Axes--D3 Interactive Data Visualization for the web

D3's axes are actually functions whose parameters you define. 

when an axis function is called, it doesn't return a value like scale, but generate the visual elements of the axis, including lines, labels

, and ticks.

Axis functions are SVG-specific, as they generate SVG elements. 

Set up an axis


// create a generic axis function

var xAxis = d3.svg.axis();

2. tell axis on what scale to operate

// pass scale to axis



// specify where the labels appear relative to the axis itself.


define axis function   :              var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()



4.  //call axis. Call axis at the end of script, so the axis appears on top

svg.append("g").attr("class","axis").call(xAxis); // although g isn't strictly necessary, we are using it because the axis function is about to generate lots of crazy lines and numbers. and it's nice to have those elements within a single group object. 

.call(function,[arguments...]) : this will invoke specified functions, this will return the current selection.

5.  // use CSS  to style axis; the axes itself is composed of path, line, text

.axis path, 

.axis line {

fill: none;

stroke: black;

shape-rendering: crispEdges;           // this can make axis and its tick mark lines are pixel-perfect; no blurry axes for us.


.axis text{




6.  //transform the whole axes to the bottom


translation transform: 平移變換

translate(x,y): x and y are the number of pixels by which to translate the element. 

7. Ticks: customize ticks 

                  var xAxis = d3. svg.axis()



.ticks(5); // the result is not necessary exactly 5 ticks, D3 will adjust this according to the range 

8.  yAxis

// set up an axis

var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()




  //call yAxis


9. Format Tick Labels

點擊打開鏈接 (python format spec)

var zero = d3.format("04d");      zero(2);//return 0002         zero(123); //return 0123

var formatAsPercentage = d3.format(".1%");

                                                 var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()

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