1.5 - [intro.structure] - 【介紹.結構】

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1 General [intro]

1.5 Structure of this International Standard [intro.structure]



1.5 本國際標準的結構 【介紹.結構】


Clauses 2 through 16 describe the C++ programming language. That description includes detailed syntactic specifications in a form described in 1.6. For convenience, Annex A repeats all such syntactic specifications.


從第 2 條到第 16 條描述了 C++ 程序設計語言。包括以 1.6 節描述的形式所詳細描述的語法規範。爲方便起見,附錄 A 重複了所有這些語法規範。


Clauses 17 through 27 (the library clauses) describe the Standard C++ library, which provides definitions for the following kinds of entities: macros (16.3), values (clause 3), types (8.1, 8.3), templates (clause 14), classes (clause 9), functions (8.3.5), and objects (clause 7).


從第 17 條到第 27 條(庫條款)描述了標準 C++ 庫,其中提供了以下各類實體的定義:宏(16.3),值(第 3 條),類型(8.1,8.3),模板(第 14 條),類(第 9 條),函數(8.3.5),以及對象(第 7 條)。


Annex B recommends lower bounds on the capacity of conforming implementations.


附錄 B 提出了對符合標準的實現的能力的最低限制的建議。


Annex C summarizes the evolution of C++ since its first published description, and explains in detail the differences between C++ and C. Certain features of C++ exist solely for compatibility purposes; Annex D describes those features.


附錄 C 總結了 C++ 自第一個公開描述以來的進展,並詳細解釋了 C++ 和 C 的區別。某些特定的 C++ 特性僅出於兼容目的而存在。在附錄 D 中描述了這些特性。


Finally, Annex E says what characters are valid in universal-character names in C++ identifiers (2.10).


最後,附錄 E 說明了通用字符名中哪些字符可以用在在 C++ 標識符(2.10)中。


Throughout this International Standard, each example is introduced by "[Example:" and terminated by "]". Each note is introduced by "[Note:" and terminated by "]". Examples and notes may be nested.




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