EXCEL VBA算寫字樓的租賃情況

Sub Rental_Click()

'VarType = TypeName("fafafas")
    Sheet2ColumnCount = Sheet2.UsedRange.Columns.Count
    For i = 1 To Sheet2ColumnCount
        Sheet3.Cells(1, i).Value = Sheet2.Cells(1, i).Value            '把Sheet2的擡頭拷貝到Sheet3裏
    k = 1
    Sheet2RowCount = Sheet2.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For i = 2 To Sheet2RowCount
            strKHMC = Sheet2.Cells(i, 1).Value
            nRentMoney = Sheet2.Cells(i, 4).Value
            strRoomNum = Sheet2.Cells(i, 5).Value
            nSpace = Sheet2.Cells(i, 6).Value
            ' 計算Unit Rental[每天每平米的租金= Round(((nRentMoney * 12) / 365) / nSpace, 2)],是不考慮免租期的
            nUnitRental = Round(((nRentMoney * 12) / 365) / nSpace, 2)
            dFixedStartDate = Sheet2.Cells(i, 2).Value
            dFixedEndDate = Sheet2.Cells(i, 3).Value
            dStartDate = Sheet2.Cells(i, 2).Value
            dEndDate = Sheet2.Cells(i, 3).Value

            nCountMonth = 0 '計算月份循環次數
            nLoopCount = 0 '表示內循環的次數,  如果是第一次開始循環加一天就進入下個月的話,這種情況也特別對待
            Do While (dStartDate <= dEndDate)
                nLoopCount = nLoopCount + 1
                '剛進入此do while循環的時候,開始日期肯定是dFixedStartDate
                dStartDateTemp = dFixedStartDate
                dStartDate = dStartDate + 1
                If strKHMC = "上海玖忻商務諮詢有限公司" Then
                    a = 2
                End If
                If nLoopCount = 1 And Month(dFixedStartDate) <> Month(dFixedStartDate + 1) Then '還有一種情況是上海玖忻商務諮詢有限公司    2011/11/30  2013/12/28開始日期是一個月的最後一天
                    dStartDateTemp = dFixedStartDate  '結束和開始日期一樣的
                    dEndDateTemp = dFixedStartDate
                    dCurrentMonthEndDate = dFixedStartDate
                    nCountMonth = nCountMonth + 1

                    k = k + 1
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 1).Value = strKHMC
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 2).Value = dStartDateTemp
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 3).Value = dEndDateTemp
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 4).Value = nRentMoney
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 5).Value = strRoomNum
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 6).Value = nSpace
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 12).Value = nUnitRental
                ElseIf Month(dStartDate) <> Month(dStartDate + 1) Or (dStartDate = dEndDate) Then
                    dCurrentMonthEndDate = dStartDate
                    nCountMonth = nCountMonth + 1
                    If nCountMonth = 1 Then
                        dStartDateTemp = dFixedStartDate
                        dEndDateTemp = dStartDate
                        dStartDateTemp = dNextMonthStartDate
                        dEndDateTemp = dStartDate
                    End If
                    k = k + 1
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 1).Value = strKHMC
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 2).Value = dStartDateTemp
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 3).Value = dEndDateTemp
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 4).Value = nRentMoney
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 5).Value = strRoomNum
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 6).Value = nSpace
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 12).Value = nUnitRental
                End If
                dNextMonthStartDate = dCurrentMonthEndDate + 1

End Sub

Sub Rental2_Click()

    '免租期和改變租金的信息(千萬注意:如果客戶的租賃時間的開始一個月和結束的月份不是免租的而且不是足月天數的也需要在ChangedInfo裏添加上相應的信息,同時把租金按照公式: (月租金*12/365)*該月的有效天數)
    'step 1,SplitInfo裏面保存的是免租期跨月份的需要被拆分的信息,我先需要用此信息去把HandledData刪除掉和此信息一樣的那行記錄,再做下面的2,3 步驟
    'step 2,如果在HandledData裏找到和ChangedInfo一樣的記錄,則就用ChangedInfo裏的FaceRental來替換HandledData裏的FaceRental,注意這些信息包含(1,被拆分的 2,租戶的開始和結束月份不是租月的)
    'step 3,如果在HandledData裏找不到和ChangedInfo一樣的記錄,則就把ChangedInfo裏的此條信息插入到HandledData裏
    Call Step1
    Call Step2_3
    Call OrderBy
    Call Step4

   'Call IfHasException


    Call CalDiffRental

End Sub
Sub Step1()
    Sheet4RowCount = Sheet4.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For k = 2 To Sheet4RowCount
        strOuterCustomer = Sheet4.Cells(k, 1).Value
        dOuterStartDate = Sheet4.Cells(k, 2).Value
        dOuterEndDate = Sheet4.Cells(k, 3).Value
        strOuterRoomNum = Sheet4.Cells(k, 5).Value
        For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
            strInnerCustomer = Sheet3.Cells(p, 1).Value
            dInnerStartDate = Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value
            dInnerEndDate = Sheet3.Cells(p, 3).Value
            strInnerRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p, 5).Value
            If strOuterCustomer = strInnerCustomer And dOuterStartDate = dInnerStartDate And dOuterEndDate = dInnerEndDate And strOuterRoomNum = strInnerRoomNum Then
            End If
End Sub
Sub Step2_3()
    'step2 step3
    Sheet5RowCount = Sheet5.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    strFoundFlag = "NO"  '標記是否在HandledData裏找到和ChangedInfo一樣的記錄相應的記錄,默認是找到
    For k = 2 To Sheet5RowCount
        strFoundFlag = "NO"
        strOuterCustomer = Sheet5.Cells(k, 1).Value
        dOuterStartDate = Sheet5.Cells(k, 2).Value
        dOuterEndDate = Sheet5.Cells(k, 3).Value
        nOuterFaceRental = Sheet5.Cells(k, 4).Value
        strOuterRoomNum = Sheet5.Cells(k, 5).Value
        nOuterSpace = Sheet5.Cells(k, 6).Value
        nOuterUnitRental = Sheet5.Cells(k, 8).Value
        For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
            strInnerCustomer = Sheet3.Cells(p, 1).Value
            dInnerStartDate = Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value
            dInnerEndDate = Sheet3.Cells(p, 3).Value
            strInnerRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p, 5).Value
            If strOuterCustomer = strInnerCustomer And dOuterStartDate = dInnerStartDate And dOuterEndDate = dInnerEndDate And strOuterRoomNum = strInnerRoomNum Then
                strFoundFlag = "YES"
                Sheet3.Cells(p, 4).Value = Sheet5.Cells(k, 4).Value
                Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value = Sheet5.Cells(k, 8).Value
                Sheet3.Cells(p, 4).Interior.ColorIndex = 6  '黃色
                'Sheet3.Rows(p - 2).Interior.ColorIndex = 3  ' 背景的顏色爲3 紅色
            End If
        If strFoundFlag = "NO" Then  '需要把sheet5的此條記錄copy到Sheet3的末尾
            Sheet3CurrRowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1
            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 1).Value = strOuterCustomer
            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 2).Value = dOuterStartDate
            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 3).Value = dOuterEndDate
            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 4).Value = nOuterFaceRental
            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 5).Value = strOuterRoomNum
            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 6).Value = nOuterSpace
            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 12).Value = nOuterUnitRental
            Sheet3.Rows(Sheet3CurrRowCount).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
        End If
End Sub

Sub Step4()

' facerental 已經在拆分裏算好了。(月租金*12/365)*當月的天數

'增加相關字段Period like 201406
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For p = 1 To Sheet3RowCount
        If p = 1 Then
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 7).Value = "Period"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 8).Value = "Year"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 9).Value = "Month"
            strCurYear = CStr(Year(Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value))
            strCurMonth = CStr(Month(Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value))
            If Len(strCurMonth) = 1 Then
                strCurMonth = "0" & strCurMonth
            End If
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 7).Value = strCurYear & strCurMonth
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 8).Value = strCurYear
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 9).Value = strCurMonth
        End If
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For p = 1 To Sheet3RowCount
        If p = 1 Then
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 10).Value = "EffetiveDays"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 11).Value = "EffetiveRental"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value = "UnitRental"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 13).Value = "Category"               '直接是round(cells(12),0)
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 14).Value = "CategoryRange"     'UnitRental是和sheet:CategoryRange裏的值通過一定的算法而得到的
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 15).Value = "DiffRental"     'EffetiveRental-FaceRental得到的
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 16).Value = "ColumnP"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 17).Value = "ColumnQ"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 18).Value = "ColumnR"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 19).Value = "ColumnS_Current"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 20).Value = "ColumnT_None_Current"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 10).Value = Sheet3.Cells(p, 3).Value - Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value + 1
        End If
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        nStartDate = Day(Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value)
        nEndDate = Sheet3.Cells(p, 3).Value
        nOldMonth = Month(nEndDate)
        nNewMonth = Month(nEndDate + 1)
        nDays = Sheet3.Cells(p, 3).Value - Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value + 1
    j = 1
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    nTotalRowsOfEachKHMC = 0
    nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC = 0
    nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC = 0
    nStartPos = 2
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        strKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p, 1).Value
        strNextKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 1).Value
        strRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p, 5).Value
        strNextRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 5).Value
        strKeyKHMC = strKHMC + CStr(strRoomNum)
        strNextKeyKHMC = strNextKHMC + CStr(strNextRoomNum)
        If strKeyKHMC = strNextKeyKHMC Then
            nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC = nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC + Sheet3.Cells(p, 10).Value
            nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC = nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC + Sheet3.Cells(p, 4).Value
            nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC = nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC + Sheet3.Cells(p, 10).Value
            nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC = nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC + Sheet3.Cells(p, 4).Value
            nCurTempPos = p
            nAverageMoney = nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC / nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC
            For k = nStartPos To nCurTempPos
                Sheet3.Cells(k, 11).Value = Round(nAverageMoney * Sheet3.Cells(k, 10).Value, 2)

            nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC = 0
            nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC = 0
            nStartPos = nCurTempPos + 1
        End If

    ' 計算Category的分類
    '1, source value: random value from Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value
    '2, we have another Excel have the target value we need to be showed in our BI dashboard sorted ascending
    'Use the  1 compare with the 2 ,find the first larger one from the 2 as the target value. If I can't find the larger value from 2, then just use the value from 1 as the target value
    'source value           expected value    target value
    ' 3.1                    2.4               4.3
    ' 4.3                    4.3               4.3
    ' 7.8                    6.5               8.0
    ' 19                     8.0               19
    Sheet1RowCount = Sheet1.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    boolFlag = "NO"  '是否從sheet1中找到符合條件的值
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        'Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value = Round((Sheet3.Cells(p, 11).Value / Sheet3.Cells(p, 6).Value) / Sheet3.Cells(p, 10).Value, 4)
        Sheet3.Cells(p, 13).Value = Round(Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value)
        boolFlag = "NO"
        For k = 1 To Sheet1RowCount
            If Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value <= Sheet1.Cells(k, 1).Value Then
                Sheet3.Cells(p, 14).Value = Sheet1.Cells(k, 1).Value
                boolFlag = "YES"
                Exit For
            End If
        If boolFlag = "NO" Then
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 14).Value = Round(Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value, 2)
        End If
End Sub

Sub IfHasException()
   '查找一個客戶的第五個FaceRental和倒數第二個FaceRental,如果 倒數第二個FaceRental/第五個FaceRental>15%就顯示紅色
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    nCountPosByCustomer = 0
    nStartFaceRentalValue = 0
    nLast2ndFaceRentalValue = 0
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        strKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p, 1).Value
        strNextKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 1).Value
        If strKHMC = strNextKHMC Then
            nCountPosByCustomer = nCountPosByCustomer + 1
            If nCountPosByCustomer = 5 Then
                nStartFaceRentalValue = Sheet3.Cells(p, 4).Value
            End If
            nLast2ndFaceRentalValue = Sheet3.Cells(p - 2, 4).Value
            If nCountPosByCustomer > 5 Then  '因爲有客戶的租期小於5個月
                If (nLast2ndFaceRentalValue - nStartFaceRentalValue) / nStartFaceRentalValue > 0.15 Then
                    Sheet3.Rows(p - 2).Interior.ColorIndex = 3  ' 背景的顏色爲3 紅色
                End If
            End If

            nCountPosByCustomer = 0
            nStartFaceRentalValue = 0
            nLast2ndFaceRentalValue = 0
        End If
End Sub
Sub CalDiffRental()
    Dim p As Integer
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        'Sheet3.Cells(p, 15).Value = "DiffRental"     'EffetiveRental-FaceRental得到的
        Sheet3.Cells(p, 15).Value = Round(Sheet3.Cells(p, 11).Value - Sheet3.Cells(p, 4).Value, 2)
    '按照 customer+roomnum來統計,因爲這樣客戶纔是唯一的。
    'S列:if R列<=0 then S列=abs(Q列值),T列=0  else S列=abs(P列值),T列= abs(Q)-abs(P)
    Call Cal_Q_Column_Value
    nStartPos = 2
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        strKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p, 1).Value
        strNextKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 1).Value
        strRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p, 5).Value
        strNextRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 5).Value
        strKeyKHMC = strKHMC + CStr(strRoomNum)
        strNextKeyKHMC = strNextKHMC + CStr(strNextRoomNum)
        If strKeyKHMC = strNextKeyKHMC Then
            Dim j As Integer
            For j = 12 To 1 Step -1
                If MyRecursion(p, j) = True Then
                    Exit For
                End If
        End If

    Call Cal_Q_S_T_Column_Value
End Sub
'nSheet3RowsNum sheet3光標所在的行號
'iInnerLoopRowsCount 同一個客戶後面還有的行數,是用來算P列的值
Function MyRecursion(nSheet3RowsNum As Integer, iInnerLoopRowsCount As Integer) As Boolean

    strTempKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + iInnerLoopRowsCount, 1).Value
    strTempNextKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + iInnerLoopRowsCount + 1, 1).Value
    strTempRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + iInnerLoopRowsCount, 5).Value
    strTempNextRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + iInnerLoopRowsCount + 1, 5).Value

    strTempKeyKHMC = strTempKHMC + CStr(strTempRoomNum)
    strTempNextKeyKHMC = strTempNextKHMC + CStr(strTempNextRoomNum)
    If strTempKeyKHMC = strTempNextKeyKHMC Then
        nTempValue = 0
        Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum, 16).Value = 0 '賦0值,免得下面會計算出錯
        If Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum, 17).Value < 0 Then
            For nInnerLoop = 1 To iInnerLoopRowsCount
                If Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + nInnerLoop, 15).Value > 0 Then
                    nTempValue = nTempValue + Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + nInnerLoop, 15).Value
                    Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum, 16).Value = nTempValue
                End If
            For nInnerLoop = 1 To iInnerLoopRowsCount
                If Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + nInnerLoop, 15).Value < 0 Then
                    nTempValue = nTempValue + Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + nInnerLoop, 15).Value
                    Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum, 16).Value = nTempValue
                End If
        End If
        MyRecursion = True
        MyRecursion = False
    End If
End Function

Sub Cal_Q_Column_Value()
    nStartPos = 2  '每一個新客戶的在EXCEL中的開始位置
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        strKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p, 1).Value
        strNextKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 1).Value
        strRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p, 5).Value
        strNextRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 5).Value
        strKeyKHMC = strKHMC + CStr(strRoomNum)
        strNextKeyKHMC = strNextKHMC + CStr(strNextRoomNum)
        If strKeyKHMC = strNextKeyKHMC Then
            If p = nStartPos Then
                Sheet3.Cells(p, 17).Value = Sheet3.Cells(p, 15).Value
                Sheet3.Cells(p, 17).Value = Sheet3.Cells(p, 15).Value + Sheet3.Cells(p - 1, 17).Value
            End If
            nCurTempPos = p
            nStartPos = nCurTempPos + 1
        End If
End Sub

    'S列:if R列<=0 then S列=abs(Q列值),T列=0  else S列=abs(P列值),T列= abs(Q)-abs(P)

Sub Cal_Q_S_T_Column_Value()
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
       Sheet3.Cells(p, 18).Value = Abs(Sheet3.Cells(p, 17).Value) - Abs(Sheet3.Cells(p, 16).Value)
       If Sheet3.Cells(p, 18).Value <= 0 Then
          Sheet3.Cells(p, 19).Value = Abs(Sheet3.Cells(p, 17).Value)
          Sheet3.Cells(p, 20).Value = 0
          Sheet3.Cells(p, 19).Value = Abs(Sheet3.Cells(p, 16).Value)
          Sheet3.Cells(p, 20).Value = Abs(Sheet3.Cells(p, 17).Value) - Abs(Sheet3.Cells(p, 16).Value)
       End If
End Sub

Sub OrderBy()
' orderby 宏

    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("HandledData").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
        "A2:A" & Sheet3RowCount), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:= _
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("HandledData").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
        "E2:E" & Sheet3RowCount), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("HandledData").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
        "B2:B" & Sheet3RowCount), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
    With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("HandledData").Sort
        .SetRange Range("A1:O" & Sheet3RowCount)
        .Header = xlYes
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
End Sub


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