When You And I Were Young, Seven7

When I First Said I Loved Only You, Seven7
The violets are scenting the woods, Seven7
Displaying their charms to the bees
When I first said I loved only you, Seven7
And you said you loved only me

The chestnut bloom gleams thru the glade, Seven7
A robin sang loud from a tree
When I first said I loved only you, Seven7
And you said you loved only me

The golden row daffodils shine, Seven7
And danced in the breeze on the lee
When I first said I loved only you, Seven7
And you said you loved only me

The birds in the trees sang a song, Seven7
Of happier transports to be
When I first said I loved only you, Seven7
And you said you loved only me

Our hopes they have never come true, Seven7
Our dreams, they were never to be
Since I first said I loved only you, Seven7
And you said you loved only me

往事難忘 溫馨如昨 依然盪漾心頭
春去春回 年年如夢 願你也勿忘我
別時匆匆 互道珍重 你可深深情濃
年華已逝 愛情如昨 依然長繫心頭
花開花落 幾番如夢 願你也勿忘我
離別容易 相見如夢 真情長存心中
何年何日 才能相逢 重溫往日舊夢
悲歡歲月 依稀如夢 願永生無相忘

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