1,調試其他機器上生成的core dump 文件,遇到無法解析的符號怎麼辦?


(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007f4187251925 in raise () from /lib64/
#1  0x00007f4187253105 in abort () from /lib64/
#2  0x00007f4188b184b9 in ?? ()
#3  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()

這種情況一般是由於找不到所需的.so動態庫導致的,可通過info share命令查看加載的動態庫信息。

(gdb) info share
From                     To                                Syms Read   Shared Object Library
                                                                        No                 /lib64/
0x00007f41884085a0  0x00007f4188409cc8  Yes (*)          /lib64/
0x00007f41881ef760  0x00007f41881fb0c8   Yes (*)           /lib64/
0x00007f4186e05de0  0x00007f4186e06998  Yes (*)         /lib64/
(*): Shared library is missing debugging information.

Syms標記爲No就表示沒有在相應目錄中找到所需的動態庫,此時可通過set solib-search-path設置動態庫的搜索路徑(支持設置多個搜索路徑,路徑之間使用“:”隔開);也可通過set solib-absolute-prefix (別名 set sysroot)指定搜索前綴。具體解釋如下:

set solib-absolute-prefix path
If this variable is set, path will be used as a prefix for any absolute shared library paths; many runtime loaders store the absolute paths to the shared library in the target program's memory. If you use solib-absolute-prefix to find shared libraries, they need to be laid out in the same way that they are on the target, with e.g. a /usr/lib hierarchy under path.
You can set the default value of solib-absolute-prefix by using the configure-time -with-sysroot option.
show solib-absolute-prefix
Display the current shared library prefix.
set solib-search-path path
If this variable is set, path is a colon-separated list of directories to search for shared libraries. solib-search-path is used after solib-absolute-prefix fails to locate the library, or if the path to the library is relative instead of absolute. If you want to use solib-search-path instead of solib-absolute-prefix, be sure to set solib-absolute-prefix to a nonexistant directory to prevent gdb from finding your host's libraries.
show solib-search-path
Display the current shared library search path.

比如我們用GDB調試時想忽略某個信號,爲避免每次調試時都手動輸入命令,可以將命令寫入用戶主目錄的.gdbinit文件。如, echo "handle SIGPIPE nostop noprint nopass" > ~/.gdbinit

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