关于Linux Cache与Direct IO

A file is simply a collection of data stored on media. When a process wants to access data from a file, the operating system brings the data into main memory, the process reads it, alters it and stores to the disk . The operating system could read and write data directly to and from the disk for each request, but the response time and throughput would be poor due to slow disk access times. The operating system therefore attempts to minimize the frequency of disk accesses by buffering data in main memory, within a structure called the file buffer cache.

Certain applications derive no benefit from the file buffer cache. Databases normally manage data caching at the application level, so they do not need the file system to implement this service for them. The use of a file buffer cache results in undesirable overheads in such cases, since data is first moved from the disk to the file buffer cache and from there to the application buffer. This “doublecopying” of data results in more CPU consumption and adds overhead to the memory too. 

For applications that wish to bypass the buffering of memory within the file system cache, Direct I/O is provided. When Direct I/O is used for a file, data is transferred directly from the disk to the application buffer, without the use of the file buffer cache. Direct I/O can be used for a file either by mounting the corresponding file system with the direct i/o option (options differs for each OS), or by opening the file with the O_DIRECT flag specified in the open() system call.  Direct I/O benefits applications by reducing CPU consumption and eliminating the overhead of copying data twice – first between the disk and the file buffer cache, and then from the file. 

However, there are also few performance impacts when direct i/o is used. Direct I/O bypasses filesystem read-ahead - so there will be a performance impact. 

As a generic term, 'direct I/O' refers to filesystem I/O which does not traffic through the OS-level page cache.

Linux的Cache一般认为分为Page cache与Buffer cache。Page cache实际上是针对文件系统的,是文件inode的缓存,在文件层面上的数据会缓存到Page cache。文件的逻辑层需要映射到实际的物理磁盘,这种映射关系由文件系统来完成。Buffer cache是针对磁盘块的缓存,也就是在没有文件系统的情况下,直接对磁盘进行操作的数据会缓存到Buffer cache这些Cache有效缩短了 I/O系统调用(比如read,write,getdents)的时间。

简单说来,Page cache用来缓存文件数据,Buffer cache用来缓存磁盘数据。在有文件系统的情况下,对文件操作,那么数据会缓存到Page cache,如果直接采用dd等工具对磁盘进行读写,那么数据会缓存到Buffer cache。但是这种处理在2.6版本的内核之后就变的很简单了

Linux 2.6的内核中Page cacheBuffer cache进一步结合,Buffer pages其实也是Page cache里面的页。从Linux算法实现的角度,Page cacheBuffer cache目前是一样的,只是多了一层抽象,通过buffer_head来进行一些访问管理。可以理解为只有Page cache概念亦可。


在 Linux 中,这种访问文件的方式是通过两个系统调用实现的:read() 和 write()。当应用程序调用 read() 系统调用读取一块数据的时候,如果该块数据已经在内存中了,那么就直接从内存中读出该数据并返回给应用程序;如果该块数据不在内存中,那么数据会被从磁盘上读到页高缓存中去,然后再从页缓存中拷贝到用户地址空间中去。如果一个进程读取某个文件,那么其他进程就都不可以读取或者更改该文件;对于写数据操作来说,当一个进程调用了write() 系统调用往某个文件中写数据的时候,数据会先从用户地址空间拷贝到操作系统内核地址空间的页缓存中去,然后才被写到磁盘上。但是对于这种标准的访问文件的方式来说,在数据被写到页缓存中的时候,write() 系统调用就算执行完成,并不会等数据完全写入到磁盘上。Linux 在这里采用的是我们前边提到的延迟写机制(deferred writes )。如果用户采用的是延迟写机制( deferred writes ),那么应用程序就完全不需要等到数据全部被写回到磁盘,数据只要被写到页缓存中去就可以了。在延迟写机制的情况下,操作系统会定期地将放在页缓存中的数据刷到磁盘上。


凡是通过直接 I/O 方式进行数据传输,数据均直接在用户地址空间的缓冲区和磁盘之间直接进行传输,完全不需要页缓存的支持。操作系统层提供的缓存往往会使应用程序在读写数据的时候获得更好的性能,但是对于某些特殊的应用程序,比如说数据库管理系统这类应用,他们更倾向于选择他们自己的缓存机制,因为数据库管理系统往往比操作系统更了解数据库中存放的数据,数据库管理系统可以提供一种更加有效的缓存机制来提高数据库中数据的存取性能。

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