




四、開始第一輪STAD的預選,對LM、Planar、DM模式不進行SATD,只對傳統角度模式和MDLM進行SATD預選, satdModeList[]中存放每個進行SATD的色度預測模式,satdSortedCost[]中存放每種進行SATD的模式最後的SATD代價,該過程具體的流程如下:
   ② 調用xGetLumaRecPixels()函數爲MDLM模式做準備,進行亮度下采樣操作

   ②編碼各種數據之前,重置上下文模型,然後進入幀內色度預測模式的第二入口函數: xRecurIntraChromaCodingQT(),這個函數的代碼細節我在之前的博客已經講過啦,鏈接如下:H.266/VVC代碼學習筆記11:VTM5.0中的xRecurIntraChromaCodingQT()函數

六、最後對CbCr分量循環遍歷,保存各自預測塊最優的預測值,殘差值,模式號等預測信息,得到最終得到最優的預測模式uiBestMode,並且賦給 pu.intraDir[1]中


void IntraSearch::estIntraPredChromaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner, const double maxCostAllowed )
  const ChromaFormat format   = cu.chromaFormat;
  const uint32_t    numberValidComponents = getNumberValidComponents(format);
  CodingStructure &cs = *cu.cs;
  const TempCtx ctxStart  ( m_CtxCache, m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() );

  cs.setDecomp( cs.area.Cb(), false );

  double    bestCostSoFar = maxCostAllowed;
  bool      lumaUsesISP   = !CS::isDualITree( *cu.cs ) && cu.ispMode;
  PartSplit ispType       = lumaUsesISP ? CU::getISPType( cu, COMPONENT_Y ) : TU_NO_ISP;
  CHECK( cu.ispMode && bestCostSoFar < 0, "bestCostSoFar must be positive!" );

  auto &pu = *cu.firstPU;
    uint32_t       uiBestMode = 0;
    Distortion uiBestDist = 0;
    double     dBestCost = MAX_DOUBLE;

    //----- init mode list ----
      uint32_t  uiMinMode = 0;
      uint32_t  uiMaxMode = NUM_CHROMA_MODE;//最大的色度預測候選模式,目前總共爲8個

      //----- 檢查色度候選模式 -----
      uint32_t chromaCandModes[ NUM_CHROMA_MODE ];//色度預測模式的候選列表
      PU::getIntraChromaCandModes( pu, chromaCandModes );//這裏對chromaCandModes列表進行填充,將八種色度模式填充進去

      // create a temporary CS
      CodingStructure &saveCS = *m_pSaveCS[0];
      saveCS.pcv      = cs.pcv;
      saveCS.picture  = cs.picture;
      saveCS.area.repositionTo( cs.area );

      if( !CS::isDualITree( cs ) && cu.ispMode )//如果當前的CS亮度色度不單獨劃分且當前CU不使用ISP模式

      if( CS::isDualITree( cs ) )//如果當前CS色度單獨劃分
        if( partitioner.canSplit( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs ) )
          partitioner.splitCurrArea( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs );//滿足劃分條件時候繼續對當前CU進行劃分

            cs.addTU( CS::getArea( cs, partitioner.currArea(), partitioner.chType ), partitioner.chType ).depth = partitioner.currTrDepth;
          } while( partitioner.nextPart( cs ) );

        cs.addTU( CS::getArea( cs, partitioner.currArea(), partitioner.chType ), partitioner.chType );

      std::vector<TransformUnit*> orgTUs;

      if( lumaUsesISP )//亮度塊使用ISP模式
        CodingUnit& auxCU = saveCS.addCU( cu, partitioner.chType );
        auxCU.ispMode = cu.ispMode;
        saveCS.sps = cu.cs->sps;
        saveCS.addPU( *cu.firstPU, partitioner.chType );

      // create a store for the TUs
      for( const auto &ptu : cs.tus )
        // for split TUs in HEVC, add the TUs without Chroma parts for correct setting of Cbfs
        if( lumaUsesISP || pu.contains( *ptu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ) )
          saveCS.addTU( *ptu, partitioner.chType );
          orgTUs.push_back( ptu );
      if( lumaUsesISP )
      // SATD pre-selecting.
      int satdModeList[NUM_CHROMA_MODE];//定義要進行SATD粗選的模式列表,裏面存放每個進行SATD的色度預測模式
      int64_t satdSortedCost[NUM_CHROMA_MODE];//定義SATD代價列表,裏面存放每種進行SATD的模式最後的SATD代價

      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHROMA_MODE; i++)
        satdSortedCost[i] = 0; // for the mode not pre-select by SATD, do RDO by default, so set the initial value 0.
        satdModeList[i] = 0;

      bool modeIsEnable[NUM_INTRA_MODE + 1]; // use intra mode idx to check whether enable
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INTRA_MODE + 1; i++)
        modeIsEnable[i] = 1;

      DistParam distParam;
      const bool useHadamard = !cu.transQuantBypass;
      const bool useHadamard = true;
      pu.intraDir[1] = MDLM_L_IDX; // temporary assigned, just to indicate this is a MDLM mode. for luma down-sampling operation.
      //臨時分配,只是爲了表明這是一個MDLM模式。 用於亮度下采樣操作。

      initIntraPatternChType(cu, pu.Cb());//初始化幀內模式通道,即色度通道類型,分配PU區域
      initIntraPatternChType(cu, pu.Cr());

      xGetLumaRecPixels(pu, pu.Cb());

      for (int idx = uiMinMode; idx <= uiMaxMode - 1; idx++)
        int mode = chromaCandModes[idx];
        satdModeList[idx] = mode;
        if (PU::isLMCMode(mode) && !PU::isLMCModeEnabled(pu, mode))
        if ((mode == LM_CHROMA_IDX) || (mode == PLANAR_IDX) || (mode == DM_CHROMA_IDX)) // only pre-check regular modes and MDLM modes, not including DM ,Planar, and LM
        pu.intraDir[1] = mode; // 臨時分配,用於SATD檢查.

        int64_t sad = 0;
        CodingStructure& cs = *(pu.cs);//定義編碼單元

        CompArea areaCb = pu.Cb();//定義Cb塊的編碼區域
        PelBuf orgCb = cs.getOrgBuf(areaCb);//獲取Cb塊的原始YUV值
        PelBuf predCb = cs.getPredBuf(areaCb);//獲取Cb塊的預測YUV值

        m_pcRdCost->setDistParam(distParam, orgCb, predCb, pu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA), COMPONENT_Cb, useHadamard);
        distParam.applyWeight = false;
        if (PU::isLMCMode(mode))
          predIntraChromaLM(COMPONENT_Cb, predCb, pu, areaCb, mode);
          initPredIntraParams(pu, pu.Cb(), *pu.cs->sps);
          predIntraAng(COMPONENT_Cb, predCb, pu);

        sad += distParam.distFunc(distParam);

        CompArea areaCr = pu.Cr();//定義Cr塊的編碼區域
        PelBuf orgCr = cs.getOrgBuf(areaCr);//獲取Cr塊的原始YUV值
        PelBuf predCr = cs.getPredBuf(areaCr);//獲取Cr塊的預測YUV值

        m_pcRdCost->setDistParam(distParam, orgCr, predCr, pu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA), COMPONENT_Cr, useHadamard);
        distParam.applyWeight = false;

        if (PU::isLMCMode(mode))
          predIntraChromaLM(COMPONENT_Cr, predCr, pu, areaCr, mode);
          initPredIntraParams(pu, pu.Cr(), *pu.cs->sps);
          predIntraAng(COMPONENT_Cr, predCr, pu);
        sad += distParam.distFunc(distParam);//CbCr分量預測結束的時候,計算總的SATD代價
        satdSortedCost[idx] = sad;//將每種模式的SATD代價放入satdSortedCost列表
      //sort the mode based on the cost from small to large.
      int tempIdx = 0;
      int64_t tempCost = 0;
      for (int i = uiMinMode; i <= uiMaxMode - 1; i++)
        for (int j = i + 1; j <= uiMaxMode - 1; j++)
          if (satdSortedCost[j] < satdSortedCost[i])
            tempIdx = satdModeList[i];
            satdModeList[i] = satdModeList[j];
            satdModeList[j] = tempIdx;

            tempCost = satdSortedCost[i];
            satdSortedCost[i] = satdSortedCost[j];
            satdSortedCost[j] = tempCost;

      int reducedModeNumber = 2; // reduce the number of chroma modes
      for (int i = 0; i < reducedModeNumber; i++)
        modeIsEnable[satdModeList[uiMaxMode - 1 - i]] = 0; // disable the last reducedModeNumber modes

      Distortion baseDist = cs.dist;//爲RDcost定義最優的失真

      for (uint32_t uiMode = uiMinMode; uiMode < uiMaxMode; uiMode++)
        const int chromaIntraMode = chromaCandModes[uiMode];//從色度預測模式的候選列表取出對應的模式賦給chromaIntraMode
        if( PU::isLMCMode( chromaIntraMode ) && ! PU::isLMCModeEnabled( pu, chromaIntraMode ) )
        if (!modeIsEnable[chromaIntraMode] && PU::isLMCModeEnabled(pu, chromaIntraMode)) // when CCLM is disable, then MDLM is disable. not use satd checking
        cs.setDecomp( pu.Cb(), false );
        cs.dist = baseDist;
        //----- restore context models -----
        m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;

        //----- chroma coding -----
        pu.intraDir[1] = chromaIntraMode;

        xRecurIntraChromaCodingQT( cs, partitioner, bestCostSoFar, ispType );

        if( lumaUsesISP && cs.dist == MAX_UINT )

        if (cs.pps->getUseTransformSkip())
          m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;

        uint64_t fracBits   = xGetIntraFracBitsQT( cs, partitioner, false, true, -1, ispType );//每種預測模式預測後的碼率
        Distortion uiDist = cs.dist;//每種預測模式預測後的失真
        double    dCost   = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost( fracBits, uiDist - baseDist );//計算最終的RDcost

        //----- compare -----
        if( dCost < dBestCost )//如果當前模式的RDcost比歷史最優的RDcost還小,則當前的模式代替歷史最優
          if( lumaUsesISP && dCost < bestCostSoFar )
            bestCostSoFar = dCost;
          for( uint32_t i = getFirstComponentOfChannel( CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ); i < numberValidComponents; i++ )
            const CompArea &area = pu.blocks[i];

            saveCS.getRecoBuf     ( area ).copyFrom( cs.getRecoBuf   ( area ) );
            saveCS.getPredBuf     ( area ).copyFrom( cs.getPredBuf   ( area ) );
            saveCS.getResiBuf     ( area ).copyFrom( cs.getResiBuf   ( area ) );
            saveCS.getPredBuf     ( area ).copyFrom( cs.getPredBuf   (area ) );
            cs.picture->getPredBuf( area ).copyFrom( cs.getPredBuf   (area ) );
            cs.picture->getRecoBuf( area ).copyFrom( cs.getRecoBuf( area ) );

            for( uint32_t j = 0; j < saveCS.tus.size(); j++ )
              saveCS.tus[j]->copyComponentFrom( *orgTUs[j], area.compID );

          dBestCost  = dCost;//最優的代價
          uiBestDist = uiDist;//最優的失真
          uiBestMode = chromaIntraMode;//保存RDcost最優的模式
      for( uint32_t i = getFirstComponentOfChannel( CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ); i < numberValidComponents; i++ )
        const CompArea &area = pu.blocks[i];

        cs.getRecoBuf         ( area ).copyFrom( saveCS.getRecoBuf( area ) );
        cs.getPredBuf         ( area ).copyFrom( saveCS.getPredBuf( area ) );
        cs.getResiBuf         ( area ).copyFrom( saveCS.getResiBuf( area ) );
        cs.getPredBuf         ( area ).copyFrom( saveCS.getPredBuf( area ) );
        cs.picture->getPredBuf( area ).copyFrom( cs.getPredBuf    ( area ) );

        cs.picture->getRecoBuf( area ).copyFrom( cs.    getRecoBuf( area ) );

        for( uint32_t j = 0; j < saveCS.tus.size(); j++ )
          orgTUs[ j ]->copyComponentFrom( *saveCS.tus[ j ], area.compID );

    pu.intraDir[1] = uiBestMode;//最終得到最優的預測模式
    cs.dist        = uiBestDist;

  //----- restore context models -----
  m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;
  if( lumaUsesISP && bestCostSoFar >= maxCostAllowed )
    cu.ispMode = 0;

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