

private void transformImageBitmap(ImageView child, Transformation t,
			int rotationAngle) {
		final Matrix imageMatrix = t.getMatrix();
		imageHeight = child.getLayoutParams().height;
		imageWidth = child.getLayoutParams().width;
		final int rotation = Math.abs(rotationAngle);
		Log.i("msg", imageHeight+ ","+imageWidth);

		mCamera.translate(0.0f, 0.0f, 60.0f);
		// As the angle of the view gets less, zoom in
		if (rotation < mMaxRotationAngle) {
			float zoomAmount = (float) (mMaxZoom + (rotation * 1.5));
			mCamera.translate(0.0f, 0.0f, zoomAmount);

		imageMatrix.preTranslate(-(imageWidth / 2), -(imageHeight / 2));
		imageMatrix.postTranslate((imageWidth / 2), (imageHeight / 2));
		if(changed){ // 保證在滑動的時候不會恢復座標
			int[] location = new int[2];
			int x = location[0];
			int y = location[1];
			left_move_x = x - imageWidth / 4;
			left_move_y = y - (imageHeight / 8);
			left_line_x_01 = left_move_x * 2;
			left_line_y_01 = left_move_y + 20;
			left_line_x_02 = left_line_x_01;
			left_line_y_02 = left_line_y_01 + (imageHeight / 3);
			left_line_x_03 = left_move_x;
			left_line_y_03 = left_line_y_02 + 20;
			right_move_x = x + (imageWidth + imageWidth / 3);
			right_move_y = y - (imageHeight / 8);
			right_line_x_01 = right_move_x - imageWidth / 2;
			right_line_y_01 = left_move_y + 20;
			right_line_x_02 = right_line_x_01;
			right_line_y_02 = right_line_y_01 + (imageHeight / 3);
			right_line_x_03 = right_move_x;
			right_line_y_03 = right_line_y_02 + 20;
			moveLeftX = left_move_x - 10;
			moveRightX = right_move_x + 10;
			moveLineLeftX = left_move_x;
			moveLineRightX = right_move_x;

	public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX,
			float velocityY) {
		return false;
	public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
		switch(event.getAction()) {
		case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
			eventX = event.getX();
			changed = false;
		case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
			changed = true;
		case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
			if (event.getX() > eventX) { // to right
//				if(left_move_x > moveLeftX) {
//					--left_move_x; 
//					--left_line_x_03; 
//					--right_move_x; 
//					--right_line_x_03; 
//				}
//				if(left_line_x_01 > moveLineLeftX) {
//					--left_line_x_01; --left_line_x_02; 
//					--right_line_x_01; --right_line_x_02; 
//				}
			} else if (event.getX() < eventX) { // to left
				if(right_move_x < moveRightX) {
				if(right_line_x_01 < moveLineRightX) {
					++left_line_x_01; ++left_line_x_02; 
					++right_line_x_01; ++right_line_x_02; 
		return super.onTouchEvent(event);

	private int left_move_x, left_move_y, left_line_x_01, 
			left_line_x_02, left_line_x_03,
			left_line_y_01, left_line_y_02, left_line_y_03;
	private int right_move_x, right_move_y, right_line_x_01, 
			right_line_x_02, right_line_x_03,
			right_line_y_01, right_line_y_02, right_line_y_03;
	private float eventX;
	private int moveLeftX, moveRightX, moveLineLeftX, moveLineRightX;
	private boolean changed = true;
	protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
//		Paint black = new Paint();
//		black.setAntiAlias(true);
//		black.setColor(Color.GRAY);
//		Path left=new Path();
//		left.moveTo(left_move_x, left_move_y);
//		left.lineTo(left_line_x_01, left_line_y_01); 
//		left.lineTo(left_line_x_02, left_line_y_02);
//		left.lineTo(left_line_x_03, left_line_y_03);
//		left.close();
//		canvas.drawPath(left, black);
//		Path right=new Path();
//		right.moveTo(right_move_x, right_move_y);
//		right.lineTo(right_line_x_01, right_line_y_01);
//		right.lineTo(right_line_x_02, right_line_y_02);
//		right.lineTo(right_line_x_03, right_line_y_03);
//		right.close();
//		canvas.drawPath(right, black);    
		Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.home_black_bg);
		int width = bm.getWidth();
		int height = bm.getHeight();
		if(imageWidth > 0 && imageHeight > 0) {
			Matrix d_matrix = new Matrix();
	        d_matrix.preScale(1, -1);
	        Bitmap d_reflectionBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bm, 0, height / 2, width, height / 4, d_matrix, false);
//	        Paint paint = new Paint();  
//	        LinearGradient shader = new LinearGradient(0, height,   
//	                0, height + d_reflectionBitmap.getHeight(), 0x70ffffff, 0x00ffffff,  
//	                TileMode.MIRROR);
//	        paint.setShader(shader);
//	        paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.DST_IN));
//	        canvas.drawRect(left_move_x, left_move_y + height, 0, 0, paint);
	        canvas.drawBitmap(bm, left_move_x, left_move_y, null);
	        canvas.drawBitmap(bm, right_move_x, left_move_y, null);


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