


Scale variation is one of the key challenges in object detection. (首句表明本文就是在Scale variation上作貢獻)

In this work, we first present a controlled experiment to investigate the effect of receptive fields for scale variation in object detection.(Receptive field 即“感受野” 對Scale variation影響很大)

Based on the findings from the exploration experiments, we propose a novel Trident Network (TridentNet) aiming to generate scale-specific feature maps with a uniform representational power.(提出了TridentNet,三個分支對應特定尺度-小中大)

We construct a parallel multi-branch architecture in which each branch shares the same transformation parameters but with different receptive fields. (TridentNet三個分支特點:共享參數,只有空洞率不同)

Then, we adopt a scale-aware training scheme to specialize each branch by sampling object instances of proper scales for training.(Scale-aware 訓練)

As a bonus, a fast approximation version of TridentNet could achieve significant improvements without any additional parameters and computational cost compared with the vanilla detector.(如何做測試)

On the COCO dataset, our TridentNet with ResNet-101 backbone achieves state-of-the-art single-model results of 48.4 mAP. Codes are available at



  • Part1 Scale variation的現有方法

本文認爲現有的Scale variation的方法總共可以看成是兩類,一類是 Image Pyramid,一類是 Feature Pyramid。




文章從Receptive field(感受野)入手,提出了自己的解決方案。


  • Part2 Receptive field是關鍵


We conduct our pilot experiment using a Faster RCNN [35] detector with the ResNet-C4 backbone on the COCO [27] dataset. The results are reported in the COCOstyle mmAP on all objects and objects of small, medium and large sizes, respectively. We use ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 as the backbone networks and vary the dilation rate ds of the 3×3 convolutions from 1 to 3 for the residual blocks in the conv4 stage.



Dilated convolution with a dilation rate ds inserts ds - 1 zeros between consecutive filter values     空洞率ds即卷積核值間間隔ds-1個零。

則 3×3 的空洞卷積  =   3 + 2(ds - 1) 的普通卷積, 如果步長s,卷積層數n,則空洞卷積比普通卷積多增加的感受野爲2(ds - 1)sn。





  • Part3 提出TridentNet

Scale-Aware Trident Networks 由 weight sharing trident blocks 和 scale-aware training scheme 兩部分組成。


  • 3.1 Trident block

We construct TridentNets by replacing some convolution blocks with the proposed trident blocks in the backbone network of a detector.

作者構建TridentNet並不是說重新造了一個網絡,而是用Trident block替換backbone中的一個block,比如說將ResNet的一個跳連結構改成trident block,如下圖所示:


Trident block特點: 共享網絡參數, 只有空洞率不同


1.  It reduces the number of parameters and makes TridentNet need no extra parameters compared with the original detector.

2. It also echoes with our motivation that objects of different scales should go through a uniform transformation with the same representational power.  我的理解:作者一直想強調一點就是不同尺度的物體也應該是統一的檢測方法,只是因爲尺度問題採取變感受野而已,本質上他們的檢測方法應該是一致的,而這個參數共享就正好體現了這一想法。

3. A final point is that transformation parameters could be trained on more object samples from all branches.                            我的理解:這個好處彷彿在逗我 ,說是這樣就用了來自所有分支的更多的樣本(然而只要你不用三叉戟,都會用所有的好嗎),不過相對於三條分支都不一樣的話,這的確是個好處。

總結:The same parameters are trained for different scale ranges under different receptive fields. 我們用三條不同感受野的分支去訓練不同尺度目標,得到的一組“大一統”參數,牛逼啊。


  • 3.2 Scale-aware Training Scheme

Thus, it is natural to detect objects of different scales on different branches. Here, we propose a scale-aware training scheme to improve the scale awareness of every branch and avoid training objects of extreme scales on mismatched branches.

相應分支訓練相應尺寸的目標,作者設計了Scale-aware training scheme 來實現這種訓練。

We define a valid range [li,ui] for each branch i. 對第i條分支來說,有效範圍[li, ui]

For an Region-of-Interest (RoI) with width w and height h on the input image(before resize), it is valid for branch i when:


APs, APm and APl on objects of small (less than 32×32), medium (from 32×32 to 96×96) and large (greater than 96×96) sizes.


  •  Part4 Inference

During inference, we generate detection results for all branches and then filter out the boxes which fall outside the valid range of each branch. We then use NMS or soft-NMS [3] to combine the detection outputs of multiple branches and obtain the final results.



Fast Inference Approximation:

we propose TridentNet Fast, a fast approximation of TridentNet with only one branch during inference. 

也就是說,在inference的時候,只用中間的那條分支,並且作者發現,這種近似並不會降低太多精確度。(具體結果在Part5 的 Fast Inference Approximation)

  • Part5 Experiments

作者設計了幾個Ablation Studies去驗證文中所提出的想法究竟有沒有效果,這部分用的都是COCO minival的數據,part 6 用的纔是test-dev。


  • 5.1 Components of TridentNet.

首先是對multi-branch architecture, weight sharing design, and scale-aware training scheme這三個設計的驗證。


除了在使用Scale-aware時會導致APl下降,作者說可能是由於scale-aware導致過擬合問題:We conjecture that the scaleaware training design prevents each branch from training objects of extreme scales, but may also bring about the over-fitting problem in each branch caused by reduced effective samples.

但是Weight-sharing有效緩解了過擬合,所以可以看到e比d強一點。With the help of weight-sharing (Table 2(e)), all branches share the same parameters which are fully trained on objects of all scales, thus alleviating the over-fitting issue in scale-aware training (Table 2(d)).)


  • Number of branches.


  • Stage of Trident blocks. 

在backbone的哪部分替換爲Trident block最好,可以看到,conv4。


  • Number of trident blocks.

在主幹網絡中替換時,比如說在conv4中,替換成多少個trident blocks效果最好:

  •  Performance of each branch.


這個表就很明顯,branch-1 的 APs 較好, branch-2 的 APm 較好, branch-3 的 APl 較好,3 Branches 就綜合了三個分支的好處。

  • Fast Inference Approximation

這部分解釋瞭如何Trident Fast,從Table5可以看出,Branch-2單獨的效果最好,因此用這部分做Fast inference approximation最好!但是從Table5看的話,Branch-2近似和Baseline也出不多,甚至還要差點,也是醉了。

同時,作者擴展了一下Scale-aware的範圍,原來是,效果是Table 2中的40.6。


很無語,這居然是(d)的情況最好,話說(d)不就是和沒用scale-aware一樣嗎???不過這個是Fast 的效果,不Fast的話好像還是用了scale-aware好一點(table2)。

作者對這種情況的解釋: We hypothesize this may due to the weight-sharing strategy. Since the weights of the major branch are shared on other branches, training all branches in the scale-agnostic scheme is equivalent to perform within-network multi-scale augmentation.


  • Part 6 Comparison with State-of-the-Arts

用COCO test-dev做測試,顯示結果。 

TridentNet* : we apply multi-scale training, soft-NMS, deformable convolutions, large-batch BN, and the 3× training scheme on TridentNet and get TridentNet*.

TridentNet* Fast + Image Pyramid achieves 47.6 AP.


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