MSAGL samples 節點爲 圖片NodesWithImage


It is strange. .csproj should be in the MSAGL samples. Anyway, below is the code of the form of the sample.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.Msagl.GraphViewerGdi;
using Microsoft.Msagl.Drawing;
using Microsoft.Msagl;
using CurveFactory = Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.CurveFactory;
using P2 = Microsoft.Msagl.Point;
using GeomNode = Microsoft.Msagl.Node;
using GeomEdge = Microsoft.Msagl.Edge;
using DrawingEdge = Microsoft.Msagl.Drawing.Edge;
using DrawingNode = Microsoft.Msagl.Drawing.Node;

namespace NodesWithImages {
    public partial class Form1 : Form {
        Image creek;
        Image leaves;
        Image tree;
        Image waterfall;
        GViewer viewer = new GViewer();

        public Form1() {
            creek = Image.FromFile("../../Creek.jpg");
            leaves = Image.FromFile("../../Autumn Leaves.jpg");
            tree = Image.FromFile("../../tree.jpg");
            waterfall = Image.FromFile("../../waterfall.jpg");
            viewer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            viewer.LayoutAlgorithmSettingsButtonVisible = false;


        bool DrawNode(DrawingNode node, object graphics) {
            Graphics g = (Graphics)graphics;
            Image image;
            if (node.Id == leavesId)
                image = leaves;
            else if (node.Id == creekId)
                image = creek;
            else if (node.Id == wId)
                image = waterfall;
                image = tree;

            //flip the image around its center
            using (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix m = g.Transform) {
                using (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix saveM = m.Clone()) {
                    float c = (float)node.Attr.GeometryNode.Center.Y;

                    using (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix m2 = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 2 * c))

                    g.Transform = m;

                    g.DrawImage(image, new PointF((float)(node.Attr.GeometryNode.Center.X - node.Attr.GeometryNode.Width / 2), (float)(node.Attr.GeometryNode.Center.Y - node.Attr.GeometryNode.Height / 2)));
                    g.Transform = saveM;

            return true;//returning false would enable the default rendering

        static System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath FillTheGraphicsPath(Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.ICurve iCurve) {
            Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.Curve curve = iCurve as Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.Curve;
            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath path = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath();
            foreach (Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.ICurve seg in curve.Segments)
                AddSegmentToPath(seg, ref path);
            return path;

        private static void AddSegmentToPath(Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.ICurve seg, ref System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath p) {
            const float radiansToDegrees = (float)(180.0 / Math.PI);                    
            Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.LineSegment line = seg as Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.LineSegment;
            if (line != null)
                p.AddLine(PointF(line.Start), PointF(line.End));
            else {
                Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.CubicBezierSegment cb = seg as Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.CubicBezierSegment;
                if (cb != null)
                    p.AddBezier(PointF(cb.B(0)), PointF(cb.B(1)), PointF(cb.B(2)), PointF(cb.B(3)));
                else {
                    Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.Ellipse ellipse = seg as Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.Ellipse;
                    if (ellipse != null)
                        p.AddArc((float)(ellipse.Center.X - ellipse.AxisA.Length), (float)(ellipse.Center.Y - ellipse.AxisB.Length),
                            (float)(2 * ellipse.AxisA.Length), (float)(2 * ellipse.AxisB.Length), (float)(ellipse.ParStart * radiansToDegrees),
                            (float)((ellipse.ParEnd - ellipse.ParStart) * radiansToDegrees));


        static internal PointF PointF(P2 p) { return new PointF((float)p.X, (float)p.Y); }

        float radiusRatio = 0.3f;

        string leavesId = "leaves";
        string creekId = "creek";
        string treeId = "tree";
        string wId = "waterfall";

        private void InitGraph() {
            Graph drawingGraph = new Graph();
            DrawingEdge lc=drawingGraph.AddEdge(leavesId, creekId);
            DrawingEdge lt=drawingGraph.AddEdge(leavesId, treeId);
            DrawingEdge lw = drawingGraph.AddEdge(leavesId, wId);

            drawingGraph.FindNode(leavesId).Attr.Shape = Shape.DrawFromGeometry;
            drawingGraph.FindNode(creekId).Attr.Shape = Shape.DrawFromGeometry;
            drawingGraph.FindNode(treeId).Attr.Shape = Shape.DrawFromGeometry;
            drawingGraph.FindNode(wId).Attr.Shape = Shape.DrawFromGeometry;

            drawingGraph.FindNode(leavesId).DrawNodeDelegate = new DelegateToOverrideNodeRendering(this.DrawNode);
            drawingGraph.FindNode(creekId).DrawNodeDelegate = new DelegateToOverrideNodeRendering(this.DrawNode);
            drawingGraph.FindNode(treeId).DrawNodeDelegate = new DelegateToOverrideNodeRendering(this.DrawNode);
            drawingGraph.FindNode(wId).DrawNodeDelegate = new DelegateToOverrideNodeRendering(this.DrawNode);


            //create the geom graph
            GeometryGraph geomGraph = new GeometryGraph();
            double width = creek.Width;
            double height = creek.Height;

            GeomNode geomCreek = new Microsoft.Msagl.Node(creekId, CurveFactory.CreateBox(width, height, width*radiusRatio, height*radiusRatio, new P2()));

            width = leaves.Width;
            height = leaves.Height;
            double arrowHeadLenght = width / 10;
            geomGraph.LayerSeparation = height / 2;
            geomGraph.NodeSeparation = width / 2;

            GeomNode geomLeaves = new Microsoft.Msagl.Node(leavesId, CurveFactory.CreateBox(width, height, width* radiusRatio, height* radiusRatio, new P2()));

            width = tree.Width;
            height = tree.Height;
            GeomNode geomTree = new Microsoft.Msagl.Node(treeId, CurveFactory.CreateBox(width, height, width* radiusRatio, height *radiusRatio, new P2()));

            width = waterfall.Width;
            height = waterfall.Height;
            GeomNode geomW = new Microsoft.Msagl.Node(wId, CurveFactory.CreateBox(width, height, width * radiusRatio, height * radiusRatio, new P2()));

            GeomEdge geomLc = new Microsoft.Msagl.Edge(geomLeaves, geomCreek);
            geomLc.ArrowheadLength = arrowHeadLenght;
            GeomEdge geomLt = new Microsoft.Msagl.Edge(geomLeaves, geomTree);
            geomLt.ArrowheadLength = arrowHeadLenght;

            GeomEdge geomLw = new Microsoft.Msagl.Edge(geomLeaves, geomW);
            geomLw.ArrowheadLength = arrowHeadLenght;



            //bind the geometry graph with the drawing graph
            //nodes first
            foreach (DrawingNode drawingNode in drawingGraph.NodeMap.Values)
                drawingNode.Attr.GeometryNode = geomGraph.FindNode(drawingNode.Id);

            //bind edges
            lc.Attr.GeometryEdge = geomLc;
            lt.Attr.GeometryEdge = geomLt;
            lw.Attr.GeometryEdge = geomLw;

            //bind graphs 
            drawingGraph.GeometryGraph = geomGraph;

            viewer.NeedToCalculateLayout = false;
            viewer.Graph = drawingGraph;



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