terminology in Chinese recipes (中國菜譜中的一些詞彙)

spring onion 蔥
garlic(clove) 大蒜(瓣)
green onion(stalk) 青蔥(莖)
rice wine 黃酒
red date 紅棗
pitted 去核的
soy sauce 醬油
cooking wine
cooking oil
white pepper 白胡椒粉
ginger(slices) 生薑(片)
leek 韭菜
tummy 腹
chicken breast 雞胸
drain out the chicken 把雞濾幹
oyster sauce(tablespoon) 蠔油(大湯匙)
chicken stock 雞精
corn starch 澱粉
sesame oil(drops) 麻油(滴)
very good dish 佳餚
herbs shop 中藥鋪
tap water 自來水
distilled water 蒸餾水
simmer 燉
stitch up 縫
yarn 紗線
crunchy adj.脆
soak 浸
stuff 填入
stir-fry 用旺火炒
pork fascia(thin strips) 豬蹄筋(細條)
slice v. 切片
crush v. 碾碎
chop  v.垛碎
marinade n.醃製的調料
marinate v.醃製
pour v.倒入
sprinkle v.撒
peel off  v.去皮
steam  v.蒸
saute v.炒
roast v.烤
put pork into marinade for 20 minutes
mushroom (button) 蘑菇(顆)
pack 包
frying pan 煎鍋
wok 鍋
stir fry the pork quickly to half cook,
set aside
stir fry the pork in high heat
dipping sauce 調料
peanut oil 花生油
paste 糊
jasmine rice 泰國香米
lime juice 橙汁
chili 辣椒
lemongrass (stalk) 檸檬香草(莖)
sticking  adj.粘的
unshelled shrimp 未去皮的蝦
pea 豌豆
shell v. 去皮
devein v.去掉血管
pat the shrimp dry with paper towels
dice  v.切成方塊
beat the eggs lightly with chopsticks
a dash of salt 少量鹽
in/over/on medium heat 用中火
serve the rice with green onion as garnish
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