

DirectShow 提供了用應用程序從適當的硬件中捕捉和預覽音/視頻的能力。數據源包括:VCRcamera,TV tuner,microphone,或其他的數據源。一個應用程序可以立刻顯示捕捉的數據(預覽),或是保存到一個文件中。

在這個例子中,ICaptureGraphBuilder 接口是處理捕捉工作的主要接口。你可以在你自己的捕捉程序中使用同樣的方法和接口。在這裏主要討論ICaptureGraphBuilder 如何執行音/視頻的捕捉。我們假設你已經熟悉了DirectShowfilter graph的體系和一般的capture filter graph的結構(可以參考DirectShow基礎指南)

ICaptureGraphBuilder 接口提供了一個filter graph builder對象,讓你的應用程序在建立capture filter graph時,省去處理很多單調乏味的工作,集中精力於捕捉中。他提供的方法滿足了基本的捕捉和預覽功能的要求。

方法FindInterface -- filter graph中查找一個於捕捉有關的詳細的接口。使的你可以訪
問一個詳細接口的功能,而不需要你去列舉在filter graph中的pins
方法RenderStream -- 連接源過濾器和渲染過濾器,選擇添加一些中間的過濾器。
方法ControlStream -- 獨立的精確的控制graph的開始和結束幀。

通過ICreateDevEnum::CreateClassEnumerator方法列舉捕捉系統中的設備。之後,實例化一個DirectShowfilter去使用這個設備。接着用ICaptureGraphBuilder::FindInterface去獲得於捕捉相關的接口指針IAMDroppedFrames, IAMVideoCompression, IAMStreamConfig, and IAMVfwCaptureDialogs 。因爲設備列舉和捕捉接口比較長,放在這會打亂結構,所有專門寫了一篇(參考設備列舉和捕捉接口)

1.這個示例是DirectShow自帶的例子。你可以在DirectShow SDK的目錄Sample/DS/Caputre看這個例子代碼(AMCap.cpp)。這裏只是他的一些片斷代碼。可以說是他的中文模塊的說明。

struct _capstuff {
    char                  szCaptureFile[_MAX_PATH];
    WORD                  wCapFileSize;  // size in Meg
    ICaptureGraphBuilder  *pBuilder;
    IVideoWindow          *pVW;
    IMediaEventEx         *pME;
    IAMDroppedFrames      *pDF;
    IAMVideoCompression   *pVC;
    IAMVfwCaptureDialogs  *pDlg;
    IAMStreamConfig       *pASC;      // for audio cap
    IAMStreamConfig       *pVSC;      // for video cap
    IBaseFilter           *pRender;
    IBaseFilter           *pVCap, *pACap;
    IGraphBuilder         *pFg;
    IFileSinkFilter       *pSink;
    IConfigAviMux         *pConfigAviMux;
    int                   iMasterStream;
    BOOL                  fCaptureGraphBuilt;
    BOOL                  fPreviewGraphBuilt;
    BOOL                  fCapturing;
    BOOL                  fPreviewing;
    BOOL                  fCapAudio;
    int                   iVideoDevice;
    int                   iAudioDevice;
    double                FrameRate;
    BOOL                  fWantPreview;
    long                  lCapStartTime;
    long                  lCapStopTime;
    char                  achFriendlyName[120];
    BOOL                  fUseTimeLimit;
    DWORD                 dwTimeLimit;
} gcap;


if (gcap.pBuilder)
    gcap.pBuilder = NULL;
if (gcap.pSink)
    gcap.pSink = NULL;
if (gcap.pConfigAviMux)
    gcap.pConfigAviMux = NULL;
if (gcap.pRender)
    gcap.pRender = NULL;
if (gcap.pVW)
    gcap.pVW = NULL;
if (gcap.pME)
    gcap.pME = NULL;
if (gcap.pFg)
    gcap.pFg = NULL;

使用普通的OpenFile dialog獲得捕捉文件的信息。通過調用AllocCaptureFile 函數爲捕捉文件分配空間。這一點是重要的,因爲這是個巨大的空間。這樣可以提高捕捉操作的速度。ICaptureGraphBuilder::AllocCapFile 執行實際的文件分配,IFileSinkFilter::SetFileName 指示file writer filter使用用戶選擇的文件名保存數據。ICaptureGraphBuilder::SetOutputFileName file writer filter加入filter graph(後面會介紹,他是ICaptureGraphBuilderd自帶的)

SetCaptureFile AllocCaptureFile 函數如下:
 * Put up a dialog to allow the user to select a capture file.
BOOL SetCaptureFile(HWND hWnd)
    if (OpenFileDialog(hWnd, gcap.szCaptureFile, _MAX_PATH))
        OFSTRUCT os;
        // We have a capture file name
         * if this is a new file, then invite the user to
         * allocate some space
        if (OpenFile(gcap.szCaptureFile, &os, OF_EXIST) == HFILE_ERROR)
             // Bring up dialog, and set new file size
             BOOL f = AllocCaptureFile(hWnd);
             if (!f)
                 return FALSE;
         return FALSE;

    SetAppCaption(); // need a new app caption

    // Tell the file writer to use the new file name
    if (gcap.pSink)
        WCHAR wach[_MAX_PATH];
        MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, gcap.szCaptureFile, -1, wach, _MAX_PATH);
        gcap.pSink->SetFileName(wach, NULL);

    return TRUE;

// Preallocate the capture file
BOOL AllocCaptureFile(HWND hWnd)
    // We'll get into an infinite loop in the dlg proc setting a value
    if (gcap.szCaptureFile[0] == 0)
        return FALSE;

     * show the allocate file space dialog to encourage
     * the user to pre-allocate space
    if (DoDialog(hWnd, IDD_AllocCapFileSpace, AllocCapFileProc, 0))
        // Ensure repaint after dismissing dialog before
        // possibly lengthy operation

        // User has hit OK. Alloc requested capture file space
        BOOL f = MakeBuilder();
        if (!f)
            return FALSE;
        WCHAR wach[_MAX_PATH];
        MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, gcap.szCaptureFile, -1, wach, _MAX_PATH);
        if (gcap.pBuilder->AllocCapFile(wach, gcap.wCapFileSize * 1024L * 1024L) != NOERROR)
            MessageBoxA(ghwndApp, "Error", "Failed to pre-allocate capture file space", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
            return FALSE;

        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;


建立Graph Builder對象

AMCap MakeBuilder函數建立了一個capture graph builer對象,通過調用CoCreateInstance獲得了ICaptureGraphBuilder 接口指針。AMCap把他存儲到gcap結構的pBuilder中。
// Make a graph builder object we can use for capture graph building
BOOL MakeBuilder()
    // We have one already
    if (gcap.pBuilder)
        return TRUE;

    HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance((REFCLSID)CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, (REFIID)IID_ICaptureGraphBuilder, (void **)&gcap.pBuilder);
    return (hr == NOERROR) ? TRUE : FALSE;


這包括一個multiplexer filter file writerDirectShow 提供了一個AVI MUX(multiplexer)filter
在這裏ICaptureGraphBuilder::SetOutputFileName 是一個關鍵的方法。他把multiplexer file writer添加到filter graph中,連接他們,並設置文件的名字。第一個參數MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi,指出capture graph builder 對象將插入一個AVI multiplexer filter,因此,file writer將以AVI文件格式記錄捕捉的數據。第二個參數(wach)是文件名最後的兩個參數指出multiplexer filter (gcap.pRender) file writer filter (gcap.pSink),這兩個是通過SetOutputFileName 函數初始化的。AMCap存儲這些指針到全局結構gcap中。capture graph builder 對象建立了一個filter graph對象(IGraphBuilder),把這兩個filter加入到filter graph中去。他告訴file writer使用指定的文件保存數據。下面的例子演示瞭如何調用SetOutputFileName
// We need a rendering section that will write the capture file out in AVI
// file format
    WCHAR wach[_MAX_PATH];
    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, gcap.szCaptureFile, -1, wach, _MAX_PATH);
    hr = gcap.pBuilder->SetOutputFileName(&guid, wach, &gcap.pRender, &gcap.pSink);
    if (hr != NOERROR)
        ErrMsg("Error %x: Cannot set output file", hr);
        goto SetupCaptureFail;

獲得當前的Filter Graph

因爲在調用SetOutputFileName中,capture graph builder 對象建立了一個filter graph,所有你必須把需要的filter加入同一個filter graph 中。通過ICaptureGraphBuilder::GetFiltergraph獲得新建立的filter graph。返回的指針是參數gcap.pFg
// The graph builder created a filter graph to do that.  Find out what it is,
// and put the video capture filter in the graph too.

    hr = gcap.pBuilder->GetFiltergraph(&gcap.pFg);
    if (hr != NOERROR)
        ErrMsg("Error %x: Cannot get filtergraph", hr);
        goto SetupCaptureFail;


添加音/視頻過濾器到當前的Filter Graph
    hr = gcap.pFg->AddFilter(gcap.pVCap, NULL);
    if (hr != NOERROR)
        ErrMsg("Error %x: Cannot add vidcap to filtergraph", hr);
        goto SetupPreviewFail;

    hr = gcap.pFg->AddFilter(gcap.pACap, NULL);
    if (hr != NOERROR)
        ErrMsg("Error %x: Cannot add audcap to filtergraph", hr);
        goto SetupCaptureFail;

渲染視頻捕捉過濾器的Capture Pin和音頻捕捉的Capture Pin
ICaptureGraphBuilder::RenderStream 連接源過濾器的pin到渲染過濾器。pin的類別是可選的,capture pin (PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE) preview pin (PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW)。下面的例子演示了連接video capture filter (gcap.pVCap) capture pin到渲染gcap.pRender中。
// Render the video capture and preview pins - we may not have preview, so
// don't worry if it doesn't work
hr = gcap.pBuilder->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, NULL, gcap.pVCap, NULL, gcap.pRender);

    // Error checking

再次ICaptureGraphBuilder::RenderStream 連接audio capture filter (gcap.pACap) 到渲染audio renderer 中。
// Render the audio capture pin?   
if (gcap.fCapAudio)

        hr = gcap.pBuilder->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, NULL, gcap.pACap, NULL, gcap.pRender);
    // Error checking

渲染Video Capture Filter Preview Pin
再次調用ICaptureGraphBuilder::RenderStream,從capture filterpreview pinvideo renderer。代碼如下:

    hr = gcap.pBuilder->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, NULL, gcap.pVCap, NULL, NULL);

獲得訪問Video Preview Window的接口指針
缺省的,video preview window是一個獨立的窗口。如果你想改變默認的行爲,先調用 ICaptureGraphBuilder::FindInterface獲得IVideoWindow 接口。第二個參數通過gcap.pVCap指定,描述video capture filter,第三個參數是想得到的接口(IVideoWindow),最後的是返回的接口。當你得到IVideoWindow接口後,你可以調用IVideoWindow的方法象put_Owner, put_WindowStyle, or SetWindowPosition 去獲得video preview windowhandle,設置窗口屬性,或把他放到想要的位置。

// This will go through a possible decoder, find the video renderer it's
// connected to, and get the IVideoWindow interface on it
   hr = gcap.pBuilder->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, gcap.pVCap, IID_IVideoWindow, (void **)&gcap.pVW);
    if (hr != NOERROR)
        ErrMsg("This graph cannot preview");

        RECT rc;
        gcap.pVW->put_Owner((long)ghwndApp);    // We own the window now
        gcap.pVW->put_WindowStyle(WS_CHILD);    // you are now a child
        // give the preview window all our space but where the status bar is
        GetClientRect(ghwndApp, &rc);
        cyBorder = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER);
        cy = statusGetHeight() + cyBorder;
        rc.bottom -= cy;
        gcap.pVW->SetWindowPosition(0, 0, rc.right, rc.bottom); // be this big

現在你已經建立完整的capture filter graph了,你可以預覽音頻,視頻,或捕捉數據。

控制 Capture Filter Graph

因爲通過ICaptureGraphBuilder接口構造的capture filter graph 只是一個簡單的專門用途的filter graph,所有,控制他就象控制其他類型的filter graph一樣。你可以使用IMediaControl interface Run, Pause, and Stop方法,你也可以使用CBaseFilter::Pause的方法。另外ICaptureGraphBuilder提供了ControlStream方法去控制capture filter graphstreams的開始和結束時間。ControlStream調用IAMStreamControl::StartAt IAMStreamControl::StopAt控制filter graph的捕捉和預覽的開始和結束的位置。
注意:不是所有的capture filter都可以,因爲不是每一個capture filter都支持IAMStreamControl

ICaptureGraphBuilder::ControlStream方法的第一個參數(pCategory)是一個輸出pin類的GUID。這個變量通常是PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW。指定爲NULL則控制所有的capture filter第二個參數(pFilter)指出那個filter控制。NULL說明爲控制所有的filter graph。如果只是預覽(防止捕捉)的話,可以調用ICaptureGraphBuilder::ControlStream,參數用capture pin類型,MAX_TIME作爲開始時間(第三個參數pstart)。再次調用該方法,參數用preview pin類型,NULL作爲開始時間則立即開始預覽。第四參數指出結束的時間(pstop),含義和第三個參數一樣(NULL意味着立刻)MAX_TIMEDirectShow中定義爲最大的參考時間。在這裏意味着忽略或取消指定的操作。最後的參數wStartCookiewStopCookie分別是開始和結束的cookies(不知道該怎麼翻譯,因爲我也不理解這個參數的含義)

    // Let the preview section run, but not the capture section
    // (There might not be a capture section)

    // show us a preview first? but don't capture quite yet...
    hr = gcap.pBuilder->ControlStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, NULL, gcap.fWantPreview ? NULL : &start, gcap.fWantPreview ? &stop : NULL, 0, 0);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = gcap.pBuilder->ControlStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, NULL, &start, NULL, 0, 0);


下面的例子告訴filter graph開始預覽(第三個參數:開始時間爲NULL)。結束時間指定爲MAX_TIME意味着忽視停止時間(永遠放下去)

  gcap.pBuilder->ControlStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, NULL, NULL, MAX_TIME, 0, 0);

調用IMediaControl::Run 運行 graph

    // Run the graph
    IMediaControl *pMC = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = gcap.pFg->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, (void **)&pMC);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pMC->Run();
        if (FAILED(hr))
            // Stop parts that ran

    if (FAILED(hr))
        ErrMsg("Error %x: Cannot run preview graph", hr);
        return FALSE;

如果graph已經運行,通過調用ICaptureGraphBuilder::ControlStream立刻開始捕捉。例如下面的代碼,控制整個的filter graph(第二個參數爲NULL),立刻開始(第三個參數是NULL),並且永不停止(第四個參數是MAX_TIME)

    // NOW!
 gcap.pBuilder->ControlStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, NULL, MAX_TIME, &stop, 0, 0);


    // Stop the graph
    IMediaControl *pMC = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = gcap.pFg->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, (void **)&pMC);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pMC->Stop();




ICaptureGraphBuilder::CopyCaptureFile方法的第一個參數是複製源,第二個是目標文件。第三個參數設爲TRUE指出用戶允許用ESC鍵中斷複製操作。最後參數是可選的。允許你提供一個進程指示器。如果想要的化,通過執行 IAMCopyCaptureFileProgress 接口。下面示例瞭如何調用CopyCaptureFile

    hr = pBuilder->CopyCaptureFile(wachSrcFile, wachDstFile,TRUE,NULL);

通過普通的Open File dialog得到新的文件名。用MultiByteToWideChar 函數把文件名轉成wide string,使用ICaptureGraphBuilder::CopyCaptureFile把捕捉的數據保存到指定的文件中。

 * Put up a dialog to allow the user to save the contents of the capture file
 * elsewhere
BOOL SaveCaptureFile(HWND hWnd)
    HRESULT hr;
    char achDstFile[_MAX_PATH];
    WCHAR wachDstFile[_MAX_PATH];
    WCHAR wachSrcFile[_MAX_PATH];

    if (gcap.pBuilder == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    if (OpenFileDialog(hWnd, achDstFile, _MAX_PATH))
        // We have a capture file name
        MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, gcap.szCaptureFile, -1, wachSrcFile, _MAX_PATH);
        MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, achDstFile, -1, wachDstFile, _MAX_PATH);
        statusUpdateStatus(ghwndStatus, "Saving capture file - please wait...");

        // We need our own graph builder because the main one might not exist
        ICaptureGraphBuilder *pBuilder;
        hr = CoCreateInstance((REFCLSID)CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, (REFIID)IID_ICaptureGraphBuilder, (void **)&pBuilder);
        if (hr == NOERROR)
            // Allow the user to press ESC to abort... don't ask for progress
            hr = pBuilder->CopyCaptureFile(wachSrcFile, wachDstFile,TRUE,NULL);

        if (hr == S_OK)
            statusUpdateStatus(ghwndStatus, "Capture file saved");
        else if (hr == S_FALSE)
            statusUpdateStatus(ghwndStatus, "Capture file save aborted");
            statusUpdateStatus(ghwndStatus, "Capture file save ERROR");
        return (hr == NOERROR ? TRUE : FALSE);
        return TRUE;    // They canceled or something


關於捕捉媒體文件和獲得捕捉信息的詳細內容,可以參考AMCap例子的Amcap.cpp Status.cpp

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