要引入 Foundation 框架。

  • When your iPad App on Mac is launched directly into the background, it experiences all the state transitions of a regular app launch — such as application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: and applicationDidBecomeActive: — followed by state transitions to return to background state from there — applicationWillResignActive: and applicationDidEnterBackground:. This will soon be updated to match iOS, where your app will receive only applicationDidFinishLaunching:, and only if it wasn’t already running. (50742219)

    当你的在 Mac 上运行的 iPad 应用被直接加载到后台,它将经历一个正常应用启动的状态变化,比如 application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:applicationDidBecomeActive:,状态变化后,从以下方法返回后台状态 applicationWillResignActive:applicationDidEnterBackground。这些将被更新来适应 iOS。你的应用将只接收 applicationDidFinishLaunching,而且只在它已经运行的情况下。

  • For iPad Apps on Mac to save to Photos Library, explicitly linking the Photos framework is required. (50781430)

    Mac 上的 iPad 引用保存照片,明确需要使用 Photos 框架。

  • Opening a CloudKit share URL might not launch an iPad App on Mac that’s present on the system. Additionally, the system might not take the user to the appropriate App Store page to download an app which isn’t present on the system. (50877241)

    打开 CloudKit 分享 URL 可能不会打开系统上一个Mac 上运行的 ipad 应用。另外,系统可能不会引导用户到适合的 App Store 界面来下载系统上没有出现的应用。

  • Action and share extensions might exhibit visual anomalies. (51005363)


  • The productsRequest:didReceiveResponse: method from StoreKit currently returns with didFailWithError and products aren’t loaded. (51028870)

    StoreKit 的 productsRequest:didReceiveResponse: 方法目前将返回 didFailWithError,且 product 无法加载。

  • All assets at 3x scale factor are currently ignored when compiling the asset catalog for iPad Apps on Mac. Because the search begins with the universal asset, assets for a specific memory or graphics class won’t be found. For example, if you provide an image and only give a 6GB and Metal 5v1 asset, it won’t be found at runtime. It’s recommended that you provide all images as vectors to allow generation of the correct scale factors, or at minimum provide 2x versions of the assets. If you’re classifying resources based on memory and graphics families then you should provide “Any Memory” and "Any Graphics”. (51033745)

    Mac 上的 iPad 应用在编译时,将忽略 3x 的资源。从全部资源开始搜索,特定的资源不会被发现。比如,你提供一个图片,并只给 6GB 的 5V1 资源,在运行时它不会被发现。

    建议你按照指引正确的提供所有的资源,或者至少提供 2x。如果你使用内存和图形家族给资源分类,你需要提供任意内存或者任意图形。

  • CallKit CXAction instances might return an error. (51074735)

    CallKit 的CXAction 可能会返回错误。

  • MTKView objects might render incorrectly. This will be resolved in an upcoming beta. (51084042)

    MTKView 对象可能会渲染错误。这个会在将来的 beta 版本中解决。

  • If your iPad App on Mac is launched directly into the background, a second background launch request launches the app into the foreground, making it visible to the user. If your app uses any of the supported APIs which might result in a background launch, this might cause your app to launch in the foreground without user input. (51287556)

    如果你的 iPad 应用启动后直接进入后台,第二个后台启动需要将应用启动到前台,让用户可见。如果你的应用使用了可能导致后台启动的API,这些可能会导致你的应用在前台运行。

  • In macOS 10.15 beta, the UIGraphicsRenderer class’s defaultFormat function returns the nonextended color range renderer format by default. To use-extended color range format for rendering, create an instance using preferredFormat and pass it to initWithBounds:format:. (51303954)

    UIGraphicsRenderer 类的 defaultFormat 功能默认返回非拓展的颜色返回渲染模式。 使用扩展的颜色幅度,使用 preferredFormat 创建实例,并传递 initWithBounds:format:

  • When creating a Mac version of your iPad app, Xcode automatically generates a unique Mac bundle identifier. If you have an existing Mac bundle identifier you’d prefer to use, you can do so by using manual signing in Xcode. (51076014)

    Follow these steps to configure your project, AppID, and provisioning profile:

  1. Sign in to Apple Developer, then select Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles.

  2. In the Identifiers section, select your iOS app identifier to edit.

  3. Check the UIKit for Mac capability to enable it, then click the Configure button.

  4. Choose Use an existing macOS AppID and select the identifier you’d like to use from the popup menu. Click the Save button to finish editing your AppID.

  5. In the Profiles section, click the + button to create a new profile, select ‘macOS App Development’, and click Continue.

  6. Select your iOS AppID from the popup, click Continue, and complete the rest of the profile creation flow. When finished, click the Download button.

  7. In Xcode, select your project to view the Project Editor and select your app’s target. Then select the Build Settings tab.

  8. Set the Derive UIKit for Mac Product Bundle Identifier setting to No.

  9. Expand the Product Bundle Identifier build setting to view its configurations. Next to the Debug configuration, click the + button to add a conditional value.

  10. For the build setting condition, select Any macOS from the popup menu. Edit the value of the conditional build setting to match the macOS bundle identifier you want to use. Repeat this step for all configurations in your project.

  11. In the Signing & Capabilities tab, uncheck Automatically manage signing.

  12. For your macOS app, select Import Profile from the Provisioning Profile popup and then select the profile you downloaded earlier.

    和 beta 1 一样,就不翻译了,可看前面那篇。

Resolved Issues

  • Localization for ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton is now available. (51032803)

    ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton 现在可以本地化。

  • The new required NSURLCache initializer initWithMemoryCapacity:diskCapacity:diskPath: is now available. (50739637)

    新需要的 NSURLCache 初始化方法 initWithMemoryCapacity:diskCapacity:diskPath: 现在可以用了。

  • iPad Apps on Mac that use CloudKit receive push notifications properly. (51264475)

    使用 CloudKit 的在 Mac 上运行的 iPad 应用可以接受推送了。

  • iPad Apps on Mac use the same default keychain access group as iPad apps. (50779224)

    Mac 上的 iPad 应用可以与 iPad 应用 使用相同的默认的钥匙串访问组。

  • Ad-hoc app signing now allows access to the Keychain. Adding Keychain Sharing triggers mandatory signing using a profile, in turn allowing access to the Keychain. (50898387)

    Ad-hoc 应用签名目前允许访问钥匙串。添加钥匙串分享 需要触发使用说明文件强制签名,来有权使用钥匙串。

  • You can open the Services Preferences pane from the Services > Services Preferences menu item in the app menu. (49780697)

    你可以从 Services > Services Preferences 打开 服务偏好设置面板 。

  • When the user quits an iPad App on Mac, the app transitions to UIKit background state and the app’s audio is stopped. AVAudioSession issues a begin interruption notification in response to the app transitioning to UIKit background state. Additionally, if an iPad App on Mac attempts to activate an AVAudioSession, start an AudioQueue, AURemoteIO, or other high-level player object while in UIKIt background state, audio input and output won’t be allowed to start and AVAudioSession won’t be allowed to activate while the app is in UIKIt background state. (51050672)

    当用户退出 Mac 上的 iPad 应用,应用切换到 UIKit 后台模式,app 的音频也将会停止。然而,AVAudioSession 终端通知将会被发送。应用切换到后台, AVAudioSession 发出一个 开始中断的通知。

    另外,在 UIKit 后台状态下,应用将尝试去激活一个 AVAudioSession,开始 AudioQueue, AURemoteIO, 或者其他更高级的播放器对象,这个对象可以被继承。

  • If you use UIDocumentBrowserViewController to create a new document, then cancel, the helper process presenting the document browser doesn’t quit unexpectedly. (50558637)

    使用 UIDocumentBrowserViewController 创建新文档,然后取消,辅助程序将展示文件浏览器不会意外退出。

  • UILabel, UITextField, and UITextView instances with alignment set to center or right in Interface Builder have the proper alignment when designing for or running iPad Apps on Mac. (50062524)

    UILabelUITextFieldUITextView实例将在 IB 中居中或者居右,在 Mac 上运行的 iPad 应用时,对齐方式将恢复正常。

  • A tooltip added to an NSToolbarItem is no longer presented as a blank window. (50957416)

    NSToolbarItem上添加的 tooltip ,展示出来不再是空窗口。

  • You can now pass shared items from a Sharing extension back to the host through its completion handler. (50835062)

  • Resolved an issue where creating an NSToolbarItem with a UIBarButtonSystemItem of type compose, reply, search, or camera made apps behave unexpectedly. (51253315)

    当你使用 compose, reply, searchcamera 类型的 UIBarButtonSystemItem 来创建 NSToolbarItem,你的应用展示错误的问题解决了。

  • Color asset variants are passed during runtime, so these colors now appear in your iPad App on Mac. (51113192)

    颜色资源变量在运行时不会被传递,所以这些颜色在 Mac 的 iPad app 上可以显示了。

  • Password AutoFill appears correctly in iPad Apps on Mac. (50992371)

    Mac 上的 iPad 应用可以正确使用密码自动填充功能了。

  • SFSafariViewController opens the URL from initialization when presented, then dismisses itself. (51267323)

    SFSafariViewController 在展示时打开初始化时的 URL,然后关闭自己。


Known Issues

  • Attempting to open iWork documents in Finder will unexpectedly create a .cpgz file if the corresponding iWork app isn’t installed. (40693892)

    Workaround: Install the corresponding app from the App Store before opening the document.

    如果没有安装 iWork 应用,尝试去打开 iWork 文稿时,将会意外创建一个 .cpgz 文件。

Game Controllers

Resolved Issues

  • HID reports from DualShock 4 game controllers using Bluetooth are no longer reported differently by lower level frameworks, such as IOKit, in comparison to macOS Mojave 10.14. (51163262)

    DualShock 4 游戏控制器中的 HID 报告 使用蓝牙将会被 如 IOKit 的底层框架报告不再和 Mojave 10.14 上显示不同。


Known Issues

  • Certain languages might exhibit clipped or misaligned layout. (51068688,50983852)


  • Certain languages might display unlocalized text. (47765173,51196633)



Known Issues

  • If your Mac contains both macOS Mojave 10.14 and macOS 10.15 volumes, you might experience issues searching in Mail. (46611310)

    Workaround: While running macOS Mojave 10.14, open Terminal and execute the following command:

    sudo touch /.metadata_never_index_unless_rootfs

    Reboot into macOS 10.15, open Terminal and execute the following command:

    sudo touch /System/Volumes/Data/.metadata_never_index_unless_rootfs

    Reboot into macOS Mojave 10.14, open Terminal and execute the following command:

    sudo mdutil -E /

    Depending on the size of your Mail database, it might take many hours to reindex all content.

如果你的 Mac 同时包含 10.14 和 10.15 卷宗,你可能会在查找邮件是遇到问题。

解决方案:在运行 10.14 是,打开终端,执行以下命令:sudo touch /.metadata_never_index_unless_rootfs

重新启动到 10.15,打开终端执行以下命令:sudo touch /System/Volumes/Data/.metadata_never_index_unless_rootfs

重新启动到 10.14,打开终端执行以下命令:sudo mdutil -E /



Known Issues

  • You might be unable to log into the store unless you’re logging in from the country in which you’re currently located. (51105585)


  • Navigating using the back button might produce unexpected results. (51248128)


  • Music might take a long time to launch for some users. (51207753)

    部分用户的 Music 可能需要较长的时间启动。

  • You might be unable to scroll content on shelves. (51248128)


  • Artwork changes might not immediately appear; playlists will be added in an upcoming beta. (51201715)

    作品的变化可能没法立即显示;播放列表将在未来的 beta 中添加。

  • Music might not remember the previously selected tab when it’s relaunched. (50922604)

    Music 重启后可能无法记住之前的选择的 tab。

Resolved Issues

  • Connecting to another computer using Home Sharing shows the remote library as expected. (50921136)

    使用家庭共享来连接到另外的电脑,可以显示远程 library。

  • Attempting to delete movies, TV shows, and music videos from Manage Storage settings works as expected. (51001458)

    Manage Storage 设置中可以删除 movies, TV shows, 和 music videos。

  • The visualizer appears as expected. (49952376)



New Features

  • All NSURLSessionTasks with a GET HTTP method which contain a body will now produce the error NSURLErrorDataLengthExceedsMaximum. (46025234)

    所有包含请求体的 GET HTTP 的方法,NSURLSessionTasks 将会产生错误的 NSURLErrorDataLengthExceedsMaximum。

Known Issues

  • An active Network Extension content filter configuration might interrupt the boot process indefinitely following a kernel panic. (50965627)

    Workaround: Boot into macOS Recovery, launch Terminal, and execute the following command:

    rm /Library/Preferences/


    替代方案:进入 macOS 回复,打开终端,执行以下命令:rm /Library/Preferences/

  • NetBoot is unavailable when a Network Extension content filter configuration is enabled. (50872052)

    Network Extension content filter configuration 启用时,NetBoot 不可用,

  • The NWEthernetChannel API doesn’t currently support VLAN interfaces. NEPacketTunnelProvider will see both tagged and untagged frames arriving on physical interfaces. Depending on the Ethernet driver, VLAN tags might be processed by hardware and thus stripped off the Ethernet frames thus NEPacketTunnelProviderwon’t see the VLAN tag. (51275655)

    NWEthernetChannel API 目前不支持 VLAN 接口。NEPacketTunnelProvider 将看到标记和未标记的帧 在物理接口上。在以太网驱动基础上,VLAN 标记将被硬件处理;即使剥去以太网帧,NEPacketTunnelProvider 依然无法看到 VLAN 标记。

Resolved Issues

  • The driver for Ethernet Control Model (ECM) USB-C to Ethernet adapters is now enabled in Virtual Machine instances of macOS 10.15. (50968842)

    以太网控制型(ECM) 的 USB-C 接口驱动可以在虚拟机器实例中使用了。

  • Enabling a Network Extension content filter using NEFilterManager starts the content filter. (50603957)

    使用 NEFilterManager 来使用 Network Extension 内容过滤器可以正确启动 内容过滤器了。

  • The DNS Proxy, Packet Tunnel, and App Proxy network extension types work as System Extensions. (51186839)

    DNS 协议,包隧道,苹果协议网络拓展类型可以像系统拓展一样运行了。

  • Installing a content filter configuration when the corresponding content filter system extension is inactive doesn’t interrupt all network traffic on your Mac. (51033902)



  • Support for FTP and File URL schemes for Proxy Automatic Configuration (PAC) is removed. HTTP and HTTPS are the only supported URL schemes for PAC. This affects all PAC configurations including but not limited to configurations set using Settings, System Preferences, profiles, URLSession APIs such as connectionProxyDictionary, and CFNetworkExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationURL. (28578280)

    对 FTP 和 PAC 的 File URL 方案被移除。HTTP 和 HTTPS是 唯一支持 PAC 的 URL 方案。这回影响所有的 PAC 配置,包含但不限于使用 Settings, System Preferences, profiles, URLSession 的 API。

  • SPDY support is removed from the NSURLSession and NSURLConnection APIs. Servers should use HTTP 2 or HTTP 1.1. (43391641)

    SPDY 支持将从 NSURLSessionNSURLConnection 中移除。服务器将使用 HTTP 2 or HTTP 1.1.

  • The Network Kernel Extension API is now deprecated. (49284108)

    Network Kernel Extension API 过期了。

  • NetBIOS is disabled in macOS 10.15 to speed up mounting, browsing, and connecting to SMB shares. Some older printers and file servers may require NetBIOS to connect. (51119111)

    To enable NetBIOS, you can create or edit the /etc/nsmb.conf file. If your system doesn’t already have an /etc/nsmb.conf file, use the following Terminal commands while logged in as an Administrator:

    echo "[default]" | sudo tee -a /etc/nsmb.conf
    echo "port445=both" | sudo tee -a /etc/nsmb.conf

    To disable NetBIOS, you can safely delete the /etc/nsmb.conf file.

    NetBIOS 在 10.15 中无法用来加速挂载、浏览和连接 SMB 共享。一些旧的打印机和文件服务器可能需要 NetBIOS 来连接。为了使 NetBIOS 生效,你可以创建或编辑 /etc/nsmb.conf 文件。如果你的系统目前没有 /etc/nsmb.conf 文件,以管理员模式运行下面的终端命令

    echo "[default]" | sudo tee -a /etc/nsmb.conf
    echo "port445=both" | sudo tee -a /etc/nsmb.conf

    如果希望使 NetBIOS失效,也可以安全的删除 /etc/nsmb.conf 文件。


New Features

  • To improve the Photos upgrade experience, Photos is testing database upgrades using a clone of the Photo Library. This clone doesn’t include the content of each photo, but does include faces metadata and a thumbnail image of each person in your library. It also contains metadata such as the asset name and the geographic location of the photo. It is created at ~/Pictures/macOS 10.15 Pre-Upgrade Backup, and you can manually remove this backup at any time. The clone will be removed automatically before the final release of macOS 10.15. (51033690)

    为了提升 Photos 的升级体验,Photos 测试数据库更新后使用 Photo Library 的克隆。这份克隆不包含每个照片的内容,但包含人连元数据和每个人的预览图。它同时包含图片的元数据,如资源名、地理位置。创建在 ~/Pictures/macOS 10.15 Pre-Upgrade Backup, 你可以随时手动删除这个备份。这份克隆将在 10.15 的正式发布后,自动移除。


Known Issues

  • The sidebar might render unexpectedly until quitting and relaunching the app. (51340728)


  • Browse and Top Charts might not display content from the expected country. (51681853)


  • Deleting podcasts using About This Mac > Storage > Manage doesn’t update what’s shown in the Podcasts app until it’s relaunched. (50354510)

    使用这个方法删除播客 About This Mac > Storage > Manage , 可能需要重启后内容才会更新。

  • Setting “Automatically Download Episodes” to “Never” might not take effect. (50960777)

    设置 Automatically Download EpisodesNever 可能不会生效。

  • Writing a review isn’t currently supported. (46173722)


  • Manually checking for feed updates when Option-clicking the Podcasts app in the dock isn’t currently available. (50958585)

    Workaround: Quit and relaunch the app.

    目前不支持在 dock 栏中手动检查更新。


  • Certain UI elements might appear unaligned on non-Retina displays. (51138730)

    一些 UI 元素在非 retina 屏幕上将无序展示。

  • The first time Podcasts is launched, a migration is triggered even if there is no content to migrate. (51145044)


  • If Podcasts is placed in Full Screen mode, some UI elements might be obscured by the toolbar. (47125303)

    如果播客被替换为全屏模式,一些 UI 元素将会被toolbar 遮盖。

Resolved Issues

  • User interface elements are no longer obscured by the toolbar if you place Podcasts in Full Screen mode. (47125303)


Quartz Composer


  • Starting in macOS 10.15, the Quartz Composer framework is deprecated and remains present for compatibility purposes. Transition to frameworks such as Core Image, SceneKit, or Metal. (50911608)

    从 10.15 开始,Quartz Composer 框架过期,但为了兼容而保留。建议迁移框架为: Core Image, SceneKit, or Metal。

Screen Sharing

Known Issues

  • If the Mac you’re screen sharing with is running macOS 10.15 beta, you can’t drag and drop onto the screen share. (50791710)

    如果你正在屏幕共享的 Mac 运行 10.15 beta 版本,在共享时无法拖拽。

Screen Time

Known Issues

  • Users can click ‘One more minute’ multiple times per day instead of only once each time they reach a limit for that app. (48773803)

    用户可以在一天内多次点击 多一分钟,替代在每次应用达到限制后只能点一次。

  • Screen Time > Content & Privacy > Content > Web Content > Allowed Websites Only isn’t currently enforced in macOS 10.15 beta. (50462899)

    Screen Time > Content & Privacy > Content > Web Content > Allowed Websites Only 目前没有在 10.15 beta 上强制实施。

Resolved Issues

  • Parental controls that predate macOS 10.15 aren’t enforced when these restrictions are set to Off in Screen Time. (48010796)


  • When in Downtime or after reaching an App Limit, clicking Ignore Limit no longer requires clicking in the precise location for the options to appear. (50061983)

    当在停工时,或者达到应用限制时,点击忽略限制 不再需要点击明确的位置。

  • Messages and FaceTime enforce Screen Time’s Communication Limits. (51055350, 51055448)

    Messages 和 FaceTime 遵守屏幕时间联系限制。

  • You can now consistently select apps in the Always Allowed pane. (51120837)

    你可以再 Always Allowed 设置面板中,始终如一的选中应用???

Script Editor

Resolved Issues

  • Script Editor doesn’t quit unexpectedly when saving or executing scripts. (50470730)


Scripting Language Runtimes


  • Scripting language runtimes such as Python, Ruby, and Perl are included in macOS for compatibility with legacy software. Future versions of macOS won’t include scripting language runtimes by default, and might require you to install additional packages. If your software depends on scripting languages, it’s recommended that you bundle the runtime within the app. (49764202)

    macOS中运行时脚本语言,如 Python, Ruby, and Perl ,以便于与其他遗留的软件兼容。

    未来版本的 macOS 将不会默认包含运行时脚本语言,你需要另外自己安装。如果你的应用依赖于脚本语言,建议你在 app 包中包含。

  • Use of Python 2.7 isn’t recommended as this version is included in macOS for compatibility with legacy software. Future versions of macOS won’t include Python 2.7. Instead, it’s recommended that you run python3 from within Terminal. (51097165)

    不建议使用 Python 2.7,这个版本macOS 包含,为了与遗留软件兼容。未来 Mac 将不再包含 Python 2.7。

Sign In with Apple

Resolved Issues


Resolved Issues

  • Siri now supports the Music and Podcasts apps. (47202947, 50790506)



Known Issues

  • Mail messages might not display previews. (35678035)



Known Issues

  • Return types for View modifier methods include complex generic types. In a future release, these methods will return simpler types. (46140669)

  • The tabItemLabel(_:) modifier doesn’t accept @ViewBuilder closures.

    Workaround: Wrap the views you pass to the modifier in a VStack:

        .tabItemLabel(VStack {
  • Image instances don’t use resizing information configured in asset catalogs. Configure the size of an image using the resizable(capInsets:resizingMode:) modifier instead. (49114577)

  • A ScrollView doesn’t always size itself as expected for its content. (49204262)

    Workaround: Size the view that’s inside the ScrollView by applying the frame(width:height:alignment:) modifier to the inner view. (49204262)

Resolved Issues

  • Tabs in TabbedView instances appear as expected when you use them with a NavigationView. (49958869)
  • The possible values that you can select from a Picker can now be accessed from UI automation. (50679414)


Known Issues

  • Upgrading system extension versions isn’t currently available. The extension can be deleted, then reinstalled which requires user reapproval. (48943883)

    目前不支持升级到 系统扩展。扩展将会被删除,并在用户重新批准后再次安装。

  • Approving system extensions using Mobile Device Management isn’t currently available. (50553712)

    目前不能使用 MDM 允许系统拓展。

Resolved Issues

  • Driver extensions launch on-demand after installation. (51229724)


Voice Memos

Known Issues

  • Voice Memos synced from iCloud might not finish downloading. (49512619)

    从iCloud 同步的语音备忘录可能没法结束下载。

  • The File menu might be unexpectedly empty. (51475831)


  • Location-based naming isn’t yet available in macOS 10.15 beta. (48048663, 50743045)

    基于位置的命名 在 10.15 beta 上不可用。


Resolved Issues

  • Your Mac can automatically join WPA3 networks. (50605428)

    你的Mac 现在可以自动加入 WPA3 网络。

  • The Wi-Fi menu no longer lists available Wi-Fi networks after you turn Wi-Fi off using the menu bar. (50643127)

    如果你在目录栏关闭 Wi-Fi ,Wi-Fi 目录不再展示可用的 Wi-Fi 网络。


Known Issues

  • Swift interfaces for several new NSURLSession APIs are unavailable. (50517967)

    Swift 接口中,一些 NSURLSession API 将不再可用。


  • Command line tool support for Subversion — including svn, git-svn, and related commands — is no longer provided by Xcode. If you need Subversion or related command line tools, install the Command Line Tools package by running xcode-select --install. (50266910)

    包括svn, git-svn 及相关的 版本管理的命令行工具 在 xcode 中将不再支持。如果你需要版本管理及相关的工具,运行xcode-select --installl 来安装 命令行工具包。

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