android 使用SMD(共享內存)作為跨processes溝通媒介

前言: 多核間的通訊

在智慧型手機SOC平臺中,為了保證個別功能在平臺上的流暢運行,都會依照功能使用專門的處理器來處理。如在Qucalcomm MSM 7K 平臺上,就包含了4 個處理器內核,Qucalcomm MSM 7K 平臺採用ARM 9(mARM,modemARM)處理基帶業務;採用mDSP(Modem DSP)來處理協議protocol的事情;採用ARM 11(aARM ,application ARM)來負責Linux 操作系統的運行;採用aDSP(Application DSP)來處理多媒體業務方面的編/解碼加速工作。

在2010 年末,smartphone or Tablet 終端的CPU 得到了快速發展,高端的smart devices終端已經採用了Cortex-A8 的雙核處理器。而在平板電腦上,Nvidia 開發的基於Cortex-A9 的雙核處理器Tegra 2 則成了市場的寵兒。通信離不開memory記憶體的操作,在Qualcomm平臺上,記憶體一般分為3種:基帶內存(Modem Memory)、應用記憶體(Application Memory)和共享記憶體,其中系統MPU保護基帶記憶體不被aARM接入,ARM MMU保護應用記憶體不被mARM接入。


在Linux 中,實現進程通信的機制有很多種,如信號signal、管道Pipeline、信號量Semaphore 、消息隊列Message queue、共享內存share-meory和套接字socket等,但共享內存的方式效率最高。

共享內存是多核通信的物理基礎,其實現主要包括3 個部分:共享內存驅動(SMD,Shared Memory Driver)、共享內存狀態機(SMSM,Shared Memory State Machine)和共享內存管理器(SMEM,Shared Memory Manager)。
SMD 用於多核之間的數據通信;

SMEM 具有兩種分配模式:動態SMEM 和靜態SMEM,
動態SMEM 根據需要實時分配,靜態SMEM則會預先分配。


同步與互斥- Synchronization and mutual exclusion

Share meomry用到了自旋鎖(spinlock)和互斥鎖(Mutual exclusion)的概念。
自旋鎖(spinlock)是Linux 內核的同步機制之一,與互斥鎖(Mutual exclusion)類似,但自旋鎖使用者一般保持鎖的時間非常短。自旋鎖的效率遠高於互斥鎖。
自旋鎖的定義位於 xxx\include\linux\spinlock_*.h文件中。

typedef struct {
volatile unsigned int lock; // unsigned integer
} Raw_spinlock_t;

slock值為1 代表鎖未被佔用,值為0 或負數代表鎖被佔用。初始化時slock被置為1。

由於自旋鎖spinlock適用的訪問共享資源的時間非常短, 導致自旋鎖spinlock通常應用於中斷上下文Interrupt Context訪問和對共享資源訪問文件非常短的場景中,如果被保護的共享資源在進程process上下文訪問,則應使用信號量。

與信號量Semaphore和讀寫信號量rw_semaphore在保持期間可以被搶佔的情況不同,自旋鎖spinlock在保持期間是搶佔失效的,自旋鎖只有在內核可搶佔或SMP(Symmetrical Multi-Processing)的情況下才真正需要,在單CPU且不可搶佔的內核下,自旋鎖spinlock的所有操作都是空操作。

由於smart devices平臺上通常存在多個CPU 或DSP,自旋鎖的運用就顯得非常重要。
在mach-msm Kernel裡的SMD 和SMSM的實現上,自旋鎖spinlock主要運用於中斷處理、信道列表List_of_WLAN_channels和信道狀態Channel State Information的變更過程中,自旋鎖的定義如下:

/* the spinlock is used to synchronize between the
 * irq handler and code that mutates the channel
 * list or fiddles with channel state
static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(smd_lock);

互斥鎖主要用於實現Linux 內核中的互斥訪問功能,在mach-msm Kernel的SMD 的實現上,互斥鎖主要用於SMD 信道的打開或關閉過程。定義如下:

/* the mutex is used during open() and close()
 * operations to avoid races while creating or
 * destroying smd_channel structures
static DEFINE_MUTEX(smd_creation_mutex);

SMD 控制訊號傳遞

在Linux 中,基於SMD 的訊號傳遞是以channel的形式作為一個設備存在的,作為一種雙向信道Channel,其接口的實現遵循Linux 設備驅動規範。
在Qucalcomm 平臺上,SMD 的緩衝buffer大小為8192bit,最大信道數為64,SMD的頭head大小為20bit。

SMD 的相關代碼實現主要位於 arch\arm\mach-msm目錄下。
主要文件包括: smd.c、smd_nmea.c、smd_qmi.c、smd_rpcrouter.c、smd_rpcrouter_clients.c、smd_rpcrouter_device.c、smd_rpcrouter_servers.c、smd_tty.c等。

SMD 信道Channel需要同時維護接收信道、發送信道的狀態和數據信息,SMD 的信道定義如下:


struct smd_channel {
	volatile void __iomem *send; /* some variant of smd_half_channel 發送握手channel訊息 */
	volatile void __iomem *recv; /* some variant of smd_half_channel 接收握手channel訊息*/
	unsigned char *send_data; //發送chaneel 數據資料
	unsigned char *recv_data; //接收chaneel 數據資料
	unsigned fifo_size;
	unsigned fifo_mask;
	struct list_head ch_list;

	unsigned current_packet;
	unsigned n;
	void *priv;
	void (*notify)(void *priv, unsigned flags);

	int (*read)(smd_channel_t *ch, void *data, int len, int user_buf); //讀取
	int (*write)(smd_channel_t *ch, const void *data, int len,  //寫入
			int user_buf);
	int (*read_avail)(smd_channel_t *ch); //可否讀取
	int (*write_avail)(smd_channel_t *ch); //可否寫入
	int (*read_from_cb)(smd_channel_t *ch, void *data, int len,
			int user_buf);

	void (*update_state)(smd_channel_t *ch);
	unsigned last_state;
	void (*notify_other_cpu)(smd_channel_t *ch);

	char name[20];
	struct platform_device pdev;
	unsigned type;

	int pending_pkt_sz;

	char is_pkt_ch;

	 * private internal functions to access *send and *recv.
	 * never to be exported outside of smd
	struct smd_half_channel_access *half_ch;

SMD 初始化過程


	for (i = 0; i < NUM_SMD_SUBSYSTEMS; ++i) {
		remote_info[i].remote_pid = i;
		remote_info[i].free_space = UINT_MAX;
		INIT_WORK(&remote_info[i].probe_work, smd_channel_probe_worker);

– Scan for newly created SMD channels and init local structures so the channels are visable to local clients
==> scan_alloc_table(shared, &(r_info->ch_allocated[SMEM_NUM_SMD_STREAM_CHANNELS]), SEC_ALLOC_TBL, tbl_size / sizeof(*shared), r_info);


 * scan_alloc_table - Scans a specified SMD channel allocation table in SMEM for newly created channels that need to be made locally visable
 * @shared: pointer to the table array in SMEM
 * @smd_ch_allocated: pointer to an array indicating already allocated channels
 * @table_id: identifier for this channel allocation table
 * @num_entries: number of entries in this allocation table
 * @r_info: pointer to the info structure of the remote proc we care about
 * The smd_probe_lock must be locked by the calling function.  Shared and smd_ch_allocated are assumed to be valid pointers.
static void scan_alloc_table(struct smd_alloc_elm *shared, char *smd_ch_allocated, int table_id, unsigned num_entries, struct remote_proc_info *r_info)
	unsigned n;
	uint32_t type;
	for (n = 0; n < num_entries; n++) {
		if (smd_ch_allocated[n])
		 * channel should be allocated only if APPS processor is involved
		type = SMD_CHANNEL_TYPE(shared[n].type);
		if (!pid_is_on_edge(type, SMD_APPS) ||
				!pid_is_on_edge(type, r_info->remote_pid))
		if (!shared[n].ref_count)
		if (!shared[n].name[0])
		if (!smd_initialized && !smd_edge_inited(type)) {
				"Probe skipping proc %d, tbl %d, ch %d, edge not inited r_info->remote_pid, table_id, n);
		if (!smd_alloc_channel(&shared[n], table_id, r_info))
			smd_ch_allocated[n] = 1;
				"Probe skipping proc %d, tbl %d, ch %d, not allocated r_info->remote_pid, table_id, n);

smd_alloc_channel(): 分配channel

 * smd_alloc_channel() - Create and init local structures for a newly allocated SMD channel
 * @alloc_elm: the allocation element stored in SMEM for this channel
 * @table_id: the id of the table this channel resides in. 1 = first table, 2 =
 *		seconds table, etc
 * @r_info: pointer to the info structure of the remote proc for this channel
 * @returns: -1 for failure; 0 for success
static int smd_alloc_channel(struct smd_alloc_elm *alloc_elm, int table_id,
				struct remote_proc_info *r_info)
	struct smd_channel *ch;

	ch = kzalloc(sizeof(struct smd_channel), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (ch == 0) {
		pr_err("smd_alloc_channel() out of memory\n");
		return -1;
	ch->n = alloc_elm->cid;
	ch->type = SMD_CHANNEL_TYPE(alloc_elm->type);

	if (smd_alloc_v2(ch, table_id, r_info) && smd_alloc_v1(ch)) {
		return -1;

	ch->fifo_mask = ch->fifo_size - 1;

	/* probe_worker guarentees ch->type will be a valid type */
	if (ch->type == SMD_APPS_MODEM)
		ch->notify_other_cpu = notify_modem_smd;
	else if (ch->type == SMD_APPS_QDSP)
		ch->notify_other_cpu = notify_dsp_smd;
	else if (ch->type == SMD_APPS_DSPS)
		ch->notify_other_cpu = notify_dsps_smd;
	else if (ch->type == SMD_APPS_WCNSS)
		ch->notify_other_cpu = notify_wcnss_smd;
	else if (ch->type == SMD_APPS_RPM)
		ch->notify_other_cpu = notify_rpm_smd;

	if (smd_is_packet(alloc_elm)) {   //如果是 packet包 channel
		ch->read = smd_packet_read;
		ch->write = smd_packet_write;
		ch->read_avail = smd_packet_read_avail;
		ch->write_avail = smd_packet_write_avail;
		ch->update_state = update_packet_state;
		ch->read_from_cb = smd_packet_read_from_cb;
		ch->is_pkt_ch = 1;
	} else {                     //如果是 stream流 channel
		ch->read = smd_stream_read;
		ch->write = smd_stream_write;
		ch->read_avail = smd_stream_read_avail;
		ch->write_avail = smd_stream_write_avail;
		ch->update_state = update_stream_state;
		ch->read_from_cb = smd_stream_read;

	memcpy(ch->name, alloc_elm->name, SMD_MAX_CH_NAME_LEN);
	ch->name[SMD_MAX_CH_NAME_LEN-1] = 0;

	ch-> = ch->name;
	ch-> = ch->type;

	SMD_INFO("smd_alloc_channel() '%s' cid=%d\n",
		 ch->name, ch->n);

	list_add(&ch->ch_list, &smd_ch_closed_list); //將信道添加到“smd_ch_closed_list”列表中

	platform_device_register(&ch->pdev); //註冊設備
	if (!strncmp(ch->name, "LOOPBACK", 8) && ch->type == SMD_APPS_MODEM) {
		/* create a platform driver to be used by smd_tty driver
		 * so that it can access the loopback port
		 */ = ch->type;
	return 0;

開啟channel- Open the SMD channel

常見在wifi driver初始化過程中會呼叫, 或是該driver需要SMD的話就會打開SMD啦…
為了打開一個信道channel,首先要判斷SMD 信道是否已經初始化。
如果SMD 信道已經初始化,就根據信道channel名獲得信道channel,將信道channel加入到“smd_ch_list”信道列表中並設置該信道的狀態為SMD_SS_OPENING,然後調用notify_other_smd()函數通知其他的信道該信道已經激活enable。


int smd_named_open_on_edge(const char *name, uint32_t edge,
			   smd_channel_t **_ch,
			   void *priv, void (*notify)(void *, unsigned))
	struct smd_channel *ch;
	unsigned long flags;

	if (smd_initialized == 0 && !smd_edge_inited(edge)) {  //判斷SMD 信道是否已初始化 
		SMD_INFO("smd_open() before smd_init()\n");
		return -ENODEV;

	SMD_DBG("smd_open('%s', %p, %p)\n", name, priv, notify);

	ch = smd_get_channel(name, edge);  //獲得channel頻道
	if (!ch) {
		/* check closing list for port */
		spin_lock_irqsave(&smd_lock, flags); //自旋鎖  
		list_for_each_entry(ch, &smd_ch_closing_list, ch_list) {
			if (!strncmp(name, ch->name, 20) &&
				(edge == ch->type)) {
				/* channel exists, but is being closed */
				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&smd_lock, flags);
				return -EAGAIN;

		/* check closing workqueue list for port */
		list_for_each_entry(ch, &smd_ch_to_close_list, ch_list) {
			if (!strncmp(name, ch->name, 20) &&
				(edge == ch->type)) {
				/* channel exists, but is being closed */
				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&smd_lock, flags);
				return -EAGAIN;
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&smd_lock, flags);

		/* one final check to handle closing->closed race condition */
		ch = smd_get_channel(name, edge);
		if (!ch)
			return -ENODEV;

	if (notify == 0)
		notify = do_nothing_notify;

	ch->notify = notify;
	ch->current_packet = 0;
	ch->last_state = SMD_SS_CLOSED;
	ch->priv = priv;

	if (edge == SMD_LOOPBACK_TYPE) {
		ch->last_state = SMD_SS_OPENED;
		ch->half_ch->set_state(ch->send, SMD_SS_OPENED);
		ch->half_ch->set_fDSR(ch->send, 1);
		ch->half_ch->set_fCTS(ch->send, 1);
		ch->half_ch->set_fCD(ch->send, 1);

	*_ch = ch;

	SMD_DBG("smd_open: opening '%s'\n", ch->name);

	spin_lock_irqsave(&smd_lock, flags); //自旋鎖 
	if (unlikely(ch->type == SMD_LOOPBACK_TYPE))
		list_add(&ch->ch_list, &smd_ch_list_loopback); //將信道添加到“smd_ch_list_loopback”列表中
		list_add(&ch->ch_list, &remote_info[edge_to_pids[ch->type].remote_pid].ch_list);

	SMD_DBG("%s: opening ch %d\n", __func__, ch->n);

	if (edge != SMD_LOOPBACK_TYPE)
		smd_state_change(ch, ch->last_state, SMD_SS_OPENING); //信道狀態變更 

	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&smd_lock, flags);

	return 0;

關閉信道- smd_close()

關閉信道的操作相對簡單,首先將信道從“smd_ch_list”信道列表中刪除,然後將信道狀態設置為SMD_SS_CLOSED,並將信道添加到“smd_ch_closed_list”信道列表中即可。關閉SMD 信道的實現如下:

int smd_close(smd_channel_t *ch)
	unsigned long flags;

	if (ch == 0)
		return -1;

	SMD_INFO("smd_close(%s)\n", ch->name);

	spin_lock_irqsave(&smd_lock, flags); //自旋鎖
	list_del(&ch->ch_list); //從打開信道列表中去除該信道
	if (ch->n == SMD_LOOPBACK_CID) {
		ch->half_ch->set_fDSR(ch->send, 0);
		ch->half_ch->set_fCTS(ch->send, 0);
		ch->half_ch->set_fCD(ch->send, 0);
		ch->half_ch->set_state(ch->send, SMD_SS_CLOSED);
	} else
		ch_set_state(ch, SMD_SS_CLOSED);   //設置信道狀態

	if (ch->half_ch->get_state(ch->recv) == SMD_SS_OPENED) {
		list_add(&ch->ch_list, &smd_ch_closing_list);
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&smd_lock, flags);
	} else {
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&smd_lock, flags);
		ch->notify = do_nothing_notify;
		mutex_lock(&smd_creation_mutex);  //互斥鎖
		list_add(&ch->ch_list, &smd_ch_closed_list); //將信道添加至關閉信道列表 

	return 0;

channel內容讀取-1. smd_packet_read

packet channel的內容讀取涉及緩衝的複制、與其他SMD 的消息通信和包狀態的更新。
從packet channel讀取數據的實現如下:

static int smd_packet_read(smd_channel_t *ch, void *data, int len, int user_buf)
	unsigned long flags;
	int r;

	if (len < 0)
		return -EINVAL;

	if (len > ch->current_packet)
		len = ch->current_packet;

	r = ch_read(ch, data, len, user_buf); //讀取數據
	if (r > 0)
		if (!read_intr_blocked(ch))

	spin_lock_irqsave(&smd_lock, flags); //自旋鎖
	ch->current_packet -= r;
	update_packet_state(ch); //更新包狀態 
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&smd_lock, flags);

	return r;

channel內容讀取-2. smd_stream_read

流信道的內容讀取非常簡單,只需要調用ch_read()函數讀取數據並通知其他SMD 該信道處於打開狀態即可。
smd_stream_read 流信道讀取的實現如下:

static int smd_stream_read(smd_channel_t *ch, void *data, int len, int user_buf)
	int r;

	if (len < 0)
		return -EINVAL;

	r = ch_read(ch, data, len, user_buf); //讀取數據 
	if (r > 0)
		if (!read_intr_blocked(ch))
			ch->notify_other_cpu(ch); //通知其他CPU,該信道處於激活狀態。

	return r;



/* basic read interface to ch_read_{buffer,done} used
 * by smd_*_read() and update_packet_state()
 * will read-and-discard if the _data pointer is null
static int ch_read(struct smd_channel *ch, void *_data, int len, int user_buf)
	void *ptr;
	unsigned n;
	unsigned char *data = _data;
	int orig_len = len;
	int r = 0;

	while (len > 0) {
		n = ch_read_buffer(ch, &ptr); //將channel的
		if (n == 0)

		if (n > len)
			n = len;
		if (_data) {
			if (user_buf) { //如果是來自user space的, 但我們目前看到的是 kernel 內部呼叫所以為else..
				r = copy_to_user(data, ptr, n);
				if (r > 0) {
					pr_err("%s: "
						"copy_to_user could not copy "
						"%i bytes.\n",
			} else
				memcpy(data, ptr, n); //數據複製

		data += n;
		len -= n;
		ch_read_done(ch, n); //讀取完成

	return orig_len - len;



static int smd_packet_write(smd_channel_t *ch, const void *_data, int len,
				int user_buf)
	int ret;
	unsigned hdr[5];

	SMD_DBG("smd_packet_write() %d -> ch%d\n", len, ch->n);
	if (len < 0)
		return -EINVAL;
	else if (len == 0)
		return 0;

	if (smd_stream_write_avail(ch) < (len + SMD_HEADER_SIZE))
		return -ENOMEM;

	hdr[0] = len;
	hdr[1] = hdr[2] = hdr[3] = hdr[4] = 0;

	ret = smd_stream_write(ch, hdr, sizeof(hdr), 0); //流寫入
	if (ret < 0 || ret != sizeof(hdr)) {
		SMD_DBG("%s failed to write pkt header: "
			"%d returned\n", __func__, ret);
		return -1;

	ret = smd_stream_write(ch, _data, len, user_buf);
	if (ret < 0 || ret != len) {
		SMD_DBG("%s failed to write pkt data: "
			"%d returned\n", __func__, ret);
		return ret;

	return len;


static int smd_stream_write(smd_channel_t *ch, const void *_data, int len,
				int user_buf)
	void *ptr;
	const unsigned char *buf = _data;
	unsigned xfer;
	int orig_len = len;
	int r = 0;

	SMD_DBG("smd_stream_write() %d -> ch%d\n", len, ch->n);
	if (len < 0)
		return -EINVAL;
	else if (len == 0)
		return 0;

	while ((xfer = ch_write_buffer(ch, &ptr)) != 0) { //寫入數據
		if (!ch_is_open(ch)) {
			len = orig_len;
		if (xfer > len)
			xfer = len;
		if (user_buf) {
			r = copy_from_user(ptr, buf, xfer);
			if (r > 0) {
				pr_err("%s: "
					"copy_from_user could not copy %i "
		} else
			memcpy(ptr, buf, xfer);
		ch_write_done(ch, xfer); //完成寫入數據
		len -= xfer;
		buf += xfer;
		if (len == 0)

	if (orig_len - len)

	return orig_len - len;

更仔細看 ch_write_buffer()

會提供指標給呼叫者, 也回傳寫入數目數字

static unsigned ch_write_buffer(struct smd_channel *ch, void **ptr)
	unsigned head = ch->half_ch->get_head(ch->send); //得到head 頭的數字
	unsigned tail = ch->half_ch->get_tail(ch->send); //得到tail 尾的數字
	*ptr = (void *) (ch->send_data + head);   //將channel的傳送資料位置加上頭的數字, 則此指標就是可以寫入資料的位置

	if (head < tail) {
		return tail - head - SMD_FIFO_FULL_RESERVE; //如果頭數字反而比較小, 表示只有尾到頭這段是可以寫入(還要再扣掉保留區)
	} else {
			return ch->fifo_size + tail - head - SMD_FIFO_FULL_RESERVE; //如果頭比尾的數字大, 可寫入的位置就是全部-頭+尾(還要再扣掉保留區)
			return ch->fifo_size - head;

FIFO 示意圖

更仔細看 ch_read_buffer()

會在FIFO中, 提供一個指標和可讀數據長度

static unsigned ch_read_buffer(struct smd_channel *ch, void **ptr)
	unsigned head = ch->half_ch->get_head(ch->recv); //得到head 頭的數字
	unsigned tail = ch->half_ch->get_tail(ch->recv); //得到tail 尾的數字
	*ptr = (void *) (ch->recv_data + tail); //將channel的接受資料位置加上尾的數字, 則此指標就是可以接收資料的位置

	if (tail <= head)
		return head - tail; //由於要接收, 所以直觀上若尾比頭小, 表示尾到頭這段是可以接收的
		return ch->fifo_size - tail; //反之, 由於要接收, 所以若頭比尾小, 表示全部扣掉尾那段是可以接收的

SMD 是多核通信的基礎,

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