Deigo1# 機器視覺-人臉跟蹤

人臉檢測,lesson 16中已經介紹過了,這裏直接引用就可以。
特徵獲取,lesson 17中也已經實現,但要達到比較好的效果,需要對特徵點做一些補償及噪聲點的剔除

  1. 人臉檢測及特徵獲取
    FaceTracker繼承FaceDetector, LKTracker兩個類,並做了如下的主要修改和擴展


1.1 源代碼

#!/usr/bin/env python

import roslib
import rospy
import cv2
import numpy as np
from face_detector import FaceDetector
from lk_tracker import LKTracker

class FaceTracker(FaceDetector, LKTracker):
    def __init__(self, node_name):
        super(FaceTracker, self).__init__(node_name)
        self.n_faces = rospy.get_param("~n_faces", 1)
        self.show_text = rospy.get_param("~show_text", True)
        self.show_add_drop = rospy.get_param("~show_add_drop", False)
        self.feature_size = rospy.get_param("~feature_size", 1)
        self.use_depth_for_tracking = rospy.get_param("~use_depth_for_tracking", False)
        self.min_keypoints = rospy.get_param("~min_keypoints", 20)
        self.abs_min_keypoints = rospy.get_param("~abs_min_keypoints", 6)
        self.std_err_xy = rospy.get_param("~std_err_xy", 2.5) 
        self.pct_err_z = rospy.get_param("~pct_err_z", 0.42) 
        self.max_mse = rospy.get_param("~max_mse", 10000)
        self.add_keypoint_distance = rospy.get_param("~add_keypoint_distance", 10)
        self.add_keypoints_interval = rospy.get_param("~add_keypoints_interval", 1)
        self.drop_keypoints_interval = rospy.get_param("~drop_keypoints_interval", 1)
        self.expand_roi_init = rospy.get_param("~expand_roi", 1.02)
        self.expand_roi = self.expand_roi_init
        self.face_tracking = True

        self.frame_index = 0
        self.add_index = 0
        self.drop_index = 0
        self.keypoints = list()

        self.detect_box = None
        self.track_box = None
        self.grey = None
        self.prev_grey = None
    def process_image(self, cv_image):
            # Create a greyscale version of the image
            self.grey = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            # Equalize the grey histogram to minimize lighting effects
            self.grey = cv2.equalizeHist(self.grey)
            # Step 1: Detect the face if we haven't already
            if self.detect_box is None:
                self.keypoints = list()
                self.track_box = None
                self.detect_box = self.detect_face(self.grey)
                # Step 2: If we aren't yet tracking keypoints, get them now
                if not self.track_box or not self.is_rect_nonzero(self.track_box):
                    self.track_box = self.detect_box
                    self.keypoints = self.get_keypoints(self.grey, self.track_box)
                # Store a copy of the current grey image used for LK tracking                   
                if self.prev_grey is None:
                    self.prev_grey = self.grey           
                # Step 3: If we have keypoints, track them using optical flow
                self.track_box = self.track_keypoints(self.grey, self.prev_grey)
                # Step 4: Drop keypoints that are too far from the main cluster
                if self.frame_index % self.drop_keypoints_interval == 0 and len(self.keypoints) > 0:
                    ((cog_x, cog_y, cog_z), mse_xy, mse_z, score) = self.drop_keypoints(self.abs_min_keypoints, self.std_err_xy, self.max_mse)
                    if score == -1:
                        self.detect_box = None
                        self.track_box = None
                        return cv_image
                # Step 5: Add keypoints if the number is getting too low 
                if self.frame_index % self.add_keypoints_interval == 0 and len(self.keypoints) < self.min_keypoints:
                    self.expand_roi = self.expand_roi_init * self.expand_roi
                    self.frame_index += 1
                    self.expand_roi = self.expand_roi_init
            # Store a copy of the current grey image used for LK tracking            
            self.prev_grey = self.grey
            # Process any special keyboard commands for this module
            self.prev_grey = self.grey
            # Process any special keyboard commands for this module
            if 32 <= self.keystroke and self.keystroke < 128:
                cc = chr(self.keystroke).lower()
                if cc == 'c':
                    self.keypoints = []
                    self.track_box = None
                    self.detect_box = None
                elif cc == 'd':
                    self.show_add_drop = not self.show_add_drop
        except AttributeError:
        return cv_image

    def add_keypoints(self, track_box):
        # Look for any new keypoints around the current keypoints
        # Begin with a mask of all black pixels
        mask = np.zeros_like(self.grey)
        # Get the coordinates and dimensions of the current track box
            ((x,y), (w,h), a) = track_box
                x,y,w,h = track_box
                rospy.loginfo("Track box has shrunk to zero...")
        x = int(x)
        y = int(y)
        # Expand the track box to look for new keypoints
        w_new = int(self.expand_roi * w)
        h_new = int(self.expand_roi * h)
        pt1 = (x - int(w_new / 2), y - int(h_new / 2))
        pt2 = (x + int(w_new / 2), y + int(h_new / 2))
        mask_box = ((x, y), (w_new, h_new), a)

        # Display the expanded ROI with a yellow rectangle
        if self.show_add_drop:
            cv2.rectangle(self.marker_image, pt1, pt2, (255, 255, 0))
        # Create a filled white ellipse within the track_box to define the ROI
        cv2.ellipse(mask, mask_box, (255,255, 255), cv2.FILLED)
        if self.keypoints is not None:
            # Mask the current keypoints
            for x, y in [np.int32(p) for p in self.keypoints]:
      , (x, y), 5, 0, -1)
        new_keypoints = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(self.grey, mask = mask, **self.gf_params)

        # Append new keypoints to the current list if they are not
        # too far from the current cluster      
        if new_keypoints is not None:
            for x, y in np.float32(new_keypoints).reshape(-1, 2):
                distance = self.distance_to_cluster((x,y), self.keypoints)
                if distance > self.add_keypoint_distance:
                    # Briefly display a blue disc where the new point is added
                    if self.show_add_drop:
              , (x, y), 3, (255, 255, 0, 0), cv2.FILLED, 2, 0)
            # Remove duplicate keypoints
            self.keypoints = list(set(self.keypoints))
    def distance_to_cluster(self, test_point, cluster):
        min_distance = 10000
        for point in cluster:
            if point == test_point:
            # Use L1 distance since it is faster than L2
            distance = abs(test_point[0] - point[0])  + abs(test_point[1] - point[1])
            if distance < min_distance:
                min_distance = distance
        return min_distance

    def drop_keypoints(self, min_keypoints, outlier_threshold, mse_threshold):
        sum_x = 0
        sum_y = 0
        sum_z = 0
        sse = 0
        keypoints_xy = self.keypoints
        keypoints_z = self.keypoints
        n_xy = len(self.keypoints)
        n_z = n_xy
        if self.use_depth_for_tracking:
            if self.depth_image is None:
                return ((0, 0, 0), 0, 0, -1)
        # If there are no keypoints left to track, start over
        if n_xy == 0:
            return ((0, 0, 0), 0, 0, -1)
        # Compute the COG (center of gravity) of the cluster
        for point in self.keypoints:
            sum_x = sum_x + point[0]
            sum_y = sum_y + point[1]
        mean_x = sum_x / n_xy
        mean_y = sum_y / n_xy
        if self.use_depth_for_tracking:
            for point in self.keypoints:
                    z = cv2.get2D(self.depth_image, min(self.frame_height - 1, int(point[1])), min(self.frame_width - 1, int(point[0])))
                z = z[0]
                # Depth values can be NaN which should be ignored
                if isnan(z):
                    sum_z = sum_z + z
            mean_z = sum_z / n_z
            mean_z = -1
        # Compute the x-y MSE (mean squared error) of the cluster in the camera plane
        for point in self.keypoints:
            sse = sse + (point[0] - mean_x) * (point[0] - mean_x) + (point[1] - mean_y) * (point[1] - mean_y)
            #sse = sse + abs((point[0] - mean_x)) + abs((point[1] - mean_y))
        # Get the average over the number of feature points
        mse_xy = sse / n_xy

        # The MSE must be > 0 for any sensible feature cluster
        if mse_xy == 0 or mse_xy > mse_threshold:
            return ((0, 0, 0), 0, 0, -1)
        # Throw away the outliers based on the x-y variance
        max_err = 0
        for point in self.keypoints:
            std_err = ((point[0] - mean_x) * (point[0] - mean_x) + (point[1] - mean_y) * (point[1] - mean_y)) / mse_xy
            if std_err > max_err:
                max_err = std_err
            if std_err > outlier_threshold:
                if self.show_add_drop:
                    # Briefly mark the removed points in red
          , (point[0], point[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED, 2, 0)   
                    n_z = n_z - 1
                n_xy = n_xy - 1
        # Now do the same for depth
        if self.use_depth_for_tracking:
            sse = 0
            for point in keypoints_z:
                    z = cv2.get2D(self.depth_image, min(self.frame_height - 1, int(point[1])), min(self.frame_width - 1, int(point[0])))
                    z = z[0]
                    sse = sse + (z - mean_z) * (z - mean_z)
                    n_z = n_z - 1
            if n_z != 0:
                mse_z = sse / n_z
                mse_z = 0
            # Throw away the outliers based on depth using percent error 
            # rather than standard error since depth values can jump
            # dramatically at object boundaries
            for point in keypoints_z:
                    z = cv2.get2D(self.depth_image, min(self.frame_height - 1, int(point[1])), min(self.frame_width - 1, int(point[0])))
                    z = z[0]
                    pct_err = abs(z - mean_z) / mean_z
                    if pct_err > self.pct_err_z:
                        if self.show_add_drop:
                            # Briefly mark the removed points in red
                  , (point[0], point[1]), 2, (0, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED)  
            mse_z = -1
        self.keypoints = keypoints_xy
        # Consider a cluster bad if we have fewer than min_keypoints left
        if len(self.keypoints) < min_keypoints:
            score = -1
            score = 1

        return ((mean_x, mean_y, mean_z), mse_xy, mse_z, score)
if __name__ == '__main__':
        node_name = "face_tracker"
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print "Shutting down face tracker node."

1.2 launch文件

   <node pkg="diego_vision" name="face_tracker2" type="" output="screen">

   <remap from="input_rgb_image" to="/camera/rgb/image_color" />
   <remap from="input_depth_image" to="/camera/depth/image" />
       use_depth_for_tracking: True
       min_keypoints: 20
       abs_min_keypoints: 6
       add_keypoint_distance: 10
       std_err_xy: 2.5
       pct_err_z: 0.42
       max_mse: 10000
       add_keypoints_interval: 1
       drop_keypoints_interval: 1
       show_text: True
       show_features: True
       show_add_drop: False
       feature_size: 1
       expand_roi: 1.02
       gf_maxCorners: 200
       gf_qualityLevel: 0.02
       gf_minDistance: 7
       gf_blockSize: 10
       gf_useHarrisDetector: False
       gf_k: 0.04
       haar_scaleFactor: 1.3
       haar_minNeighbors: 3
       haar_minSize: 30
       haar_maxSize: 150

   <param name="cascade_1" value="$(find diego_vision)/data/haar_detectors/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml" />
   <param name="cascade_2" value="$(find diego_vision)/data/haar_detectors/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml" />
   <param name="cascade_3" value="$(find diego_vision)/data/haar_detectors/haarcascade_profileface.xml" />


在Diego1 plus中使用深度相機,故把use_depth_for_tracking參數設置爲True,實踐表明使用深度相機會有更好的效果,這時我們分別在兩個terminal中啓動openni節點,和face_tracker2.py節點,會出現視頻窗口,如果有人臉出現在面前就會被捕捉到,並被標識出來,而且效果也不錯。沒有想到是Diego1 plus的配置下,人臉識別任然會感覺到有滯後的現象。

roslaunch diego_vision openni_node.launch

roslaucn diego_vision face_tracker2.launch



2.1 源代碼

#!/usr/bin/env python

import roslib
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image, RegionOfInterest, CameraInfo
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from math import copysign, isnan
from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError
import numpy as np

class ObjectTracker():
    def __init__(self):
        # Set the shutdown function (stop the robot)
        # How often should we update the robot's motion?
        self.rate = rospy.get_param("~rate", 10)
        r = rospy.Rate(self.rate) 
        # The maximum rotation speed in radians per second
        self.max_rotation_speed = rospy.get_param("~max_rotation_speed", 2.0)
        # The minimum rotation speed in radians per second
        self.min_rotation_speed = rospy.get_param("~min_rotation_speed", 0.5)
        # The x threshold (% of image width) indicates how far off-center
        # the ROI needs to be in the x-direction before we react
        self.x_threshold = rospy.get_param("~x_threshold", 0.1)
        # The maximum distance a target can be from the robot for us to track
        self.max_z = rospy.get_param("~max_z", 2.0)
        # Initialize the global ROI
        self.roi = RegionOfInterest()
        # The goal distance (in meters) to keep between the robot and the person
        self.goal_z = rospy.get_param("~goal_z", 0.6)
        # How far away from the goal distance (in meters) before the robot reacts
        self.z_threshold = rospy.get_param("~z_threshold", 0.05)
        # How far away from being centered (x displacement) on the person
        # before the robot reacts
        self.x_threshold = rospy.get_param("~x_threshold", 0.05)
        # How much do we weight the goal distance (z) when making a movement
        self.z_scale = rospy.get_param("~z_scale", 1.0)

        # How much do we weight x-displacement of the person when making a movement        
        self.x_scale = rospy.get_param("~x_scale", 2.0)
        # The max linear speed in meters per second
        self.max_linear_speed = rospy.get_param("~max_linear_speed", 0.3)
        # The minimum linear speed in meters per second
        self.min_linear_speed = rospy.get_param("~min_linear_speed", 0.1)

        # Publisher to control the robot's movement
        self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist)
        # Intialize the movement command
        self.move_cmd = Twist()
        # We will get the image width and height from the camera_info topic
        self.image_width = 0
        self.image_height = 0
        # We need cv_bridge to convert the ROS depth image to an OpenCV array
        self.cv_bridge = CvBridge()
        self.depth_array = None
        # Set flag to indicate when the ROI stops updating
        self.target_visible = False
        # Wait for the camera_info topic to become available
        rospy.loginfo("Waiting for camera_info topic...")
        rospy.wait_for_message('camera_info', CameraInfo)
        # Subscribe to the camera_info topic to get the image width and height
        rospy.Subscriber('camera_info', CameraInfo, self.get_camera_info)

        # Wait until we actually have the camera data
        while self.image_width == 0 or self.image_height == 0:
        # Subscribe to the registered depth image
        rospy.Subscriber("depth_image", Image, self.convert_depth_image)
        # Wait for the depth image to become available
        rospy.wait_for_message('depth_image', Image)
        # Subscribe to the ROI topic and set the callback to update the robot's motion
        rospy.Subscriber('roi', RegionOfInterest, self.set_cmd_vel)
        # Wait until we have an ROI to follow
        rospy.loginfo("Waiting for an ROI to track...")
        rospy.wait_for_message('roi', RegionOfInterest)
        rospy.loginfo("ROI messages detected. Starting tracker...")
        # Begin the tracking loop
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            # If the target is not visible, stop the robot
            if not self.target_visible:
                self.move_cmd = Twist()
                # Reset the flag to False by default
                self.target_visible = False
            # Send the Twist command to the robot
            # Sleep for 1/self.rate seconds

    def set_cmd_vel(self, msg):
        # If the ROI has a width or height of 0, we have lost the target
        if msg.width == 0 or msg.height == 0:
        # If the ROI stops updating this next statement will not happen
        self.target_visible = True
        self.roi = msg
        # Compute the displacement of the ROI from the center of the image
        target_offset_x = msg.x_offset + msg.width / 2 - self.image_width / 2

            percent_offset_x = float(target_offset_x) / (float(self.image_width) / 2.0)
            percent_offset_x = 0
        # Intialize the movement command
        self.move_cmd = Twist()
        # Rotate the robot only if the displacement of the target exceeds the threshold
        if abs(percent_offset_x) > self.x_threshold:
            # Set the rotation speed proportional to the displacement of the target
                speed = percent_offset_x * self.x_scale
                self.move_cmd.angular.z = -copysign(max(self.min_rotation_speed,
                                            min(self.max_rotation_speed, abs(speed))), speed)
        # Now compute the depth component
        n_z = sum_z = mean_z = 0
        # Get the min/max x and y values from the ROI
        min_x = self.roi.x_offset
        max_x = min_x + self.roi.width
        min_y = self.roi.y_offset
        max_y = min_y + self.roi.height
        # Get the average depth value over the ROI
        for x in range(min_x, max_x):
            for y in range(min_y, max_y):
                    z = self.depth_array[y, x]
                # Depth values can be NaN which should be ignored
                if isnan(z) or z > self.max_z:
                    sum_z = sum_z + z
                    n_z += 1   
            mean_z = sum_z / n_z
            if mean_z < self.max_z and (abs(mean_z - self.goal_z) > self.z_threshold):
                speed = (mean_z - self.goal_z) * self.z_scale
                self.move_cmd.linear.x = copysign(min(self.max_linear_speed, max(self.min_linear_speed, abs(speed))), speed)
    def convert_depth_image(self, ros_image):
        # Use cv_bridge() to convert the ROS image to OpenCV format
            # The depth image is a single-channel float32 image
            depth_image = self.cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(ros_image, "32FC1")
        except CvBridgeError, e:
            print e

        # Convert the depth image to a Numpy array
        self.depth_array = np.array(depth_image, dtype=np.float32)

    def get_camera_info(self, msg):
        self.image_width = msg.width
        self.image_height = msg.height

    def shutdown(self):
        rospy.loginfo("Stopping the robot...")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
        rospy.loginfo("Object tracking node terminated.")

2.2 launch文件

<param name="/camera/driver/depth_registration" value="True" />

<node pkg="diego_vision" name="object_tracker" type="" output="screen">

<remap from="camera_info" to="/camera/depth/camera_info" />
<remap from="depth_image" to="/camera/depth/image" />

rate: 10
max_z: 2.0
goal_z: 0.6
z_threshold: 0.05
x_threshold: 0.1
z_scale: 1.0
x_scale: 0.1
max_rotation_speed: 0.2
min_rotation_speed: 0.02
max_linear_speed: 0.2
min_linear_speed: 0.05



roslaunch diego_vision object_tracker2.launch


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