Typescript Brief



strong typing allows us to define types for our variables and class members
The compiler is going to yell at us if we assign a value of a wrong type to such a variable or member

// Declaring a variable with a type
// Using the 'let' keyword to create a variable ('const' would define an immutable constant)
let myString: string;
myString = 'This is a string';

// TypeScript can also infer types
let anotherString = 'This is a string without :string'; // => Type 'string' was inferred from the assigned value

// TypeScript may only infer values when those values are assigned at the declaration
// This does not work:
let yetAnotherString;
yetAnotherString = 'This is a string';

// TypeScript does not know the type, therefore we don't get an error ... but no we're also ignoring TypeScripts strength: Typing
yetAnotherString = 5;

// Other basic types
let aString: string;
let aNumber: number;
let aBoolean: boolean;
let anArray: Array<string>; // This is a generic type => May only hold 'strings' in this case
let anything: any; // Any can be used if we don't know the actual type => Use it rarely!
// We also got void (=> nothing) and enums (a set of numeric values)


// Classes allow us to create 'blueprints' for objects
// In Angular we use classes a lot. For example to create Components, Services, Directives, Pipes, ...

class Car {
    engineName: string;
    gears: number;
    private speed: number;

    constructor(speed: number) {
        this.speed = speed || 0;

    accelerate(): void {

    throttle():void {

    getSpeed():void {

    static numberOfWheels(): number {
        return 4;

// Instantiate (create) an object from a class
let car = new Car(5);



// Interfaces allow us to create contracts other classes/ objects have to implement
// We can use them to define custom types without creating classes
// Interfaces ARE NOT compiled to JavaScript! It's just for checking/ validation done by our TypeScript compiler

interface User {
    username: string;
    password: string;
    confirmPassword?: string; // Optional property => Does not have to be implemented

let user:User;

// This value does not satisfy the interface => Compilation error
// user = { anything: 'anything', anynumber: 5};

// This value does satisfy the interface
user = {username: 'max', password: 'supersecret'};

// Interfaces can also contain functions (without the function body - as it only is a blueprint/ requirement)

interface CanDrive {
    accelerate(speed:number): void;

let car:CanDrive = {
    accelerate: function (speed:number) {
        // ...



// Generics are types which can hold/ use several types
// We're only touching the very basics here - you can go MUCH more into detail

// Consider the Array object

let numberArray: Array<number>; // This array will only accept numbers

// Try to initialize it with strings

// numberArray = ['test']; // => Error
numberArray = [1,2,3];



// TypeScript is modular, we can divide our code up over several files
// In Angular we then use  "import {} from ''" to access the code in these files

// We export a class, interface, variable, ... by adding 'export' keyword in front of it

export class ExportedClass {
    // This class is exported


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